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The hailed Turkish system? A pyramid of lies and deceit

what a stupid thing to say.
turkey losing a rank doesn't mean it didn't make more progress under the islamist era then all other eras. it just means other countries made more progress.

who even cares about this gap ranking anyway?
i mean if you were to follow the rankings that would mean india actually is a world power!!!
while thats not true because the only reason there gdp is high is because of the large domestic market.
like all this hype about their economy is pretty much bs.

turkey and greece should be on the same level but they aren't
even though modern day greece and turkey came around the same time.
turkey made far less progress then greece up until recently.
greece is considered developed while turkey isn't.
90 years of being secular and liberal has gotten turkey where? no where.
in the end it was a islamic party that actually got things done for turkey.

Yeah but my point is some idiotss talk as if Turkey was a poor shit hole country before akp and thats not the case buddy Turkey was always a succesful nation since the beginning the hard working people is what is important and not some populist politician talking lot of nonsense.

Its easy to lead an already functioning state and a harworking people like the Turks, Turkey has got a great labor force you dont have to do much for that to function.

And tell me my friend wtf have they done for the country that we can consider ''special'' building a view roads i can do the same thing just give an order the money is there people pay taxes.
I have got 3-4 Turkish friends on FB and while talking to them they all hate AKP. Even right now I am talking to one and he says that though his family is very religious(He is quite secular though) still they hate AKP for corruption.
PS: Not judging anyone though.
yes islamist corrupt just because they are islamists, no other reason right?
what pathetic logic you seem to have.
Listen @sshole, I didn't write the article. You and the rest of you have shit for brain where everything that has Islam in it or remotely connected to it, shall be be honored, applied,defended until death...
Turkey was an economic power on its own right before the coming of the AKP to power and will still be long after its gone.
And you talk about Islamic government and their economy, since Pakistan love story with Islamist in power, predate the one of Turkey, how come Pakistan is lagging away behind? If the Islamists are that good you should be rubbing shoulders with the G8 or the G20!

Islamist Governments are corrupt, period...Whether, it was the FIS in Algeria, Ennadha in Tunisia, The MB in Egypt or the Wahabis of the GCC, you can reduce them all to the a unique Sydrome : endemic inaptitude to adapt to a new world. And it hasn't change since the conference of OIC in Lahore in 1974.



that was just to piss him off lol.
what does corruption have to do with being an islamist?
Sorry but they carry the torch...If they was a corruption olympics, they will be unbeatable

anybody could be corrupt.
i just hate the stupidity of some people.
I hate stupidity too, especially from the ones that don't recognize their shortcomings!

the akp government turned turkey into a country that has a face.
they turned turkey into a powerhouse.
the liberal governments before had turkey as sick old man, 100 years old but still no value.
the islamist government made turkey a powerhouse in a decade.
That a lot of BS...Turkish economy was liberalized long before the coming of the AKP to power...and Turkish , being a bridge between two continents, was always a driving force in the area.
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It's funny how some Pakistanis on this forum behave as if they knew more about Turkey than the Turks themselves. If AKP and Erdogan weren't Islamists I bet they wouldn't be such fanboys.
that was just to piss him off lol.
what does corruption have to do with being an islamist?
anybody could be corrupt.
i just hate the stupidity of some people.

the akp government turned turkey into a country that has a face.
they turned turkey into a powerhouse.
the liberal governments before had turkey as sick old man, 100 years old but still no value.
the islamist government made turkey a powerhouse in a decade.
You are right,corruption is/was in evry government.
But lets read a bit of history of the Turkish economy.
In 1983 Prime Minister Turgut Özal initiated a series of reforms designed to shift the economy from a statist, insulated system to a more private-sector, market-based model.https://defence.pk/wiki/Wikipedia:Citing_sources

The reforms, combined with unprecedented amounts of foreign loans, spurred rapid economic growth; but this growth was punctuated by sharp recessions and financial crises in 1994, 1999 (following the earthquake of that year), and 2001; resulting in an average of 4% GDP growth per annum between 1981 and 2003.Lack of additional fiscal reforms, combined with large and growing public sector deficits and widespread corruption, resulted in high inflation, a weak banking sector and increased macroeconomic volatility. Since the economic crisis of 2001 and the reforms initiated by the finance minister of the time, Kemal Derviş, inflation has fallen to single-digit numbers, investor confidence and foreign investment have soared, and unemployment has fallen.

The European Union – Turkey Customs Union, which went into force on 1 January 1996, led to an extensive liberalization of tariff rates, and forms the pillar of Turkey's trade policy. Turkey has gradually opened up its markets through economic reforms by reducing government controls on foreign trade and investment and the privatization of publicly owned industries, and the liberalization of many sectors to private and foreign participation has continued amid political debate. The public debt to GDP ratio peaked at 75.9% during the recession of 2001, falling to an estimated 26.9% by 2013.
As you can see above,it has NOTHING to do with the Islamist AKP being in power.
It was Turgut Ozal in 1983 who initiated it all.
If there is someone to give credit to then it should be Turgut ozal!
Turgut Özal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By LEXPRESS.fr , published02/01/2014 at 19:58

According to the Turkish press, the General Staff of the Army filed a complaint against the convictions that sent hundreds of soldiers in prison in 2008 and 2012. The judges questioned would be close to the brotherhood Gülen, opposed to the government.

that rocks Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan , requiring a new trial for hundreds of officers convicted of plotting against the regime.

Judges around the brotherhood Gülen
"The police officers, prosecutors and judges involved in these cases, in which active and retired officers of the Turkish armed forces were considered, ignored the defense motions and manipulated evidence," says the text of the complaint quoted by the daily Hürriyet on its website.

As noted immediately the same media, this complaint comes just days after one of the closest advisers to the Prime Minister, Yalcin Akdogan , suggested that those who conspired against the army and were the same as those that the government accused of being behind the scandal that threatens. Since the spectacular shot anticorruption net December 17, Mr. Erdogan denounced a "conspiracy" or "attempted murder" carried out by a "state within a state" or a "gang" involving police officers and judges. It is without naming the brotherhood of Muslim preacher Fethullah Gülen , very influential in the police and the judiciary.

Long its ally, the organization has recently entered into war against the government, which wants to remove schools tutoring private which is a financial windfall for the Gülen movement.

Convictions have reduced the influence of the army
There are some days, a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), in power since 2002, had also raised the possibility of a reform to the military retrial convicted in both cases.

In the first, called "Ergenekon", a court ruled in August of prison sentences against 275 accused, including former Chief of Staff of the Turkish Army, General Ilker Basbug , sentenced to prison for life for attempting to overthrow the Islamic-conservative government in 2008. In August 2012, the same court of Silivri, on the outskirts of Istanbul, was sentenced more than 300 soldiers, including generals, has sentences from 13 to 20 years in prison for another attempt to plot called "hammer" against Erdogan, in 2003 this time.

These convictions, denounced as a "witch hunt" by the opposition, have enabled Erdogan to reduce the political influence of the army, since 1960, had led three coups and forced an Islamist-inspired government resignation. Last week, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) had issued a statement to ensure that they "do not want to be involved in the political debate "underway.

This new judges questioned by the army comes as the government tries to regain control of the judiciary, he accused of being infiltrated by the organization Gülen, after unprecedented purges in the police.

This unique duel takes place on the public square, several important judicial institutions such as the High Council of Judges and magistrates have been involved in press "pressures" of power to try to stifle the ongoing case .


En savoir plus sur Turquie: l'armée porte plainte contre des magistrats islamistes - L'Express

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