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The hailed Turkish system? A pyramid of lies and deceit


Nov 28, 2012
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United States
Merde Erdogan and the AKP have lately shown how corrupt an Islamist government can be...3 ministers not a light ones by any means were forced to resign amid corruption, money laundering that reached a $100 Billions.... This is a good news for Sissi who was ruffled for ejecting Morsi...Merde Erdogan friend...

Thus, everything was wrong. The alleged purity of the Turkish Islamist government. The rhetoric of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister's sultanesque authoritarianism, leading AKP party (assumed) of the Justice and Development. Ouch, here the AKP suddenly stripped of his virtuous varnish. Three ministers, most close to Erdogan, including Interior and Economy, end up wet up to his neck in a huge case of fraud and money laundering. In recent days, the successive revelations, resignations keep coming and demonstrations raged. As we understand young Turks took 25 and December 27 in the streets of Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara to demand the resignation Erdogan ... She shattered this illusion that religious values combined with ultra-liberalism could guide the people in the way of equipment and divine salvation! Once again, the system on which Erdogan has built the mythical building " Islamic model "reveals a cynical mounting, in which the interests of the powerful and their financial gluttony took precedence over concern for the public good and swept solidarity with the people. Whether corruption is a universal case, we should easily: but when those who practice shameless obscenity have to don the mantle of morality , it is a different story. latter part of a deception that I denounced for several years, in the columns of Marianne as in an essay in 2011 ( Turkish imposture , Grasset) is the culmination of a total scandal. In Turkey revised and corrected (the hard way) by Erdogan, there is no more democratic flexibility of freedom of expression. embastillement The hundreds of journalists has already earned the regime plummet downthe international rankings Reporters Without Borders . Sham trials, convictions for alleged "conspiracy" illuminate an obscure clarity fictional castle Turkish-Islamic cards. As obcurantiste wave that is hanging out with artists and writers justice, to make an apology for the perfect woman , veiled and stay at home mom of three children minimum, prohibit raki and other small pleasures dear to the natives of the sublime Istanbul. Today, the Sultan Erdogan is bare and the children of a deceived people descend again into the street, as last June, when the revolt of Gezi Park. Again, the police charged. In March 2014, will be held in ... Read more on the blog Telegrams East

Turkey: The "model" was indeed a sham!

Written by Martine GOZLAN Friday, December 27, 2013 at 20:04 Comment (s)

The corruption scandal at the heart of the state Erdogan is the developer of a reality that admirers of "Turkish model" for too long have refused to face ...


The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan - AP / SIPA
Thus, everything was wrong. The alleged purity of the Turkish Islamist government. The rhetoric of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister's sultanesque authoritarianism, leading AKP party (assumed) of the Justice and Development Party. Ouch, here the AKP suddenly stripped of his virtuous varnish. Three ministers closest Erdogan, including Interior and Economy, find themselves up to their necks in wet a huge deal of fraud and money laundering. In recent days, the successive revelations, resignations keep coming: three ministers involved and AKP deputies at odds with the party. Turkish lira plunged. The financial analyst firms warn of "greater uncertainty". Protests continued. As we understand the young Turks took 25 and December 27 in the streets of Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara to demand the resignation of Erdogan ... She shattered this illusion that religious values combined with ultra-liberalism could guide the people in the way of equipment and divine salvation! Once again, the system on which Erdogan has built the mythical building "Islamic model" reveals a cynical mounting, in which the interests of the powerful and their financial gluttony took precedence over concern for the public good and solidarity swept . the people
That corruption is a universal case, we should easily: but when those who practice it have shamelessly obscenity to don the mantle of morality , it is a different story. This last part of a deception that I denounce several years in the columns as Marianne in an essay published in 2011 ("The Turkish imposture", Grasset) is the culmination of a total scandal. In the revised and corrected (the hard way) by Erdogan Turkey, there is no more democratic flexibility of freedom of expression . The embastillement hundreds of journalists has already earned the regime plummet down the international ranking of Reporters Without Borders . Sham trials, convictions for alleged "conspiracy" illuminate an obscure clarity fictional castle Turkish-Islamic cards. As obcurantiste wave that is hanging out with artists and writers justice to make an apology for the perfect woman , veiled and stay at home mom of three children minimum, prohibit raki and other small pleasures dear to the natives of the sublime Istanbul. Today, the Sultan Erdogan is bare and the children of a deceived people descend again into the street, as last June, when the revolt of Gezi Park. Again, the police charged.
In March 2014 municipal elections will be held. In August 2014, Recep Tayyip Erdogan will try to run for president, the supreme power that would allow him to operate the complete metamorphosis of the republic founded by Atatük. A major challenge that the latest scandal economic gluttony government "model" will perhaps challenge.
Turkish system is a Laicist Democratic Republic, and its not related to current Islamic AKP.

AKP is on might today, they will evertually go someday but the system will stay the same.

This is how democracy work, one day a religious party has the might the other day a leftist, but the system doesnt change.

Think about this before you cheer, because Turkey is a exception between the middle eastern Muslim countrys who never will be democratic.

Constitution of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Part One: Founding principles

The Constitution asserts that Turkey is a secular (2.1) and democratic (2.1), republic (1.1) that derives its sovereignty (6.1) from the people. The sovereignty rests with the Turkish Nation, who delegates its exercise to an elected unicameral parliament, the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

The Article 4 declares the immovability of the founding principles of the Republic defined in the first three Articles and bans any proposals for their modification.


Seal of the Assembly
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Merde Erdogan and the AKP have lately shown how corrupt an Islamist government can be...3 ministers not a light ones by any means were forced to resign amid corruption, money laundering that reached a $100 Billions.... This is a good news for Sissi who was ruffled for ejecting Morsi…Merde Erdogan friend...

yes islamist corrupt just because they are islamists, no other reason right?
liberal pieces of shit are not corrupt because because they are cool.
what pathetic logic you seem to have.
yes islamist corrupt just because they are islamists, no other reason right?
liberal pieces of shit are not corrupt because because they are cool.
what pathetic logic you seem to have.
This also has no logic...
This also has no logic...
that was just to piss him off lol.
what does corruption have to do with being an islamist?
anybody could be corrupt.
i just hate the stupidity of some people.

Merde Erdogan and the AKP have lately shown how corrupt an Islamist government can be...3 ministers not a light ones by any means were forced to resign amid corruption, money laundering that reached a $100 Billions.... This is a good news for Sissi who was ruffled for ejecting Morsi…Merde Erdogan friend...

the akp government turned turkey into a country that has a face.
they turned turkey into a powerhouse.
the liberal governments before had turkey as sick old man, 100 years old but still no value.
the islamist government made turkey a powerhouse in a decade.
the akp government turned turkey into a country that has a face.
they turned turkey into a powerhouse.
the liberal governments before had turkey as sick old man, 100 years old but still no value.
the islamist government made turkey a powerhouse in a decade.

Thats wrong, AKP has a good economic management but they are not the only goverment with a good economic management Turkey had in his history.
Thats wrong, AKP has a good economic management but they are not the only goverment with a good economic management Turkey had in his history.

which government in turkeys 100 year history turned it into what it is?
just simply state the time period and government.
don't name ataturk.
Failed liberals who bankrupt turkey few years back.... AKP Islamist made Turkey into one of Europe leading economy...

Yet to prove all this shit written above...

In which country judiciary says it will protect secularism this already make it bias...
which government in turkeys 100 year history turned it into what it is?
just simply state the time period and government.
don't name ataturk.

Turkey was 17th largest economy before the akp now it stand at 18th It never was a 3rd world african country to begin with.
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Turkey was 17th largest economy before the akp now it stand at 18th It never was a 3rd world african country to begin with.
what a stupid thing to say.
turkey losing a rank doesn't mean it didn't make more progress under the islamist era then all other eras. it just means other countries made more progress.

who even cares about this gap ranking anyway?
i mean if you were to follow the rankings that would mean india actually is a world power!!!
while thats not true because the only reason there gdp is high is because of the large domestic market.
like all this hype about their economy is pretty much bs.

turkey and greece should be on the same level but they aren't
even though modern day greece and turkey came around the same time.
turkey made far less progress then greece up until recently.
greece is considered developed while turkey isn't.
90 years of being secular and liberal has gotten turkey where? no where.
in the end it was a islamic party that actually got things done for turkey.
turkey and greece should be on the same level but they aren't
even though modern day greece and turkey came around the same time.
turkey made far less progress then greece up until recently.
greece is considered developed while turkey isn't.
90 years of being secular and liberal has gotten turkey where? no where.
in the end it was a islamic party that actually got things done for turkey.

How can you compare Turkey with Greece.

Greece had their European brothers who helped them finacially for ages. While we had no one.

90 years of being secular and liberal brought Turkey to this point. We are still secular and liberal. There is no sharia in Turkey and never will.

Because AKP is not islamist, their god is money. Recent fraud allegations proved this......
what a stupid thing to say.
turkey losing a rank doesn't mean it didn't make more progress under the islamist era then all other eras. it just means other countries made more progress.

who even cares about this gap ranking anyway?
i mean if you were to follow the rankings that would mean india actually is a world power!!!
while thats not true because the only reason there gdp is high is because of the large domestic market.
like all this hype about their economy is pretty much bs.

turkey and greece should be on the same level but they aren't
even though modern day greece and turkey came around the same time.
turkey made far less progress then greece up until recently.
greece is considered developed while turkey isn't.
90 years of being secular and liberal has gotten turkey where? no where.
in the end it was a islamic party that actually got things done for turkey.

You can't compare Turkey and Greece. Greece is a small country of 10 million people while Turkey has 8 times the population. Also Greece is considered more developed then Turkey because of the massive financial aids and loans that was given to them over the last few decades, which is why they are in the financial mess they currently are.

Its really funny how some foreigners, with little knowledge about Turkey, defending AKP like they are the only hope for Turkey.
But actually we all know why they have such a enthusiasm for AKP, its a islamic party so they will defend it till the end.
Its not important for such people if AKP is good or bad for Turkey, most important thing is it is a Islamic party.
AKP is just a another corrupt party in Turkey, nothing more nothing less.

And Turkey will not go down if some day a another party comes to might.

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