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The Greatest Generals of World

well raja raja should also be there in this list he had almost all of south india + half of srilanka in those day god knows how he would have captured srilanka
A soldier can be trained within a year, a million army can be raised within few years, a military philosophy can be born within a decade, but a tradition takes centuries to imbed into the culture.

and a nation needs long time military tradition inorder to produce a great general.

so to mylist:

1:Bai Qi
2:Sun Zi (the Autor of The Art of War)
3:Wei Qing/Cheng Qing Zhi (excellent tacticians and strategists, with good organization skills)
4:Alexander the great/Hannibal (both of them are lack of strategic visions)
5:Napolean (good tacticians, but again lacks of long term strategies)

p.s I wanted to put Mao Zhedong on top (the only one utilized the inferior numbers and weaponaries to defeat superior enemies in countless campains and battles), but that might cause a lot of debates coz this might be too political. As Bernard Montgomery rated him as the number one military strategist and philosophor with the great names from the West and Middleast.
Stalin is a great General, are you people out of your mind, You people just insulted the great soviet military minds with that statement

EXACTLY, Russkis were seriously contented & angry at Stalin & his genocidal policies & initially German troops were welcomed as liberators but German failed to win hearts & minds of Russian people

Stalin wasn't even an actual military "General". Nor was he "great", if he was so "great" he would not have purged the Soviet Army of it's high-command and officers before Operation Barbarossa.

However, he was Secretary General of the Communist Party of the SU. A different sense of the word "General". lol
1st: Genghis Khan as he conquered enemies more powerful than him, as China and Persia, the biggest empires of the Epoch.
2nd: Joan of Arc, with only 17 years Joan D'Arc was vital to defeat the British, biggest in numbers and morale.
3rd: Vo Nyugen Giap, the mastemind of the guerrilla tatics, he was able to defeat the biggest Armed Force of the XX century, the USA, by destroying their morale.
4th: Erwin Rommell, if Hitler had designated him as the supreme command of the Wermatch maybe the war had endured for more years.
Reply to sukhoi_30MKI:

If you believe that Turkey was responsible for the so called genocides then you dont have any idea just how bad situation was in Turkey during ww1. Remember we were attacked from 4 sides and barely had the manpower to defend our nation, in a crime against humanity such as a genocide vast amounts of manpower are required to commit such a crime and frankly the Turks did not have this.

Both sides lost civilians but not at the figures some claim them to be and Turkey has never denied that civilians were killed, it is wrong to ignore the hundreds of thousands of Muslim civilian deaths. If a genocide happened in Turkey then lets start with the question why has the west ignored the Turkish losses.

Then let's look at some of these claims such as both Armenians and Greeks claiming that their section of the city of Izmir was burned down. Archives prove that only 1 section of the city was burned down so how can both groups in a ethnically divided city have both their regions burned down? What reason would the victorious Turkish army have for burning down their own city? Obviously something is wrong here and the west had also ignored the fact that the Greeks in their retreat practiced a scorched Earth policy.

Where are the mass graves in Turkey, where are the holding facilities of death?, where are the execution chambers? None of these exist and many of the images of the supposed Armenian genocide in fact picture Turkish civilians, WW2 Jewish genocide pictures and in some instances paintings.

A country that is attacked from 4 sides and whose manufacturing and logistics network is operated almost exclusively by women does not have the capacity or the will to commit genocide remember that Turkey from 1850-1870 to the period of the formation of the republic in 1923 did not have vast reserves of man power since it was constantly involved in wars. Turkey from 1890 to 1923 did not experience a single year of stability or peace.

Finally ask yourself many Armenians claim their grandparents were mutilated supposedly by Turkish military personnel in the desert (vast regions of eastern Turkey is desert) yet they always go defensive and are unable to answer the follow up question which is "how did they survive in a desert where the nearest medical facilities were hundreds of km away in large Turkish cities?". Remember even people will eventually die from wounds succumbing to pain, infections or blood loss.

I have already caught out some Armenians on :pdf: who have changed their stories and have been unable to answer me.

One classic example is an Iranian Armenian claiming that 2000 kids were ALL gassed by Turkish military personnel yet when I pointed out that mass organized executions by gas were invented by the NAZI's in world war 2 he changed his story that MOST were thrown supposedly overboard while the rest were gassed then burned. Something is obviously wrong :disagree:

Furthermore many genocide "sources" do not and will not be accepted by academia with the exception of UCLA. Many of these genocide sources do not hold up academic scrutiny and many of these sources have their references and source material from the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia circa 1965 a source needless to say is suspect at the best and it is by all accounts outright Armenian/Soviet propaganda.

Also why would a nation that supposedly suffered a genocide then go on to form a terror group called ASALA murdering Turkish civilians across the world including their families and then go ahead and commit genocide in Azerbaijan.
Kharavela, the warrior king of Kalinga(Odisha)

Kharavela ruled a vast empire and was responsible for the propagation of Jainism in the Indian Subcontinent. The Kharavelan Jain empire also had a formidable maritime empire with trading routes linking it to Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Borneo, Bali, Sumatra and Java. Colonists from Kalinga settled in Sri Lanka, Burma, as well as the Maldives and Malay Archipelago.


History of India - eNotes.com Reference

Kharavela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3rd: Vo Nyugen Giap, the mastemind of the guerrilla tatics, he was able to defeat the biggest Armed Force of the XX century, the USA, by destroying their morale.

Mao is the master of all modern guerrilla tatics. Giap was great but I bet he must be a great student of Mao guerrilla doctrine.
well raja raja should also be there in this list he had almost all of south india + half of srilanka in those day god knows how he would have captured srilanka

also he had one of the most modern navy of that time and also captured maldives
One of the last conquests of Rajaraja was the naval conquest of the ‘old islands of the sea numbering 12,000’, the Maldives
Why would we deny Chandragupta was not a great leader...?Ashoka was also a great leader

---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

The Sword of Allah refers to Khalid ibn al-Walid, the prophet Mohammad's top general. Khalid commanded over 100 battles and never lost, making him the most undefeated general in history. He usually fought in the front lines either as a cavalry commander or as a champion dueler.
Military History Podcast: The Sword of Allah (Part One)

Chandragupta, I will not deny. Ashoka, of course, as a leader, but as a general? I don't think he was.
He won you guys a war but had it not the political wits of Indra Gandhi you would not have been successful. Unfortunately we can not find a single good general in this part of the world Pakistan and India.

There are many good ones that you can find, but no great ones.
Understand American war historians consider Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and George Washington as the greatest with Napoleon as a close 4rth.

Genghis Khan was no doubt greatest conqueror ever, but that does not make him the greatest general.

Among the Muslims, Khalid bin Waleed (RA) along with Saad bin Abi Waqaas (RA) conqueror of Iran, stand out. However if one considers the quality of opposition and the odds faced by Alexander and Caesar in some of their campaigns, one would arguably put the Muslim generals below the two greats.

Read about Battle of Yarmuk. It was one of the battles which Khalid Bin Waleed won againt all odds. There were many more before and after this one. He was always victorious and hence is known as 'Sword of Allah'. He was the greatest General and if he was a christian they would have glorified him and made movies bsed on his life acievements in Holywood.
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