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The Great Muslim Warriors

1.muhmmed prophet of allah.

2.umar bin khattab

3.ali bin talib

4.khaild bin walid

5.tariq bin ziyad

6.muhmmed bin qasim

there are many more muslim commander's that have gone to great height's in the muslim world but these are the most well know and come to mind.

Are we talking about 'warrior' and general or the rank as a companion of the Prophet (?)

Let us not include our Holy Prophet ( PBUH) he had 'divine' guidance. Hazart Umar ( RAA) was no doubt a great fighter but is known in history as the best administrator and Amir al Momineen. He didnot command any battle of note during early years nor do we hear of his military exploits as of Hazrat Amir Hamza, Hazarat Ali or Khalid bin Walid.

If one is truly looking from purely the miliatry point of view, not the fame but actual military prowess.

IMO great muslim warriors are:

1. Ali ibne Abi Talib

2. Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib

3. Khalid bin Walid

4. Saad bin Abi Waqqas ( conquerer of Iran)

5. Mogheira bin Shaiba

6. Abu Muslim Khurasani ( he was the one who threw out the Omayyads and put Abbassides in power).

All of these were early muslim warriors.

6. Musa in Naseer ( overlord of Tariq bin Ziad and real conquerer of North Africa and Spain. Tariq bin Ziad only started the invasion, actual conquest had to wait until Musa arrived himself)

6. Mahmud Ghaznavi

7. Malik Shah Saljuqi

8. Nuruddin Zangi ( His army annihilated second crusade)

9. Salahuddin Ayyubi

10. Sultan Baibars ( Mamluke)

11. Amir Taimur ( Tamerlane)

12. Mehmat the Conquerer ( He captured Constantinople)

13. Sulaiman Qanuni ( His armies reached Vienna)

14. Alauddin Khilji. (He captured nearly all of India)

15. Shibani Khan Ozbeck. He threw out the Taimurids from their homleland ( Including Babur)

15. Sher Shah Suri . If didnt die at an early age, there would have been no Mughal empire.

16. Abdur Rahim Khan e Khanaan. ( principal officer of Akbar)

16. Nadir Shah Afshaar. He was a miliatry genius and his military achievements are comparable to Napolean.

17. Ahmad Shah Abdali.

I have nothing against Tipu Sultan, but from the miliatry point of view, his father Haider Ali was a far better general than Tipu. Tipu is remembered because he died fighting bravely. We are discussing military prowess not bravery. Tipu didnot defeat English ever, whereas Haider Ali defeated English in the 2nd Maysur war.

Mohammed bin Qasim was very young and only appointed because Hajjaj bin Yousaf wanted someone he could trust to command the expedition. Hajjaj himself was a miliatry commander of great repute. It was he who put an end to the Khilafat of Hazart Abdulla ibne Zubair. It is a travesty to include a very young Mohammed bin Qassim and ignore Hajjaj who was his overlord and far better military commander.

Among Indian ( non muslim) commanders from 7th Century onwards, Prithvi Raj, Shivaji. Mahdji Scindia and Ranjit Singh were very capable. Both Raja Bhagwan Das and Raji Maan Singh were of note among the Akbar's mughal army commanders.

We have a tendency to look at Indian subcontinent and consider it the 'World'. There are many muslim commanders such as Amir Subek Tagin, Alp Arsalan Saljuqi, Bayazit Yildrim in the Middle ages. Later Mohammad Ali Pasha of Egypt, Anwar Bey and Kamal Ata Turk with remarkable military achievements that the subcontinent muslims are not aware off or ignore.
Khair uddin Barbarossa

Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha (Turkish: Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa or Hızır Hayreddin Paşa; also Hızır Reis before being promoted to the rank of Pasha and becoming the Kaptan-ı Derya (Fleet Admiral) of the Ottoman Navy) (c. 1478 – July 4, 1546), was a Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral who dominated the Mediterranean for decades. He was born on the island of Midilli (Lesbos in today's Greece) and died in Istanbul.
His war tactics was very intresting.
My appologies. Muslims have traditionally been land lubbers and not produced many famous sea going heroes thus this great sea warrior completely slipped my mind.

Khairuddin Pasha was no doubt a great Admiral. Even though intially a pirate and a privateer; for nearly 40 years was master of the Mediterranean. IMO his greatest service was helping the evacuation of thousands of muslims from Andalusia to North Africa following the fall of Garanada.
you r right.but during ottamon empire muslims advanced in naval wars.khairuddin and his successors ruled meditranian. Hazrat was the first muslim worrior to recognize the importance of naval forces. He orderd to build a naval force.
why there is no mention of any modern military generals ????

i mean there should be atleast someone from the 20th-century, worth mentioning.

what say guys ???
In my point of view amny other names can be included:
Muhammad Bin Qasim "Conquerer of Sindh"
Kutaiba Bin Muslim Bahli "Conquerer of Eastern China"
Jalal-al-Din "Tiger of Khwarezm" who stand in front of the Tatarian onslaught.
Imam Mansour & Imam Shamil "The great fighters of Kavkaz"
Omar Mukhtar " The Lion of Desert" in Libyan Independence fight against the Italians.
Bayezid Yildirim or "The Thunderbolt" of Turkey
why there is no mention of any modern military generals ????

i mean there should be atleast someone from the 20th-century, worth mentioning.

what say guys ???

Only Muslim generals of note of 20th Century were Turkish. Both Anwar Bey and Kamal Ata Turk were very capable generals. No other muslim armies ever fought in the war on their own. Most of muslim world was a colony or a client state except the Turks.

In my point of view amny other names can be included:
Muhammad Bin Qasim "Conquerer of Sindh"
Kutaiba Bin Muslim Bahli "Conquerer of Eastern China"
Jalal-al-Din "Tiger of Khwarezm" who stand in front of the Tatarian onslaught.
Imam Mansour & Imam Shamil "The great fighters of Kavkaz"
Omar Mukhtar " The Lion of Desert" in Libyan Independence fight against the Italians.
Bayezid Yildirim or "The Thunderbolt" of Turkey


Any general worthy of note must also be a 'Victor' if not the war, at least in battles.

Omar Mukhtar and Mehdi of Sudan were notable in that sense. Bayazit Yildrim was probably a better general than Mehmet the Conquerer. Bayazit had however the bad luck of facing Amir Taimur, one of the finest military commanders of all times and he lost. No doubt the "Thuderbolt" or Yildrim was a very good military leader.

Jalal uddin of Khwarism was a hero in the Tipu Sultan style. He carried on the heroic fight with the Mongol forces but without success. In war I would rather have a less capable general but the one who wins!!.
Yusuf bin tashfeen of morroco was a great general too, his victory against, alfanso of castalione and his crusade companions, made the muslim rule of spain to last for few hundred years.
Jalal uddin of Khwarism was a hero in the Tipu Sultan style. He carried on the heroic fight with the Mongol forces but without success. In war I would rather have a less capable general but the one who wins!!.

Beg to differ here, Jalal Uddin and Tippu Sultan May have lost the Wars, but they were Great Warriors and Generals. Had they were not facing that much overwhelming force... the outcome would have been different.

Tippusultan was vertually fighting wars from all side, north maratha and Nizam, east British from Chennai, South from travancore the present kerala, West Coorg Raja and British from Bombay, Add the fleet at sea. You can imagine the theater of War.
If just a breathing space was provided of say 5 years, even then the picture would have different. Why, coz the rockets were in development , it was just a matter of fine tuning and producing in numbers... alas.

Anyway there were so many generals came and gone in subcontinent who won wars. How many we recall? But Tipu Sultan is one who we remember till day.
you'r right titanium, in case of jalal uddin when he took the command of his army most of his empire was already captured or destroyed by ganghis khan's forces due to the drastic decision of spliting the khwarzim army to defend samarkand and other cities, taken by jalal uddin's father.

even then he did a good job and kept the mongols busy otherwise they would have swept through india ,egypt or even holy land under the command of ganghis khan.

also after winning a big battle against ganghis khan's son boto khan he could not press on the attack because of a tribal clash within his army, because of which his forces were depleted by great number.
also after winning a big battle against ganghis khan's son boto khan he could not press on the attack because of a tribal clash within his army, because of which his forces were depleted by great number.

All for a horse, who should have...pity.
Mustafa Kemal Pasha Ataturk
First, as a leiutenant colonel and colonel in the 1st World War, his military skill saved the Dardanelles Strait during the Battle of Gallipoli. Then, during the Turkish War of Independence, fighting three countries (Armenia, Greece and France) and going against the British, he created a Turkish nation. He turned it into the strongest Muslim nation in the world and it now also has the best military in the world.
Indeed, Saladin was one of the Greatest Heroes and Warriors of Islam. His achievments were
1) defeating Guy in Battle of Hattins
2) Getting back Jerusalem from Crusaders
3) Peace and prosperity for all Muslims, Christians and even Jews
4) His art of forgiving. He even forgave the Knights fighting against him
5) Re-claiming many cities including Acre back
6) united both Shiahs and Sunnih groups against Crusaders
7) Withstood against Richard the lionhearted (England), King Phillips (France) and Barbarossa's army (Germany)

These were the greatest achievments of his life.

KIT Over n Out.
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all history.all of them;each of them belong to the past.
do we have anyone alive among the great warriors category?
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