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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Actually Russia's population has started growing again. Latest reports put the number at 140 million, up from 137 million. The problem is really the ethnic tensions and social unrest.

Conworldus, wisely said. There is no need for these comparisons when it is being (mis)used to create tension. Likewise, PRC does not engage in these immature comparisons, it's only use armchair generals who enjoy it.
When did Russia purchase anything from China that they applied to their military. Does the SU-35, S-400, T-90, or PakFa, for example, have Chinese technology in it?

Also what's wrong with buying Japanese computers? The whole world buys them.

in fact i was talking about industrial technologies for china. but japan is different. You used to buy these computers during the age of the soviet empire. and guess which is the greatest ally of the japan in those days? Can it be USA? So please be objective while you discuss about military affairs. if usa didnt allow japan to sell you all that stuff, you wouldnt be able to fly even a single new generation aircraft. nevermind the satelite systems...
So shall we go on discussing about russian ''electronics and aviation'' and other high tech. toys? if you depend on another country like japan for your ''proud army'', you cant be considered as %100 independent.
i know, in this global world it is silly to talk about % 100 independence. but military technology is a key thing and it can be the salvation of a country. Now please be objective, japan american alliance and japanese computers for soviet defence industry... is this logical? :mps:
in fact i was talking about industrial technologies for china. but japan is different. You used to buy these computers during the age of the soviet empire. and guess which is the greatest ally of the japan in those days? Can it be USA? So please be objective while you discuss about military affairs. if usa didnt allow japan to sell you all that stuff, you wouldnt be able to fly even a single new generation aircraft. nevermind the satelite systems...
So shall we go on discussing about russian ''electronics and aviation'' and other high tech. toys? if you depend on another country like japan for your ''proud army'', you cant be considered as %100 independent.
i know, in this global world it is silly to talk about % 100 independence. but military technology is a key thing and it can be the salvation of a country. Now please be objective, japan american alliance and japanese computers for soviet defence industry... is this logical? :mps:

You are right but I think you know that Russia has all the potential to produce the defense related computers and electronics. Not only defense related but consumer computers and electronics too. At present may be Russia is concentrating on making its house in order. I think in a few years we may see both defense related computers and electronics as well as consumer computers and electronics with "Made in Russia" printed on them. Also some time ago Russia was trying to create its own operating system to be used throughout Russia on PCs instead of Windows but since some time the project has halted. May be we may see a Russian operating system for PCs too in near future which could compete with Microsoft Windows.
Too high population in our China there are! How wealthy would China be if we were to have merely half the current population!

Let Indians be proud their dream of 1st ranking in population in the world comes true.

From the bottom of our heart, Chinese are not willing to become a super power. Our only wish is to liberate Taiwan. Never a power or force could be an impediment to weaken our determination.
China will need 30-40 more years to transform its economy..then the products china will be making will be used by Local consumers.Then China will really shine!It has a huge potentional due to large number of population and thousands of chinese are getting education abroad and they will return..So i'd say China will need 30-50 years to reach Soviet Union status.
in fact i was talking about industrial technologies for china. but japan is different. You used to buy these computers during the age of the soviet empire. and guess which is the greatest ally of the japan in those days? Can it be USA? So please be objective while you discuss about military affairs. if usa didnt allow japan to sell you all that stuff, you wouldnt be able to fly even a single new generation aircraft. nevermind the satelite systems... So shall we go on discussing about russian ''electronics and aviation'' and other high tech. toys? if you depend on another country like japan for your ''proud army'', you cant be considered as %100 independent.
i know, in this global world it is silly to talk about % 100 independence. but military technology is a key thing and it can be the salvation of a country. Now please be objective, japan american alliance and japanese computers for soviet defence industry... is this logical? :mps:

:rofl: 1. we make our own computers, we even made laptops 20 years ago, and our laptops were extremely small for the period>>> English Russia First Russian Laptop
2. We haven't been using Japanese consumer good for very long.
3. How did we built SAMS, fighters, rockets, satelites...ect, for 50+ years? Japan, our enemy, sure as hell didn't sell electronics to us back then.
5. How does buying Japanese laptops help us make advanced weapons? You think we take out the microprocessors and stick them in our weopons and walla :cheesy:

PS Russia and Japan are still technically at war (agreements never signed). We had poor relations with them even ten years ago. Case in point, the Japanese wouldn't sell anything to us that could be used as weopons, against them.

We also use American computers...
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it is useless to go on this subject with you my russian friend.
let me remind you the specifications of the computer

''According to people who used them the specifications were as following:

CPU, Intel 8086 clone, with the speed of 4.47 Mhz''

So it is a clone cpu. So what? everybody who studied on micro processors knows that building a cpu is not so easy. Russia cant manufacture even cement at a good quality... how can they build such complex things ? even if they do, how reliable can they be?
Also i dont make up this by my own mind. i know very well that soviets used japanese computers for army needs... if your nomanklatura dont keep this information as a secret i m sure you may find it.

No need to go on this dull conversation here. talking with you here on this subject looks like trying to catch the fish with hand.
What i want to say is: USA wanted a cold war and USA gave an end to it.

ps: i also saw moscow :smitten: and once i bought an ATI TUL 4890 for a friend of mine. dont worry, i know what you use... by the way i use an apple.
"Russia has a huge demographic problem. the population growth is below 0."

Russia isn't the only country experiencing a population implosion.

Nicholas Eberstadt On China's 4-2-1 Problem-FORA-TV


Yet another facade of twisting China, if not daemonizing it, meant for those who are illiterate or semi-illiterate in this aspect.

This is how an ordinary knowledgeable person would say in brief:
Contrary to popular belief, this so-called "one child policy" isn't really a one child per person sort of policy at all. Family planing advocates delayed marriage and child bearing, fewer and healthier births, and one child per couple in the extremely urbanized areas, such as Beijing and Shanghai. A couple in agricultural and pastoral areas may have a second child, and an even more flexible policy is held for farmers and herdsmen with difficulties such as a shortage of labor power. In such areas that are inhabited by a small population of ethnic minorities, there are no restrictions at all. There are also no specific requirements in Tibet for family planning. So in reality, the "one child policy" really applies to only the already densely populated coastal areas.

The Policy

If you know some reality in China, it is really hard for the government to control the birth as market economy starts to flourish: with cash at hand you can buy what you demand. People even say, with those unregistered children, Chinese population is actually 1.5 billion by now. :woot:

In big cities like Shanghai, DINK families are no strange. That would be 4-2-0, if you wish. :rofl:
China's economy mediumly depends on USA, but militrary mediumly depends on Russia.

But China still runs in her own road!

1949 - Communism save China
1979 - Capitalism save China
1989 - China save Communism
2009 - China save Capitalism

lol it's a joke?
if americans would not buy your products your economy would be a disaster. you are inter dependant. both dependant.
lol it's a joke?
if americans would not buy your products your economy would be a disaster. you are inter dependant. both dependant.

Your "if" doese not make any sense. If your "if" will work i think US may have done it before you post your useless "if" here. Global economy doese not work like baby fighting. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Your "if" doese not make any sense. If your "if" will work i think US may have done it before you post your useless "if" here. Global economy doese not work like baby fighting. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Is there any point in your message?
You are showing me that China doesn't need USA?
So pls come with smart articles or any evidence, not just a stupid nationalist belief that you are the best in the world.
I have not read entire thread. But there is no comparison at all.

China is a paper tiger. Like holding USA doller paper debt :rofl::rofl:
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