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China-Russia naval drill ends with island-seizing mission

I think this " island-seizing " maneuver is related to Taiwan. Russian will not join with China in future conflict Sino-Vietnam in East Sea of Vietnam. :-)


Russian experts talk legal path to peace, stability in East Sea
Leading Russian experts and researchers on Asia-Pacific discussed how a legal path helps secure to peace and stability in the East Sea at a round-table workshop in Moscow on September 8.


They agreed that the ruling issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague, the Netherlands on July 12, confirms China’s sovereignty declaration in the East Sea has no legal foundation.
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Leading Russian experts and researchers on Asia-Pacific discussed how a legal path helps secure to peace and stability in the East Sea at a round-table workshop in Moscow on September 8.

Leading Russian experts and researchers' opinions are just opinions, my friend. What matters is the tangible actions on the ground. Island-seizing might be applicable in any situation that involves island-seizing.

Nonetheless, I view the joint drills not necessarily anti-Vietnam or Taiwan province, because these problems by themselves are not unsolvable by China's own efforts alone. China does not need Russian active assistance to take back the islands/provinces that historically it owns.

The drills are a direct message to the US, which is the only concern in China's calculations. If the US has an alliance in the SCS and ECS, there you go, China does his own security network.

Eurasia is just Slavo-Turkic ...Not Chinese.

Eurasianism as an ideology is essentially a pan-Slavic notion.

Read up if you have access to one of academic databases:


--Quote-- "Eurasianism is a quasi-political and intellectual movement. Its representatives state that Russia is a unique blend of Slavic and non-Slavic cultures and ethnic groups. Eurasianists also emphasize the corporate nature of the Russian state which makes it quite different from the West. Eurasianism emerged in the 1920s as an anti-Bolshevik movement. Yet, through its evolution, Eurasianism has become closer and closer to the Soviet brand of Marxism. In its blending of Marxism with nationalism, Eurasianism was one of the precursors to the present-day ideology of post-Soviet Russia.“ -- End of quote --

Many turks here emphasizes that China is not a a part of eurasia.They are right,if the so-called "eurasia" is just a package of the soviet's sphere of influence.Like this picture .LOL,it shows us that why the turkey tried its best to join the NATO.
Well,China is now constructing the "Asiaeuro",not "Eurasia".
Whether China is a part of eurasia or not, China is here.

That's an interesting argument. For the sake of conceptual convenience, I tend to use Eurasianism, but, I also add "new" to underline the distinctness of the idea from the Soviet-era romantic Eurasianism.

Turkey as a polity in present day is not even Central Asian (technically as well as politically); certainly, it is inside the Eurasian landmass. But, neither in Soviet-era Eurasianist models, nor present time China-led Eurasian model, Turkey did not/does not factor in as a meaningful component.

The reality is that Turkey was until recently a staunch ally in the Western camp, forming the moderate Green Belt against the Soviet-China Communist Bloc. Over the past decade, Turkey devolved from being a Euro-West Asian country to a sectarian Gulf-Middle Eastern country with security ties with the West.

China is definitely the only true Eurasian country both politically and economically, but not ideologically. China's ideology is for China only. New Eurasianism, for that matter, is a technocratic concept, but not a historico-ideological sentimental one.

However,the dumb comment from the known troll about my country is also ridiculous because my country is seen as one of the pilars of Eurasianism.

Your country is not a pillar of Eurasia economically and politically, no body can empirically verify that. You are ideologically/culturally Middle Eastern-Gulf, and politically European. All of your trade figures, political-security attachments point to that direction. Just because one day one politician says we are Eurasian does not make you Eurasian.

Turkey is irrelevant in modern (new) E

You have made no meaningful contribution to Eurasianism (I do not consider Turan-ideology as Eurasianism just as I do not consider pan-Slavism as Eurasianism), both epistemologically and ontologically. Russia did make enormous contribution in terms of creating a literature which I have been using extensively in my studies. But I have yet to find a credible literature of readings from Turkey.

China, on the other hand, is both economically, and increasingly, politically, a Eurasian country (and, certainly, more than that). This Eurasianism is both land and maritime connected. It is institutionalized. It has the required economic, political and institutional components. Turkey appears very weakly in all of these components as of now. China does simply not prioritize Turkey.

Turan romanticism might be meaningful there, but here it is unknown and has no practical impact. I guess no body is interested what some lofty ideas are being developed in nationalist-romanticist circles in Turkey. The reality is, Turkey has been (unfortunately) sidelined from new-Eurasian development. If it is lucky, it can join the remotest circle, but will hardly be allowed the inside circles.
Uzbeks, Kazaks, Turkmens, Kirghiz , Turks are all culturally Middle Eastern in other words MUSLIM. and not Eurasian??
Turanians are not Eurasian... because, they don't get on with the ******, who are not even Eurasian .
You Chinese are just Asian. get over it already.
Why are you insulting though? Post constructive messages instead of trolling as the Turkish (or any) community on PDF is better off without trolls.
@ahojunk @Shotgunner51
I Scream, You Scream, China Screams for Putin’s Ice-Cream

Chinese businessmen, enthusiastic over Vladimir Putin’s gift to President Xi of a box of ice-cream, have started using the image of the Russian leader in their advertising for items produced in Russia

Olga Samofalova

Originally appeared at Vzglyad – Russian online magazine. Translated by Julia Rakhmetova

A couple of weeks ago, President Vladimir Putin presented Xi Jinping with a whole box of Russian ice-cream during the G20 summit in Hangzhou. Xi was delighted, saying that he had come to love Russian ice-cream during his many visits to Moscow.

“Every time I come to Russia, I always bring Russian ice-cream home with me. Your cream is better, and that’s why it tastes so good,” the Chinese President said.

Russian ice-cream became a popular treat in China in the last few years. And after such a PR campaign, it has an even greater chance to conquer the Chinese market of almost 1.4 billion consumers.

Chinese ice-cream salesmen continued the marketing launched by Putin, with an unusual advertisement. An image of the Russian leader eating an ice-cream cone appeared on mini-trucks in the Chinese region of Heihe, bordering with the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, according to the newspaper .

The image of Putin is quite popular even without the ice-cream story, and the Chinese started use it a long time ago to advertise their goods. For example, a huge banner at the chocolate shop in Harbin is decorated with the portrait of the Russian leader. According to the newspaper Novye Izvestia, the portrait of Putin appears on real estate advertising in some places.

The Chinese are not the first to come up with the idea of using Putin images for commercial purposes. It’s been done in the West and in Russia itself. For example, at a Paris fashion week, the German fashion house Talbot Runhof presented a collection of T-shirts depicting the Russian President against a background of pictures of four world fashion centers: Paris, New-York, London and Milan.

The Italian company Caviar produced a limited edition of gold cases for iPhones decorated with Russia’s coat of arms, Putin’s portrait and quotes from the Russian anthem.

After the reunification with Crimea, the image of Putin began even more popular: lots of souvenir gifts with images of Putin, his autograph and quotes have appeared on clothing, dishes and phone covers - although the president disapproves o his image being used for commercial purposes, according to his spokesman Dmitry Peskov.


So, did President Putin just add another concept to the literature: Ice cream diplomacy?
Leading Russian experts and researchers' opinions are just opinions, my friend. What matters is the tangible actions on the ground. Island-seizing might be applicable in any situation that involves island-seizing.

Nonetheless, I view the joint drills not necessarily anti-Vietnam or Taiwan province, because these problems by themselves are not unsolvable by China's own efforts alone. China does not need Russian active assistance to take back the islands/provinces that historically it owns.

The drills are a direct message to the US, which is the only concern in China's calculations. If the US has an alliance in the SCS and ECS, there you go, China does his own security network.

I like this picture.:-)

The financial numbers are staggering!

China's investment in Belt and Road countries up 38.6 pct
(Xinhua) 16:36, September 22, 2016

BEIJING, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- China's investment in Belt and Road Initiative countries soared 38.6 percent year on year as the country's outbound direct investment (ODI) reached a record high in 2015, official data showed Thursday.

Investment in Belt and Road countries stood at 18.93 billion U.S. dollars and represented 13 percent of the country's ODI last year, according to Zhang Xiangchen, deputy international trade representative with China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC).

Zhang told reporters at a news conference that Belt and Road investment is essential to the fast development of China's ODI.

China's ODI hit an all-time high of 145.67 billion U.S. dollars in 2015, exceeding the 135.6 billion in foreign direct investment it received, making it a net capital exporter for the first time, Zhang said.

It is the world's second-largest source of outbound investment, exceeded only by the United States, Zhang said.

The initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinpingin 2013, refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road -- a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along ancient trade routes.

As of July, Chinese enterprises had established 52 economic cooperation zones in the countries while paying 900 million dollars in taxes and creating nearly 70,000 local jobs.

The MOC said earlier the Belt and Road Initiative had boosted business cooperation between Chinese and foreign firms. During the first eight months of 2016, nearly 4,000 engineering contracts were signed by Chinese companies in 61 countries along the routes, with combined contract value of 69.82 billion U.S. dollars.

China needs to fully take advantage of the international market and resources as its economy and companies transform, said Zhang, adding that Chinese firms are keen to become active players in global innovation, manufacturing and the market.
Sri Lanka becomes first South Asian participant at powerful Sino-ASEAN expo

  • 15 Chinese and ASEAN leaders at Nanning’s CAEXPO 13
  • Sri Lanka honoured, pleased about China’s interest in Sri Lanka: Rishad
  • Says pleased of China’s interest in Sri Lanka
  • ASEAN bloc is future destiny of China
  • 2015 China-SL trade tops $ 4 b
Sri Lanka received a rare honour on 11 September of being the third economy ever in the world and the first South Asian economy to join the dominant China-ASEAN bloc’s high profile annual trade and investment event in Nanning, the modern capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, China.

“Under the One Belt, One Road framework, China’s ‘Go Global Strategy’ emphasised a greater importance to enhance trade, investment and economic cooperation with Sri Lanka,” said Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen, addressing the launch event of CAEXPO 13 at the Osmanthus Hall of Nanning International Convention & Exhibition Centre in Nanning.

Sri Lanka was among the 15 Chinese and ASEAN high profile leaders joining the CAEXPO 13. The opening session widely featured aspects of China-ASEAN FTA, China’s 21st Century Maritime Silk Road plans, as well as aspects of ‘China-ASEAN Advanced Technology Cooperation’ including Beidou satellite navigation, aerospace technology, high-speed modern railway, and unmanned auto manufacturing.

Head of Mission of Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou, Consul General Shanika Dissanayake joins Minister Rishard Bathiudeen at the Nanning opening session

More importantly the large scale multi-country CAEXPO event also gave a glimpse of the future destiny and an eye-opener as to what lies ahead for the China-ASEAN bloc.

Launching China’s ASEAN connectivity initiative, leaders of China and 10 ASEAN countries also signed their names on the tickets for high-speed trains running between China and ASEAN, which is the proposed China-ASEAN direct connectivity strategy. Representing China, the event was attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

According to CAEXPO Secretariat, ‘CAEXPO Special Guest Country’ mechanism invites a country outside of the China-ASEAN region to join the CAEXPO as a Guest and is considered to be a strategic way for China to open to the (rest of) the globe.

So far only Australia and South Korea had been invited by China as CAEXPO Special Guest Countries and with its 11 September presence at the CAEXPO grand opening, Sri Lanka become the third country ever in the world and the first South Asian nation to be a CAEXPO Special Guest Country.

“Sri Lanka is honoured to join CAEXPO as a Special Guest Country and I thank the people of China for this invitation,” said Bathiudeen. “We welcome this initiative and we are here to invite Chinese business enterprises to explore more opportunities of economic cooperation and trade development in Sri Lanka. I believe that this Forum could play a pivotal role in strengthening existing relations between China and Sri Lanka.

“The ‘Social Market Economic Model’ as envisioned by the new Unity Government of Sri Lanka will propel and nuance the dynamics of Sri Lanka’s next stage of the economic development trajectory. These initiatives and consistency in our economic and trade liberalisation policies have brought Sri Lanka much closer with the global partners and in particular with China as a key development partner. Sri Lanka is placed at 68th rank in the Global Competitiveness Index 2015-2016 and the Sri Lankan Government has ambitious plans, to improve and advance this position it further.”

He noted that Sri Lanka’s strategic location as a connecting point of sea and air transport between east and west had been complimentary to the expansion in the trade with the world, pointing out that the Free Trade Agreements that Sri Lanka entered into with India and Pakistan have already become the key gateway platform for manufacturers and investors in Sri Lanka in accessing a sub-regional market with over 1.6 billion people.

“I invite Chinese and ASEAN investors to explore the opportunities presented by these key agreements, particularly into the diverse basket of value-added exports for which Sri Lanka obtains duty-free market access in the South Asia region. Sri Lanka’s strategic location, skilled labour force, business infrastructure, common law based legal system, highly-modernised sea port operations, recreational facilities and living standards have provided many opportunities for foreign investments. Sri Lanka is progressing towards becoming Asia’s hub for businesses, naval operations, commercial activities, knowledge based industries, aviation and energy developments. I am pleased that China continues to show interest in Sri Lanka as a dynamic and exciting investment destination, and would like to encourage further partnerships in this direction.”

Bathiudeen met Senior Official of Guangzhou Autonomous Province Liu Xin Wen on the sidelines. He was welcomed by awaiting Lankan exhibitors at Nanning Convention Centre for his soft-launch of CAEXPO Sri Lanka Pavilion and exports portfolio and he was interviewed by the Guanxi TV channel. He also addressed the afternoon Sri Lanka Investment Promotion Seminar organised by the Department of Commerce for keen Chinese investors.

The Sri Lankan official in China facilitating Bathiudeen’s delegation to CAEXPO13, Consul General Shanika Dissanayake (Head of Mission of Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou who clinched the Special Guest Country status for Sri Lanka) and Bathiudeen’s Senior Advisor Himali Jinadasa also joined him at the Nanning opening session where Fortune 500 companies such as China Railway Engineering Corporation, China Railway Construction Corporation and Aluminium Corporation of China also were present.

Total bilateral trade between China and Sri Lanka topped $ 4 billion in 2015, with a steady growth of 14% from 2014’s $ 3.5 billion.

- See more at: http://www.ft.lk/article/567457/Sri...powerful-Sino-ASEAN-expo#sthash.s8jp5Q5W.dpuf

Good news! I remember last year I said that SL is a maritime economy that has more in synergy with China-ASEAN economic belt, now that SL being invited as Special Guest to CAEXPO!
Vietnam calls for peace maintenance as Russia joins China in military drill in S.China Sea

By Viet Anh September 22, 2016 | 05:42 pm GMT+7
The week-long joint exercise came shortly after Putin spoke in support for China’s stance in the waters.
Vietnam’s foreign spokesman has called for peace maintenance in the region as China and Russia just conducted the first joint military exercise in the East Sea, internationally known as the South China Sea.

The spokesman said at a press briefing Thursday that all activities including military operations in the East Sea need to follow international regulations, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

“Vietnam hopes that all countries contribute positively to the maintenance of peace and stability, and ensure air and maritime safety and security in the East Sea as well as the whole Asia-Pacific region,” Binh said.

China and Russia on Monday just wrapped up their first week-long military exercise off Guangdong.

The activity came after Russian President Vladimir Putin showed support for Beijing’s position in the East Sea during talks early this month.

The two leaders are said to have shared opinions that it is inappropriate for a third party to meddle in other countries’ affairs, the argument Beijing has used against U.S. involvement in East Sea territorial disputes.

An international tribune in the Hague on July 12 ruled that Beijing has no legal basis to claim historic rights to the East Sea resources. The ruling came after the Philippines filed a case in January 2013 accusing Beijing of violating the UNCLOS.

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