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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

It's ok. After China nukes Vietnam and puts your population in gas chambers, there will be lots of living room for Manchus:pop:

in 1969, Soviet - Sino conflict, Russia had a plan to nuke China. If he did, there is no wet dream of china to nuke Vietnam nowaday.:p:
Read about it.There is 30 something minutes long clip from RT with the press conference.Agreement for so-called west delivery route to China,joint venture to ensure leasing of Sukhoi Superjet 100 in China and East Asia,HSR Moscow-Kazan,about join producing heavy helicopter,joint projects in agriculture,something about Sberbank and VTB etc-list is long.And this is just tip of the iceberg-will see even more joint projects and more cooperation in coming years.And tomorrow Merkel is coming to Moscow and will be some discussions-guess how to accommodate Germany in the project and how to kick out Uncle Sam out of Europe(Uncle Sam=bad for peace and business).
I'm surprise that at this moment, someone just start to consider Russian and Chinese are friends.
Chinese president honors Russian WWII veterans with medals and care


Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) meets with 18 representatives of Russian veterans who fought dauntlessly on the battlefield in northeast China during the anti-Japanese war and in Russia's Great Patriotic War, in Moscow, Russia, on May 8, 2015. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)

by Xinhua Writers Wu Liming, Huo Xiaoguang

MOSCOW, May 8 (Xinhua) -- "I'll go over and bring the badge to you! You don't need to move," Chinese President Xi Jinping told Gaverdovsky when he found the Russian veteran could not walk steadily.

Xi then walked swiftly to Gaverdovsky, who is in his 90s, and presented the badge to him in order to honor the veteran's contribution to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.

Warm applause greeted the touching episode in the medal-awarding ceremony here on Friday afternoon for 18 Russian veterans who fought against Japanese invaders in China's anti-Japanese war in the 1930s and 1940s.

Xi hosted the ceremony and is scheduled to attend commemorative events to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War.

When the Chinese president walked into the meeting hall, the national anthems of the two countries were played.

Xi shook hands with the veterans, extended his sincere greetings to them on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and spoke highly of their great contribution to the victories of China's anti-Japanese war and the World Anti-Fascist War.

The Chinese-Russian friendship, forged with lives and blood during the wartime, has laid a solid foundation for the two peoples to carry forward their bond from generation to generation, he said.

The commemorative events the two countries hold this year are aimed at remembering the history, treasuring peace and pursuing a better future, added the Chinese president.

The Russian veterans applauded Xi's remarks. They lauded China's fight against militarist Japan and noted that the Chinese military and people provided tremendous support for the Soviet troops battling Japanese invaders in China.

During World War Two, both China and Russia made great national sacrifices, respectively suffering casualties of over 35 million and 27 million.

Under current circumstances, the veterans said, China and Russia should join hands to safeguard peace, civilization and the future of the world.

Gaverdovsky told the press after the ceremony that he did not think Xi could be so attentive and was deeply touched by the Chinese president's consideration.

His wife embraced him and kept stroking the badge, saying "what a remarkable glory!"



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He must be thanking for Red Army to destroy Japanese army in Manchuria.
China, Russia agree to integrate Belt with EAEU
Xinhua, May 9, 2015

China and Russia agreed here Friday to integrate the former's Silk Road Economic Belt initiative with the latter's aspiration under the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) framework.

The pledge was made in a joint statement signed by visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, after their talks.

According to the document, China supports Russia promoting regional integration within the EAEU framework and agrees to launch talks with the EAEU on an economic and trade cooperation deal.

In the document, the two sides vowed to discuss the docking of the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative and the EAEU construction, saying that they agreed to set up a dialogue mechanism for the integration.

They pledged to maintain a continuous and stable economic growth in the region, strengthen regional economic integration, and safeguard peace and stability on the Eurasian landmass.

The two countries also listed out eight measures that could help boost regional cooperation:

-- to expand investment and trade cooperation, optimize trade structure and cultivate new growth points for economy and employment.

-- to facilitate mutual investment, launch major investment cooperation projects and jointly build industrial parks and cross-border economic cooperation zones.

-- to enhance the interconnection in logistics and transportation, and work together on infrastructure construction projects.

-- to set up trade-facilitating mechanisms in ripe areas, formulate common policies in fields of common interests, and study the long-term objective of establishing a free trade zone between China and the EAEU.

-- to create a better environment for medium- and small-sized enterprises that can play an important role in boosting regional economic cooperation.

-- to promote the local-currency settlement in bilateral trade and deepen cooperation in export credit, insurance and trade financing among many other fields.

-- to enhance financial cooperation through the Silk Road Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

-- to advance regional and global multilateral cooperation and expand international trade.

Xi arrived in Moscow on Friday for a visit to Russia, where he is scheduled to attend a series of events to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War.
Other article states it otherwise.

Russia and China, An uneasy friendship

Western discording tactic which Putin will not fall for it this time. It is the Western Europe and US that always look down on Russia no matter how she act.

Russia pivotal to Asia and hold China as real partner is real. We have the money and strength to help Russia and most important. We treat them as equal power.
Western discording tactic which Putin will not fall for it this time. It is the Western Europe and US that always look down on Russia no matter how she act.

Russia pivotal to Asia and hold China as real partner is real. We have the money and strength to help Russia and most important. We treat them as equal power.


Wishful thinking and conspiracy theory once again.
Red Square march an honor for PLA
China Daily, May 9, 2015

For the Chinese audience, two highlights of the Victory Day parade on Red Square on Saturday will be the appearance of President Xi Jinping at the reviewing stand and the PLA honor guard marching on the cobblestones of history outside the Kremlin.

This will be the first time that the People's Liberation Army has taken part in a military review on Red Square.

The public's interest has been ignited with video and photos of the honor guard marching in rehearsals on May 4, in their latest uniform and singing the Russian wartime marching song Katyusha, in both Russian and Chinese. They won loud and appreciative applause from Russian onlookers as well as numerous fans in cyberspace.

Li Bentao, head of the PLA honor guard, said the 102-strong Chinese honor guard is the tallest of the 10 foreign and 52 Russian formations.

Though the PLA honor guard is renowned for its well-drilled marching, Li said the Red Square march raised several challenges.

For one thing, unlike the 80-cm-long stride taken by Russian soldiers, PLA troops are trained for 75-cm steps at a rate of 116 steps per minute, so they must adjust in Moscow to stay in step with the Russians.

"It's quite challenging for us to march through Red Square at the same speed as other formations," Li said.

Also, he said, the Red Square cobblestones are different from Beijing's Tian'anmen Square and "training the Chinese soldiers to sing in Russian was also not easy".

Training was held at a venue two hours' drive from their residence, which meant they had to get up at 3 am.

However, Li said, the Chinese troops overcame the difficulties, and for soldier Lang Xujie it will be an occasion to remember.

"The Russians are very good hosts, so we adapted to the situation here quickly. This is my first trip abroad, and I'm attending Russia's Great Patriotic War Victory celebration ... I'm so proud. It reminds me how amazing it is to live in peace," Lang said.

Zhang said that when the Chinese troops sang Katyusha the first time in rehearsal, the other formations were surprised and sang together with the Chinese, and many of the young soldiers had tears in their eyes.

Katyusha is one of the designated marching songs for Russian troops and deeply evocative of the wartime struggle. The army of the former Soviet Union sang it as they advanced on Berlin in 1945.
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