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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Another Vedic logic of using anti air missile to counter another anti air missile. Why not use your Brahmos? Well, it's shorter than the intercept range of this system

He strikes once again with his poor comprehension skill coupled with total ignorance of his mis-comprehension.

how come a SAM be countered by another SAM?? We need to tighten our air defence however at the same time need to figure out how to penetrate enemy sky(if push comes to shove), no??

When you can not counter anything, you build an equally or more offensive weapon to ensure Mutual assured destruction. I recommend S 500 for deterrence and not for counter.

6 S-400 batteries are enough to protect Beijing not entire China

S series is basically designed to protect from Aircraft in its primary role with some limited ABM capabiity. It can not counter mediun and long range missile. For that protection, you need to intercept the missile at high altitude and something like THAAD is required.
Another Vedic logic of using anti air missile to counter another anti air missile. Why not use your Brahmos? Well, it's shorter than the intercept range of this system
look who is back.. back again our very own Butthurt potato!
The real orient express departing station in China en route to Victory Day celebration in Moscow 9 May.



(Reuters) - China will hold joint naval drills with Russia in mid-May in the Mediterranean Sea, the first time the two countries will hold military exercises together in that part of the world, the Chinese Defence Ministry said on Thursday.

China and Russia have held naval drills in Pacific waters since 2012. The May maneuvers come as the United States ramps up military cooperation with its allies in Asia in response to China's increasingly assertive pursuit of maritime territorial claims.

A total of nine ships from the two countries will participate, including vessels China now has on anti-piracy patrols in waters off Somalia, Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng told a monthly news briefing.

"The aim is to deepen both countries' friendly and practical cooperation, and increase our navies' ability to jointly deal with maritime security threats," Geng said.

"What needs saying is that these exercises are not aimed at any third party and have nothing to do with the regional situation."

Geng gave no specific date for the drills, which will be focused on navigation safety, at-sea replenishment, escort missions and live fire exercises.

Since Western powers imposed economic sanctions on Russia last year over the violence in Ukraine, Moscow has accelerated attempts to build ties with Asia, Africa and South America, as well as warming relations with its former Soviet-era allies. [ID:nL8N0XP3ED]

China and Russia are both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and have close diplomatic, economic and military ties, with China traditionally relying on Russia for its most advanced equipment.

President Xi Jinping is expected to visit Moscow next month to attend a parade celebrating the end of World War Two.

China has been increasingly flexing its military muscles since Xi assumed the presidency in 2013, jangling nerves around the region and globally, though Beijing insists it is a force for peace and threatens nobody.

China's navy has become a focus of Xi's efforts to better project the country's power, especially in the disputed South China Sea.

U.S. President Barack Obama accused China on Tuesday of "flexing its muscles" to advance its territorial claims at sea.[ID:nL1N0XP111]

China says about 90 percent of the 3.5 million sq km (1.35 million sq mile) South ChinaSea is its sovereign territory. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam also claim large parts.

China, Russia to hold first joint Mediterranean naval drills in May| Reuters
Basic facts about China-Russia relations
May 07, 2015

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia on Friday and attend later in Moscow a ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War, Russia's term for WWII.

During the visit, Xi and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, are expected to add new content to bilateral ties and break new ground together, showing the two countries' relationship has entered a new development phase. Following are some basic facts about China-Russia relations:

On Dec. 27, 1991, China and Russia signed a memo to ensure Russia would inherit the diplomatic relations between the former Soviet Union and China established on Oct. 2, 1949.

In December 1992, China and Russia signed a joint statement on the foundation for bilateral ties, calling on China and Russia to regard each other as "friendly countries."

In September 1994, China and Russia signed the second joint statement, announcing the two countries are resolved to establish a constructive partnership with a perspective toward the 21st century.

The two sides also signed a series of important agreements, including a joint declaration to the effect that the two countries will not be the first to use nuclear weapons against each other and shall end the targeting of each other with strategic nuclear weapons.

In April 1996, the two countries declared the establishment of a partnership of strategic coordination based on equality and trust and oriented toward the 21st century.

In July 2001, China and Russia signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, which has laid a strong legal foundation for the two countries to develop a strategic partnership.

In May 2003, the two countries signed a joint statement in which both sides agreed to develop good-neighborly and friendly relations and a strategic partnership.

In October 2004, the two sides signed a joint statement and approved the guidelines for implementing the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, which stipulated that the two countries would launch a "Year of Russia" in China in 2006 and a"Year of China" in Russia in 2007.

In June 2005, China and Russia exchanged the ratification of the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line, ending border problems between the two countries.

In June 2009, the two countries signed a joint statement and approved the program for China-Russia investment cooperation planning.

In September 2009, China and Russia approved a 10-year program on planning for regional cooperation between China's northeastern region and Russia's far east and eastern Siberia region.

In September 2010, the two sides signed the China-Russia joint statement oncomprehensively deepening strategic partnership of coordination, and also published a joint statement on the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II.

In June 2011, the two countries issued a joint statement on a broad range of keyinternational issues.

In 2012, Putin included China in his first overseas trip after assuming the Russian presidency again.

In March 2013, Xi, as China's head of state, chose Moscow as the first stop of his overseas visit.

During the past two years, the two heads of state have met nearly 10 times, reaching a series of important consensus on bilateral cooperation in all areas.
China has changed her friend, from Soviet to Uncle Sam, and now she turned back. Problem is :how long ?:coffee:

From Putin's New York Times article:

"It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal."


Yes, indeed, anti-fascist Russia is our best friend.
Beijing, Moscow agree to integrate China's Belt initiativewith Russia's Eurasian vision
May 09, 2015


MOSCOW, May 8 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia agreed Friday to bridge and integrate the former's Silk Road Economic Belt initiative with the latter's vision of a trade and infrastructure network across Eurasia.

The consensus was announced in one of the two joint statements signed by visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin

In the other joint statement, they pledged to further strengthen the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.

Xi arrived in Moscow earlier Friday for a visit to Russia, where he is scheduled to attend aseries of events to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War.
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