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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Sure you don't steal other tech but you steal info about other people's tech because you're scare of being excede. You don't have cannon-folder culture that why you rely on nukes that what I tried to get at...you Americans are not meant to be warrior. You fought and won all kinds of war not because your soldiers are capable to fight but thanks to the technologies, if you equiped and gear up monkey with the same tech as Americans, they could also win the war as well.

You never answered my question on when was the last time you fought and won a real war.
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.”
George S. Patton Jr.

Like I said in my earlier post. You guys are from a cannon-fodder culture. We're not. We fight hard and fight to win. We don't just throw millions of bodies in and hope that the other side gets tired of killing you and leaves. There's a very big difference in our philosophies on war. We value the lives of our men in uniform, you look at them as disposable commodities.

If that's case why you still need soldiers for when your Nukes is enough to wipe out the entire earth?? any no-brainer civilians know how to press the "BUTTONs" and by doing that you have Zero casualty...and your enemies will sure be wiped out systematically.

You never answered my question on when was the last time you fought and won a real war.

We Chinese have fought war for over millenium and we prevail is that good enought to answer your question?
If that's case why you still need soldiers for when your Nukes is enough to wipe out the entire earth?? any no-brainer civilians know how to press the "BUTTONs" and by doing that you have Zero casualty...and your enemies will sure be wiped out systematically.

Well, our friends live close by. So we can't just nuke all our enemies without affecting them.

We Chinese have fought war for over millenium and we prevail is that good enought to answer your question?

Yeah but just give me one example of a war you fought and won that wasn't inside your own borders against your own people. Now I'm just really curious.

Combined power of China and Russia can kill America many times. simple as that.

And the US by itself has enough firepower to destroy both China and Russia. What's your point?
If that's case why you still need soldiers for when your Nukes is enough to wipe out the entire earth?? any no-brainer civilians know how to press the "BUTTONs" and by doing that you have Zero casualty...and your enemies will sure be wiped out systematically.

We Chinese have fought war for over millenium and we prevail is that good enought to answer your question?

You forget that It's American who deployed their soldiers worldwide. They could do and did it.
Well, our friends live close by. So we can't just nuke all our enemies without affecting them.

Yeah but just give me one example of a war you fought and won that wasn't inside your own borders against your own people. Now I'm just really curious.

And the US by itself has enough firepower to destroy both China and Russia. What's your point?
What do you think of our performance in the Korean War? that was outside our border.
Both China and Russia have massive underground tunnel to survive a nuclear blast.

not very much time for a lot of people to get to 'tunnels' when the missiles start flying. millions upon million will still be killed on all sides. This is real world, not video games were talking about my friend. Lets be realistic.
What do you think of our performance in the Korean War? that was outside our border.

Let's see. You're right next door, you send 1.3 million troops and you lose 150k troops and the war ends in a stalemate with North Korea losing about 1500 square miles of territory. You tell me how you think you did.
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Let's see. You're right next door, you send 1.3 million troops and you lose 150k troops and the war ends in a stalemate with North Korea loosing about 1500 square miles of territory. You tell me how you think you did.
We fought you with old WWI relic. It was a stalemate because we lack air power and logistics, thank again to our technological deficiency. We made up technological disadvantage, inability to produce advance weapon with smart strategy and man power. Not many countries can claim to fight the US and her UN allies to a stalemate in an open battle unlike the VC that love to hide in tunnel to worn you out. Show respect, friend.
Yeah but just give me one example of a war you fought and won that wasn't inside your own borders against your own people. Now I'm just really curious.

How relevant is this? Mongols won over hundred Battles through out Eurorasia, did that made Mongolia a great empire Today, America is more less on the same situation and will share the same fate. As for China we dont need to win any war or battle to get similar result as US which made what China today, a second economic power in the world without the need to bleed ourself.

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill....Tsun Zi
We fought you with old WWI relic. It was a stalemate because we lack air power and logistics, thank again to our technological deficiency. We made up technological disadvantage, inability to produce advance weapon with smart strategy and man power. Not many countries can claim to fight the US and her UN allies to a stalemate in an open battle unlike the VC that love to hide in tunnel to worn you out. Show respect, friend.

I have the utmost respect for the men who fought and died but absolutely no respect for a leadership that sends a million plus poorly equipped men into battle to get killed. Like I said before, cannon-fodder culture. And for what? To make sure the Kim family is in power? Pathetic.
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