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Lol what about Americans, you guys are not mean to be warriors, you had not chance to fight a long attrition war against Japan as China did in WW2, if not because you cowardly nuked Japan for a quick end, you think America still exist until today?.

here Chinese famous endurance fighting and the war attrition slogan ->楚虽三户,亡秦必楚

Why die when you don't have to ? It's stupid. Like China wouldn't have nuked Japan if they could have.
Why die when you don't have to ? It's stupid. Like China wouldn't have nuked Japan if they could have.

If that's the case why not nuke on every conflict so ZERO american wont die...LMAO, the conclusion is simple US used nuke face an imminent defeat under stubborn Japanese resistance and agressive offense in WW2. Without the Nuke the fate of America will be even more miserable than China.
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If that's the case why not nuke on every conflict so ZERO american wont die...LMAO, the conclusion is simple US used nuke face an imminent defeat under stubborn Japanese resistance and agressive offense in WW2. Without the Nuke the fate of America will be even more miserable than China.

WTF do they teach you guys in school over there ? Holy F*ck !!:crazy:
WTF do they teach you guys in school over there ? Holy F*ck !!:crazy:

it's just a simple deduction, you don't need to have the Fcking PHD for that. You American just relied on superior technology edge to win the war, you wouldn't dare ot pick up an fair and square fight. the last times you guys have tried was in Korea and Vietnam wars despite the fact that US still had overwhelming firing power, still you were pilling up the mountain of body bags for your soldiers ready to ship back home. And that why Americans are so scare of losing technological edges over their adversaries...you guys are simply not meant to be a soldiers
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it's just a simple deduction, you don't need to have the Fcking PHD for that. You American just relied on superior technology edge to win the war, you wouldn't dare ot pick up an fair and square fight. the last times you guys have tried was in Korea and Vietnam wars despite the fact that US still had overwhelming firing power, still you were pilling up the mountain of body bags for your soldiers ready to ship back home. And that why Americans are so scare of losing technological edges over their adversaries...you guys are simply not meant to be a soldiers
Bro, all's fair in war. I have to agree with Boom on this one. I'm actually against rules for war. If someone is trying to kill you i will do everything to kill him.
Lol what about Americans, you guys are not mean to be warriors, you had not chance to fight a long attrition war against Japan as China did in WW2, if not because you cowardly nuked Japan for a quick end, you think America still exist until today?.

here Chinese famous endurance fighting and the war attrition slogan ->楚虽三户,亡秦必楚

You downplayed the role of American in WW2 to China, because they want the winner is R.O.C ?
That's not good. Without American in Asia, Japan only fear for Soviet Union.

Although American later support R.O.V and R.O.K but Vietnamese communists never lower their role in WW2. That's the big difference oppose to your words.
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it's just a simple deduction, you don't need to have the Fcking PHD for that. You American just relied on superior technology edge to win the war, you wouldn't dare ot pick up an fair and square fight. the last times you guys have tried was in Korea and Vietnam wars despite the fact that US still had overwhelming firing power, still you were pilling up the mountain of body bags for your soldiers ready to ship back home. And that why Americans are so scare of losing technological edges over their adversaries...you guys are simply not meant to be a soldiers

When was the last time China fought and won a real war? Your big accomplishments are tickle fights with Vietnam and India. By the way, we worked to get that technological edge. We didn't steal other people's tech like some countries. We're not from a cannon-fodder culture so we do everything in our power to give our soldiers the best possible gear to support their efforts. For the record, we're more soldiers than you'll ever be. We've fought and won all kinds of war all over the world. All you've done run over your own people with tanks.
Bro, all's fair in war. I have to agree with Boom on this one. I'm actually against rules for war. If someone is trying to kill you i will do everything to kill him.

I agree all war is based on deception sure Americans can take advantage of their military superiority, but when they are bragging on how China lost to Japan, I just want to school them that they were not better than us in WW2 except to rely on Nukes to for easy way out.

Are you TRYING to sound stupid ? 'Fair and square' ? You are joking, right ?:usflag:

It's not stupid, I just show you than Americans nothing without technological superiority. One day you guys will learn to fight in fair and square, your American exceptionionalism won't last for eternity. :china:

You downplayed the role of American in WW2 to China, because they want the winner is R.O.C ?
That's not good. Without American in Asia, Japan only fear for Soviet Union.

Although American later support R.O.V and R.O.K but Vietnamese communists never lower their role in WW2. That's the big difference oppose to your words.

I have not downplay American's role in WW2, I merely point out that they were meatballs as everyone else if they didn't cowardly use NUKEs against Japan.
I have not downplay American's role in WW2, I merely point out that they were meatballs as everyone else if they didn't cowardly use NUKEs against Japan.

I would not call them as meatballs after they corner the Japanese army and save your own people.
But yes, using or ready to use the nuclear bombs is the bad habit, that unluckily, most of big countries are following.
That's the best thing for the West. China and Russia will NEVER trust each other and eventually will be beating each others brains out. I can't wait !!:pop:

Well, when against USA, China and Russia can fully trust each other because they know if one goes down, then the other one will be the next.
When was the last time China fought and won a real war? Your big accomplishments are tickle fights with Vietnam and India. By the way, we worked to get that technological edge. We didn't steal other people's tech like some countries. We're not from a cannon-fodder culture so we do everything in our power to give our soldiers the best possible gear to support their efforts. For the record, we're more soldiers than you'll ever be. We've fought and won all kinds of war all over the world. All you've done run over your own people with tanks.

Sure you don't steal other tech but you steal info about other people's tech because you're scare of being excede. You don't have cannon-folder culture that why you rely on nukes that what I tried to get at...you Americans are not meant to be warrior. You fought and won all kinds of war not because your soldiers are capable to fight but thanks to the technologies, if you equiped and gear up monkey with the same tech as Americans, they could also win the war as well.
Lol what about Americans, you guys are not mean to be warriors, you had not chance to fight a long attrition war against Japan as China did in WW2, if not because you cowardly nuked Japan for a quick end, you think America still exist until today?.

here Chinese famous endurance fighting and the war attrition slogan ->楚虽三户,亡秦必楚

“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.”
George S. Patton Jr.

Like I said in my earlier post. You guys are from a cannon-fodder culture. We're not. We fight hard and fight to win. We don't just throw millions of bodies in and hope that the other side gets tired of killing you and leaves. There's a very big difference in our philosophies on war. We value the lives of our men in uniform, you look at them as disposable commodities.
I would not call them as meatballs after they corner the Japanese army and save your own people.
But yes, using or ready to use the nuclear bombs is the bad habit, that unluckily, most of big countries are following.

At least you're agree with me about cowards are alway tried to find an easy way out and Nuke is coward's hope.
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