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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

If one convinces oneself that one's counterpart is unrelentingly hostile, even in the absence of evidence, it's not hard to see how conflict becomes more likely.

It is not a conviction. It is empirically-verified, contemporary reality -- that the US is unrelentingly hostile.

The author didn't substantiate either of the bolded statements.

Because the main theme of the article is not US hostilities toward China. It is only mentioned within the context of a contemporary development. The issue, nonetheless, has been (and being) mentioned in other places plenty of time and he does not have to put there "the pivot," "spying," "interference in domestic affairs" etc. etc., to convince the readership. It is just a waste of space.

It is these anti-American statements which make the article have an "anti-American slant," as I said.

Yet, none of them anti-American, since "American" refers to a people. Let say, it is anti-US (as a state-person) in the sense that it upholds China's interests over others' interests; separating regime from its people is always more convenient. Being anti-US is not being anti-American.

Predicting an undefined "inflammatory action" by the US against China, Russia, or Germany at some undefined point in the future is simple demonization, or in this specific case, anti-Americanism.

The author does not "predict." He does not use the word. He refers to a reality on the ground. We all know how the US is pressing certain European countries for a more hard-line stance toward Russia. And indeed, supporting Ukrainian separatism and thus putting a dent on Russia-Europe relations is more than "inflammatory."

Considering that neither of us had heard of the Beijing-Washington rail plan, it is reasonable to assume that the plan is, at best, merely an idea at the moment.

I guess, what he means by Beijing-Washington rail is not one across the Pacific, but, as an extension of the Beijing-Moscow rail, and across the Bering.

Nevertheless, if you agree with these ill-defined and unsubstantiated claims, I'll be happy to put you down as anti-American.

If your definition of anti-American is pro-China, yes, go ahead. But, still, I would wish to separate people from their governments which may or may not directly reflect their mandate. Hence, my pro-China stand is probably seen as anti-US by yourself, as I would decline to be anti-anybody. That is the reason, in the above post, I did not use the term, anti-American, which I consider a form of racism.

Even though I do not agree on many point with their regime, I respect the American people and wish them all the best.

The term "anti-Americanism" is more like an escape-clause in the hands of some US chauvinists.
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I wish the trans Europe-China link can be successful with the start of thawing ice in Russia, Turkey etc where we are going to leave our footprints there

The HSR is a great idea offering an excellent alternatives and comfort to travel by sea and air.

Keep going :cheesy::super::tup:
Truth. i can tell you in this world there are many people afraid of flying. who knows, in the future these hsr will even be faster thus saving time.
Thank you for the explanation.

Yet, none of them anti-American, since "American" refers to a people. Let say, it is anti-US (as a state-person) in the sense that it upholds China's interests over others' interests; separating regime from its people is always more convenient. Being anti-US is not being anti-American.

If your definition of anti-American is pro-China, yes, go ahead. But, still, I would wish to separate people from their governments which may or may not directly reflect their mandate. Hence, my pro-China stand is probably seen as anti-US by yourself, as I would decline to be anti-anybody. That is the reason, in the above post, I did not use the term, anti-American, which I consider a form of racism.

Even though I do not agree on many point with their regime, I respect the American people and wish them all the best.

The term "anti-Americanism" is more like an escape-clause in the hands of some US chauvinists.

I am beginning to understand our disagreement better. Your distinction between "anti-US" and "anti-American" is not one that is recognized by native speakers of American English, i.e. we treat them as interchangeable. I agree that you are anti-US government, but not necessarily anti-American people.

In addition, and I am not asking this to provoke, but it's a sincere question: are you a Marxist?
Even when I disagree with an article, I often find enjoyment in reading it, because it gives me the opportunity to learn new perspectives. Bypassing the anti-American slant of the article, some assertions were unclear to me, perhaps you can help.

But later in the article:

Edited for clarity: If rail is to be valued beyond the economic potential, how does the author explain the decline in railway development?

Awe-inspiring feat of engineering and willpower. Simply incredible.

Highways are not sufficient for Africa's development? Why must it be rail?

This is the first time I've read this assertion. Do you have any studies I could read about this?

This is staggeringly ambitious, and again, the first I've heard of this. What does such a project look like, will an undersea tunnel be constructed? Do you have any articles I could read about the planning behind this?

The question that comes to my mind is: is this even economically feasible?
The question that comes to my mind is: is this even economically feasible?

Certainly not, but as we are told by the author of the article (and reminded by Chinese users on PDF), the strength of China's state owned enterprises is that they are not bound by the Western requirement of profitability. Personally, I am quite happy to have Chinese taxpayers subsidize railway development across the world, so I would love to see a Beijing-Washington railway built.
Certainly not, but as we are told by the author of the article (and reminded by Chinese users on PDF), the strength of China's state owned enterprises is that they are not bound by the Western requirement of profitability. Personally, I am quite happy to have Chinese taxpayers subsidize railway development across the world, so I would love to see a Beijing-Washington railway built.

I wish them all the best of luck !
Thank you for the explanation.

I am beginning to understand our disagreement better. Your distinction between "anti-US" and "anti-American" is not one that is recognized by native speakers of American English, i.e. we treat them as interchangeable. I agree that you are anti-US government, but not necessarily anti-American people.

In addition, and I am not asking this to provoke, but it's a sincere question: are you a Marxist?

If I may add, as to anti-Americanism, which practically impossible, because the US people are not the only Americans, there are a continent-full of people that are Americans by land. One can be possibly an anti-USer, but, that is also racism. Being anti-US, if one ever may call oneself so, is simply a political statement.

As for Marxism, I studies it, and my MA adviser was a prominent class theorist.

For me, I guess I moved a little bit from classical Marxism in the sense that it does not recognize the state as a liberationist agency. For me, however, the state is the highest political expression and, potentially, ethical.


Obviously it work for China :yahoo::china:
funny no plans for japan connection with china
Truth. i can tell you in this world there are many people afraid of flying. who knows, in the future these hsr will even be faster thus saving time.

People who are having certain physical conditions cannot travel by planes (not even on domestic flight in China): 8-)

China's Main Competitor in Space Exploration is India, Not Russia: Researcher | Analysis & Opinion | RIA Novosti

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, scientists work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) in Beijing.

MOSCOW, October 24 (RIA Novosti) - China's principal competitor in space exploration is India, not Russia, researcher at the Russian Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Vasily Kashin told RIA Novosti on Friday.

"China and India are two new space powers. They have vast resources and consider their space programs from the national prestige perspective ," the expert said.

He added that China and India are following Russian and US footsteps in space exploration.

"China's more developed space-rocket industry and immense resources have let it take the lead in the two countries' space race," Kashin argued.

Despite being behind China in space exploration, India has a significant advantage, according to the researcher.

"China is still under rigid restrictions on any form of cooperation with the United States, including on the purchase of components … The Chinese are forced to do many things on their own and they sometimes cannot produce components of a required level. The Indians have less resources, but they are in good relations with everyone. India can cooperate with both Russia and the West, adopting their best technologies," Kashin concluded.

Earlier on Friday, China launched an experimental spacecraft to the moon orbit, which is to return to Earth in eight days. The spacecraft is to test out re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere for the planned 2017 Chang'e-5 lunar mission.
You are wrong.China's competitors are USA and EU.
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