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The Great Gama celebrated by GOOGLE! One of greatest wrestler/fighters which lived

guys Kashmiris of Punjab are considered Punjabi af , in the same category as Jutts, arain, Gujjar, and other native clans
Nawaz Sharif is also Kashmiri but in Punjab, we consider Kashmiris as Punjabi, inner-city Lahore is Kashmiri dominated but culturally all are Punjabi

He was a Muslim Punjabi, Pakistani wrestler

Most of the Kashmiris in Punjab are recent migrants (19th century onwards, fleeing Muslim persecution in Dogra ruled Kashmir). They faced discrimination in Punjab in the sense that they weren't allowed to own agricultural land and therefore could never make it to the "native" category. Though now they are culturally as much Punjabi as the native tribes, they prefer to retain at least some of their "Kashmiri" identity and roots and are borderline racists (Kashmiri Sharif family for example has vehemently promoted ethnic Kashmiris in central Punjab)
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