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The Girls of the Taliban

Cannot locate video here, is it from youtube?
Pashtuns are the real Khurasan. They will be the force that accompany with Imamul-Mahdi (alaihi Asalaam) for the final battle between good and evil. They will indeed be the force that defeats evil.

Maasha'Allah the sisters are learning Islam.
If you want you can watch it here:


Special series - The Girls of the Taeliban
After few minute, i stopped watching it...a propaganda rubbish documentary. They are not girls of taliban, they are talibaat. They are not even pashtuns from taliban strongholds, studying Quran in madrassas is a "normal" thing you will observe in muslim world. This fcking reporter should visit my area, girls there go to madrassa just like in kunduz, whats so alarming and "terrorist" about that?,
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After few minute, i stopped watching it...a propaganda rubbish documentary. They are not girls of taliban, they are talibaat. They are not even pashtuns from taliban strongholds, studying Quran in madrassas is a "normal" thing you will observe in muslim world. This fcking reporter should visit my area, girls there go to madrassa just like in kunduz, whats so alarming and "terrorist" about that?,

What's alarming is that these girls have no life other than reading Quran. Science, math, history, have you heard of these subjects???
What's alarming is that these girls have no life other than reading Quran. Science, math, history, have you heard of these subjects???
In addition to reading Quran, they reproduce offspring, one after another until they die of some birth -related complications for they are not allowed to see male Doctors, and female Doctors are just not there for their jaahil parents, under the influence of equally or more jaahil mullah, don't allow the girls to study anything but, you guess what, Quran.

Some health related statistics in FATA where girls are allowed to read nothing but Quran:

- Infant mortality rate is estimated to be 87 deaths per 1,000 live births for both sexes, with elevated mortality for males (male 95, female 72).

- Under-five mortality rate in FATA was 104 per 1,000 live births (male 110, female 80).

- Maternal mortality is thought to exceed 600 deaths per 100,000 live births.
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Pashtuns are the real Khurasan. They will be the force that accompany with Imamul-Mahdi (alaihi Asalaam) for the final battle between good and evil. They will indeed be the force that defeats evil.

Maasha'Allah the sisters are learning Islam.

I won't comment on whose Khurasani and who is not, but Pashtuns seriously need to stop mixing their traditions with Islamic preaching, and they need to understand Pashtunwali is something totally separate from Islam. Some of their acts cannot be justified by taking cover under Islam.
These 6th century idiots, have refused to evolve with time, spend their entire life memorising one book, that Their ignorance is blood curdling.

As is the law of nature, one who doesn't evolve and adapt with time , goes extinct, pretty soon they will too.

"Of all of the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny of religion is the worst."
Thomas Paine
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In addition to reading Quran, they reproduce offspring, one after another until they die of some birth -related complications for they are not allowed to see male Doctors, and female Doctors are just not there for their jaahil parents, under the influence of equally or more jaahil mullah, don't allow the girls to study anything but, you guess what, Quran.

Some health related statistics in FATA where girls are allowed to read nothing but Quran:

- Infant mortality rate is estimated to be 87 deaths per 1,000 live births for both sexes, with elevated mortality for males (male 95, female 72).

- Under-five mortality rate in FATA was 104 per 1,000 live births (male 110, female 80).

- Maternal mortality is thought to exceed 600 deaths per 100,000 live births.

FATA definently needs to be brought into main stream... These types of madrassahs need to be shut down I've been saying this since day one... Unfortunately we need a leader with balls who will do this

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