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The Girls of the Taliban

These 6th century idiots, have refused to evolve with time, spend their entire life memorising one book.

What exactly is the problem, the way people live or memorising? You won't know anything about why memorising QURAN is a blessing and a gift, so better not post anything about that. And all of us do memorise notes / books / lectures at one time or another. Memorising anything has nothing to do with backwardness of people, its some of the Anti Islamic traditions that are associated with Islam by these people.
What exactly is the problem, the way people live or memorising? You won't know anything about why memorising QURAN is a blessing and a gift, so better not post anything about that. And all of us do memorise notes / books / lectures at one time or another. Memorising anything has nothing to do with backwardness of people, its some of the Anti Islamic traditions that are associated with Islam by these people.

My problem is not with people memorising Koran. My problem is with people memorizing just Koran or Torah or Bible or Gita.
FATA definently needs to be brought into main stream... These types of madrassahs need to be shut down I've been saying this since day one... Unfortunately we need a leader with balls who will do this

Shutting down madrassahs is not the solution, keeping people employed is a solution, we can use these madrassahs as schools that offer free of cost education , just Nationalis these Madrassahs bring in other syllabus, spend some money and take charge of these madrassahs. If the tax payer can bear burden of other public organisations like PIA, railway etc we can bear this too, but this won't happen because politicians don't get any benefit from doing this.
Pashtuns are the real Khurasan. They will be the force that accompany with Imamul-Mahdi (alaihi Asalaam) for the final battle between good and evil. They will indeed be the force that defeats evil.

Maasha'Allah the sisters are learning Islam.
Dum Pukht masala .. yum yum!
My problem is not with people memorising Koran. My problem is with people memorizing just Koran or Torah or Bible or Gita.

Yes I agree and by the way I have met lots of competent professionals who have memorised QURAN (we call them Hafiz) and are also excellent in their fields and professions like Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Engineers, Soldiers etc.
Very admirable. I wish I was Muslim so that I could send all the females in my family to madrassah to recite only the Quran. All those bloody female doctors, scientists, engineers and other professionals in my family are just living in sin
What's alarming is that these girls have no life other than reading Quran. Science, math, history, have you heard of these subjects???
Does girls in interior Sindh even study Quran let alone science, maths etc?............

In addition to reading Quran, they reproduce offspring, one after another until they die of some birth -related complications for they are not allowed to see male Doctors, and female Doctors are just not there for their jaahil parents, under the influence of equally or more jaahil mullah, don't allow the girls to study anything but, you guess what, Quran.

Some health related statistics in FATA where girls are allowed to read nothing but Quran:

- Infant mortality rate is estimated to be 87 deaths per 1,000 live births for both sexes, with elevated mortality for males (male 95, female 72).

- Under-five mortality rate in FATA was 104 per 1,000 live births (male 110, female 80).

- Maternal mortality is thought to exceed 600 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Its because there are no fcking hospitals in FATA

These 6th century idiots, have refused to evolve with time, spend their entire life memorising one book, that Their ignorance is blood curdling.

Memorizing Quran is a basic thing in madrassa, they also learn arabic to understand it, as well as interpretation . They also learn hadith, "fiqa"., "mantaq" (logic), usool, fatwa etc. And they also have exams.

Lets not go into the discussion whether its useful for a muslim or not. I mean , your hindus have tales of ram, ramyan, hanuman, elelphant-men etc, whats the use of becoming pandit or reading stories of mahabhrat?

Shutting down madrassahs is not the solution, keeping people employed is a solution, we can use these madrassahs as schools that offer free of cost education , just Nationalis these Madrassahs bring in other syllabus, spend some money and take charge of these madrassahs. If the tax payer can bear burden of other public organisations like PIA, railway etc we can bear this too, but this won't happen because politicians don't get any benefit from doing this.
Madrassas offer free education and free meal. Schools , even the public ones, are costly for very poor families. In our areas, parents send even boys to school for one purpose, to earn decent livelihood in future......when MMA government (Siraj-ul-haq as education minister then) offered money, meal and free dress for girls in school.......parents in our areas started sending girls to schools in huge humbers. You have to attach incentive for education for girls, parents in those improvised areas dont see point in sending girls to school and colleges otherwise.
Does girls in interior Sindh even study Quran let alone science, maths etc?............

Its because there are no fcking hospitals in FATA

Memorizing Quran is a basic thing in madrassa, they also learn arabic to understand it, as well as interpretation . They also learn hadith, "fiqa"., "mantaq" (logic), usool, fatwa etc. And they also have exams.

Lets not go into the discussion whether its useful for a muslim or not. I mean , your hindus have tales of ram, ramyan, hanuman, elelphant-men etc, whats the use of becoming pandit or reading stories of mahabhrat?

Madrassas offer free education and free meal. Schools , even the public ones, are costly for very poor families. In our areas, parents send even boys to school for one purpose, to earn decent livelihood in future......when MMA government (Siraj-ul-haq as education minister then) offered money, meal and free dress for girls in school.......parents in our areas started sending girls to schools in huge humbers. You have to attach incentive for education for girls, parents in those improvised areas dont see point in sending girls to school and colleges otherwise.

I'm glad to see you have changed Luffy. I hope you are not trying to deceive me with your punjabi women in the fields bullshit again. Wakay tauhba kar lena.
Changes come with time, and certainly outsiders imposing them nor ridiculing other cultures won't bring them. Additionally, at least in Pashtun areas, young girls are not killed by their parents because they happen to be poor and can't pay the dowry. To my knowledge, no such culture exists there. You see if you go around the world, you will see many things that you won't accept and it is all about your perspectives and where you're coming from. However, at least in this case, they are learning the Quran and Arabic language as well. Hopefully, when stability is restored in Afghanistan and the current violence is over, then the changes will come gradually. Cultural changes do take time, and stability and progress go hand in hand.
Its because there are no fcking hospitals in FATA
Hospitals and dispensaries are there but ill-equipped and mostly without doctors. Why no doctors? not even those who hail from FATA wish to be appointed in FATA.
Pashtuns are the real Khurasan. They will be the force that accompany with Imamul-Mahdi (alaihi Asalaam) for the final battle between good and evil. They will indeed be the force that defeats evil.

Maasha'Allah the sisters are learning Islam.

Fairy tales created to give the Arabs another King of the Muslims.

I will give it another 40 years till the Muslim world wise up and understand the difference between faith/spirituality and hegemonic enslavement.

Pakistan will flourish into a prosperous and strong nation state where Pathans are no longer the dumb warriors but contribute with intelligence. Then we will settle old scores.
That's the sort of ideology they have propagated again and again for the young generations that learning and practicing religion will benefit you after death and having modern education studying medicine, engineering, business will benefit you in this world only....i mean what a classy narrow tunnel vision they have propagated about Islam......Problem is that they hate West in their narrow minded world and they hate anything which is associated with them...even modern education. Denying your girls modern education is same like keeping your future generations in dark for next 50 years...that's why they were blowing girls schools in Swat Valley and FATA inside Pakistan...That's why they were afraid of Malala Yusufzai..!! They cannot continue with this sort of mindset and they cannot continue with this kind of tyranny in Afghanistan in the upcoming years..!!

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