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The Girls of the Taliban

Problem is that they hate West in their narrow minded world and they hate anything which is associated with them...
Not really, the heroin they make from poppy, the land cruisers they drive, the weapons they fire, the shoes they put on, the computer and internet they use, the medicines they consume, just about everything comes from the evil West. It is their extreme hypocrisy that they don't opt for modern education for this does not suit to their interests.
Pashtuns are the real Khurasan. They will be the force that accompany with Imamul-Mahdi (alaihi Asalaam) for the final battle between good and evil. They will indeed be the force that defeats evil.

Maasha'Allah the sisters are learning Islam.

Yes they will defeat evil with drug smuggling, bacha bazi, suicide bombings, slitting throats of fellow Muslims, taking money from USA to fight Soviet Union. Listen up caveman, you will not conquer anything. Foreign forces came and destroyed your country, they will came again and again, there is nothing you can do about it.
After few minute, i stopped watching it...a propaganda rubbish documentary. They are not girls of taliban, they are talibaat. They are not even pashtuns from taliban strongholds, studying Quran in madrassas is a "normal" thing you will observe in muslim world. This fcking reporter should visit my area, girls there go to madrassa just like in kunduz, whats so alarming and "terrorist" about that?,
So after a few minutes you stopped watching it, but still you go on to criticize it, calling it the rubbish documentary and even using the F -word against the female reporter.

If you had watched the documentary, you would have learned that it was hardly an opinionated program.
And the name “girls of Taliban” is about the Taliban mindset.

One of the funny part was that a Taliban Mullah was telling his followers to spread it, “publish it via media, by loudspeakers, radio and television” little did this ignorant man realized that anyone studying in his madrasa, forget about invention, cannot even repair any of those devices.

Let me ask you a question, what if one of these madrasa girls gets breast cancer or some virginal disease, where will they go for their checkup?
Memorizing Quran is a basic thing in madrassa, they also learn arabic to understand it, as well as interpretation . They also learn hadith, "fiqa"., "mantaq" (logic), usool, fatwa etc. And they also have exams.

Lets not go into the discussion whether its useful for a muslim or not. I mean , your hindus have tales of ram, ramyan, hanuman, elelphant-men etc, whats the use of becoming pandit or reading stories of mahabhrat?

There are similar schools amongst Hindus and Christians also they are know as Pathshalas and Convents.
But learning religious mythology is just one of the subjects there

They do learn the 'reality' also.

One can not survive or rather flourish in this world just on what some one supposedly said 1400 yrs or 2000 yrs ago, or supposedly wrote 5000 yrs ago...or they will be left behind.

While rest of humanity is reaching Moon and Mars, these societies will continue to dwell in caves metaphorically.

You guys are so proud of nuclear weapons, could you have built these weapons, just by studying Koran itself?

You are living in today's world, adapt accordingly.
Yes they will defeat evil with drug smuggling, bacha bazi, suicide bombings, slitting throats of fellow Muslims, taking money from USA to fight Soviet Union. Listen up caveman, you will not conquer anything. Foreign forces came and destroyed your country, they will came again and again, there is nothing you can do about it.
Among Pashtuns, iranians, tajiks, uzbeks etc, who will raise black flags for Imam Mehdi?, nobody knows. Pashtuns are not even old inhabitants of khorasan, their historical homeland is koh sulieman and koh sufaid ranges........but i am proud of the fact that Pashtuns are not Qadianis like you.
Among Pashtuns, iranians, tajiks, uzbeks etc, who will raise black flags for Imam Mehdi?, nobody knows. Pashtuns are not even old inhabitants of khorasan, their historical homeland is koh sulieman and koh sufaid ranges........but i am proud of the fact that Pashtuns are not Qadianis like you.
Being a law -abiding Qadyani is far better than being a so-called pious Muslim yet a criminal . Me or you have no right to think low of a person and vilifying his beliefs. Even our Prophet (PBUH) did not do this, who are we?

This post has been reported!
Yes they will defeat evil with drug smuggling, bacha bazi, suicide bombings, slitting throats of fellow Muslims, taking money from USA to fight Soviet Union. Listen up caveman, you will not conquer anything. Foreign forces came and destroyed your country, they will came again and again, there is nothing you can do about it.
Post reported for calling Pashtuns "bachabaz, cavemen, smugglers etc"

Yes they will defeat evil with drug smuggling, bacha bazi, suicide bombings, slitting throats of fellow Muslims, taking money from USA to fight Soviet Union. Listen up caveman, you will not conquer anything. Foreign forces came and destroyed your country, they will came again and again, there is nothing you can do about it.

I am not even an Afghan, so calm down Jaanbaz. According to learned Islamic scholars, Black Banners from Khurasan will be coming from Afghanistan and they will liberate the Holy Land.

Listen Sheikh Imran Hosein at Youtube.

Black Flags Army | Khurasan Afghanistan from Hadiths || Sheikh Imran Hosein

This liberation will take place while you and others are clapping their buttcheeks for every empire that comes along!
These 6th century idiots, have refused to evolve with time, spend their entire life memorising one book, that Their ignorance is blood curdling.

As is the law of nature, one who doesn't evolve and adapt with time , goes extinct, pretty soon they will too.

"Of all of the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny of religion is the worst."
Thomas Paine
That one Book has inspired more work in the fields of literature, architecture, social sciences, politics, economics, and other sciences than any other book in the history of mankind. That one Book has served as the bedrock of a religion that has overcome all boundaries conceived by the selfish human ego. That Book has had more impact on the world than any other human phenomenon.
Perhaps there is something in it for you too. Go ahead and have a look.
After all have you wondered why so many billions of people for the last millennium have stood up to defend this book and its message...and continue to do so. There has to be something in it.

Not really, the heroin they make from poppy, the land cruisers they drive, the weapons they fire, the shoes they put on, the computer and internet they use, the medicines they consume, just about everything comes from the evil West. It is their extreme hypocrisy that they don't opt for modern education for this does not suit to their interests.
Modern education and sciences will not change this problem. The problem will simply become more complicated. Has education and science done any wonders in South America ? (except to improve drug manufacturing and give people easier ways to kill each other). No sir, the people have to change their outlook towards life, their character, their morality and their behavior. As far as I know no book of science teaches this.

"Of all of the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny of religion is the worst."
Thomas Paine
"I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life."
Thomas Paine
That one Book has inspired more work in the fields of literature, architecture, social sciences, politics, economics, and other sciences than any other book in the history of mankind. That one Book has served as the bedrock of a religion that has overcome all boundaries conceived by the selfish human ego. That Book has had more impact on the world than any other human phenomenon.
Perhaps there is something in it for you too. Go ahead and have a look.
After all have you wondered why so many billions of people for the last millennium have stood up to defend this book and its message...and continue to do so. There has to be something in it.

That one book, just like any other book is useless on its own!

"Science without Religion Is Lame, Religion without Science Is Blind"
Albert Einstein
That one book, just like any other book is useless on its own!

"Science without Religion Is Lame, Religion without Science Is Blind"
Albert Einstein
Nobody ever said that it was a stand alone book. It came with a Teacher who taught us the method of living a honorable, true and pure life. He never said that we are not allowed to prosper in worldly matters. That we are not prospering is our own fault...we have failed to live our lives the way in which the Book describe. The Quran also says that if we abandon its teaching after having accepted them then ruin is our reward. Are we not sufficiently ruined ?
I am not even an Afghan, so calm down Jaanbaz. According to learned Islamic scholars, Black Banners from Khurasan will be coming from Afghanistan and they will liberate the Holy Land.

Listen Sheikh Imran Hosein at Youtube.

Black Flags Army | Khurasan Afghanistan from Hadiths || Sheikh Imran Hosein

This liberation will take place while you and others are clapping their buttcheeks for every empire that comes along!

When Afghans can conquer their own country then we will consider if they can conquer the world while riding on donkeys. Cheers.

Among Pashtuns, iranians, tajiks, uzbeks etc, who will raise black flags for Imam Mehdi?, nobody knows. Pashtuns are not even old inhabitants of khorasan, their historical homeland is koh sulieman and koh sufaid ranges........but i am proud of the fact that Pashtuns are not Qadianis like you.

I have met plenty of ''Qadiani'' Pushtuns too.:D
They have girls? I thought they only liked boys like 80% of afghani race.
Funny :lol: it is so funny when their men teachers gives classes to girls behind that curtain.
When Afghans can conquer their own country then we will consider if they can conquer the world while riding on donkeys. Cheers.

I have met plenty of ''Qadiani'' Pushtuns too.:D
And what do you call them, Khocha-akhroats or bachabaz-qadianis?

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