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The Genographic Project : Iranians are more Arab than South Asian

Oct 3, 2013
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The Genographic Project : Iranians are more Arab than South Asian


This reference population is based on native Iranians. As some ancient populations migrated from Africa, they passed first through southwestern Asia en route to the rest of Eurasia. Some populations stayed in the Middle East and southwest Asia, over time developing unique genetic patterns. The large Arabian and Southern Asia components found in our reference Iranian population reflect these ancient patterns. The Asia Minor and Central Asia components likely arrived via the migrations of groups originating in those regions farther north, such as the Turks and Mongols. The Silk Road also may have served to disperse Asian genetic patterns farther south and west.

The Genographic Project : Iranians are more Arab than South Asian


There is no arab. We're talking about haplogroups.

If they mean J1 and J2 are arab then they're making a big mistake.
A special branche of J1, which is j1c3d2 is very high among arabs, but 4% for average Iranians (excluding Iranian arabs). Even then it's not that sure of this is THE arab dna since some zoroastrians have it also. Other branches of j1 (for example in caucausus) are not the arab j1.
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DNA maps show we did not migrate from Arabia.

We have common DNA with Indians, Pakistanis and Europeans in these two major DNA groups J2 and R1 :



R1 DNA origin comes from Afghanistan and Iran, This is map of migration:



G comes from Caucasus:


And this is common African:

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National Geographic is known to give out generic information and simplifying things so that simple minded people can understand it. It's misinformation to group both branches of J together, if they were the same ,they wouldn't be called J1 and J2. And in my opinion, it's misinformation to even call J Arabian as it probably didn't originate in the Arabian peninsula. But that's another discussion.

And for ignorant people on here...Being Aryan doesn't equal having blue eyes/being blonde or however you choose to classify it. That was hijacked and distorted history by the Europeans.

Anyway, All J Isn't "Arab/Semitic", which National Geographic has chosen to lump together.
J1, is considered the "Arab/Semitic" one due to,
But J2 is not "Arabic/Semitic".

About 5 km south west from that point.

And there is an inverse relationship of J2a and R1a in Iranian-speaking groups, with an excess of the latter among the eastern Iranian peoples, and of the former among the Persians.
This map is pretty accurate. And you can see why the title of this thread is ridiculous, and insulting to anyone with a shred of knowledge in regards to genetics.

I also made a revelation few minutes ago and you will read in some big time genographics magazines soon in which i had proved that:
Norwegian are more caucasian than Sri Lankan
Luckily as Muslims we are taught to focus on our faith and not look at chromosomes


There is always wisdom in the words , for those who seek it

There are many DNA similarities between humans and various creatures of the world but it is only Humans who have ability to read, write, preserve knowledge, and rationalize and debate
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