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The Generosity of Iran towards Pakistan

Dark Star now that you mention that, Do you know every day 300 Shia are dying in Pakistan? and Terrorists are coming from the Pakistan and not from IRAN! to destabilize Zahedan? This is not a good way to criticize Iran specially when Jundallah HQ is located in Pakistan. Why would Iran help BLA when they and Jundallah are following the same patch? wahhabis propaganda had effect on you it would seem...

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Why do people have to make national issues, into one of Shia/Wahabbi, etc.

As a state, Iran did these things. I don't blame them. Pakistan made their own proxies in AFghanistan, and their interests clashed.

As for Jundullah, their activists have done terrorist activities in Pakistan

In February 2006 the Karachi anti-terrorist court awarded the death penalty and life imprisonment for eleven activists of Jundullah group for attacking the convoy of former Corps Commander Karachi, and the previous Vice Chief of Army Staff, General Ahsan Saleem Hyat in Karachi on June 10, 2004.

Jundullah is not a group connected to Pakistan in any way, shape or form. This is a lie. It has been alleged that the USA helps and supports this group, and it can only do so via Afghanistan.
About Wahabbis i just answered to you accusation about Iran spreading Shia in everywhere!, I meant if Iran would have supported them, Taliban couldnt kill 300 of them every day.

I didnt say it was supported by Pakistan brother! Specially since its one of the BLA chains!

As for the proxy wars, Iran just helped Afghans a bit! Against Soviet. Since we were at war with Iraq, Iran couldnt helped them much, Iran had a plan to organize Hezballah at that time.

And if it wasnt for Hezballah, Lebnan wouldnt have been free of Zionists. Was it a bad move?
300 shias a day are not being killed in Pakistan. Trust me, half my family is Shia, from the disctrict where most of teh Shia Sunni clashes have been going on (Jhang), so I know what i'm talking about.

There have been incidents which have been reported, and there were a lot of tit for tat killings. Many Sunnis and Shias have been killed, from religious scholars, to doctors and simple worshippers.
The UAE just donated a 300 MW powerplant to pakistan. They gave it away for FREE. That is the meaning of generous when you GIVE something for FREE for the BENEFIT of someone else. When you SELL something for a PRICE for your own PROFIT that is nothing to do with generosity at all.

The project is financed by Iran so you dont need to pay anything. And about U.A.E maybe its true but U.A.E isnt imparting the technology to Pakistan, However thats not their fault maybe if the had the technology, They would have given it to our Pakistani brothers.

Long live Iran and Pakistan.
300 shias a day are not being killed in Pakistan. Trust me, half my family is Shia, from the disctrict where most of teh Shia Sunni clashes have been going on (Jhang), so I know what i'm talking about.

There have been incidents which have been reported, and there were a lot of tit for tat killings. Many Sunnis and Shias have been killed, from religious scholars, to doctors and simple worshippers.

But i have heard the news about northwest of Pakistan in the Karam tribes (Area?), Hengo and Parachenar! Please explain about that.

But these masscares are mostly happening because of the ideology (Kill 8 Shia muslim and you'll get a free ticket to heaven). I think!

what are we guys arguin about. being a neighbour and a muslim country iran has got her own importance in the eyes of all pakistanis. US even asked us to provide them our bases for attackin iran.
UAE on the other hand, lik any muslim country has got her own respect.
however i would say iran is far more important for muslim world than any other country. atleast they have got guts to speak against those killin muslims. also we cant ignore their help to hizbullah etc.
investment beign made in balochistan by iran is coz of their kindness. everyone knows how the security situation is in balochistan and therefore investin there in such times in not quite safe. also this will increase bilateral relations bw the two countries and therefore further improve the relations
BLA is a common problem of both the countries and therefore instead of blamin each other we should stand united against them
shia sunni problem is really unfortunate for all the muslims. i feel sorry when i hear shias and sunnis killin each other in pakistan coz of some religious differences. its simple ignorance

long live Iran Pakistan brotherhood
But i have heard the news about northwest of Pakistan in the Karam tribes (Area?), Hengo and Parachenar! Please explain about that.

But these masscares are mostly happening because of the ideology (Kill 8 Shia muslim and you'll get a free ticket to heaven). I think!

there is nothign lik that in pakistan. im not sure where did u hear this from
But i have heard the news about northwest of Pakistan in the Karam tribes (Area?), Hengo and Parachenar! Please explain about that.

But these masscares are mostly happening because of the ideology (Kill 8 Shia muslim and you'll get a free ticket to heaven). I think!


I don't know where you're getting this. It is true that within a very small militant minority of Sunnis and Shias, there were serious clashes. There was a lot of literature bashing each other, a lot of speeches in mosques, and imambaras.

Many books were printed in Iran and distributed in Pakistan, which raised controversial questions about the Companions and Wives of the Prophet pbuh. Many majaalis started giving time to Zakirs who were very strong in condemnation of certain Companions.

ON the other hand, the writings of Ihsan Elahi Zaheer had caused quite a stir. He was the first scholar (who wrote books about ismailis, ithna asharai, bahai, qadiyani, and barelwi sects) to be assasinated in Lahore, in a bomb blast in the mid 80s.

After the formation of the Sipah Sahaba, the battle of words escalated, and many sunni/deobandi mosques welcomed the sipaha sahaba to come and give Anti Shia speeches.

This started first in Distric Jhang, which is a district in Pakistan that has almost equal numbers of shias and sunnis. It is also dominated by very rich, Shia Syed families. There was a political dispute, and some election candidates were killed.

This then spread into a religious clash, and kept on rolling. The tehreek jafria also got in on the act.

Eventually two militant groups Sipah Muhammad (shia) and LAshkare Jhangvi (Deobandi) were formed, who took turns to assasinate, terrorise each other.

Most of the Sipah sahaba leadership was killed in the process, as well as the famous Lahore shia preacher Alama Ghulam Hussain Najfi.

Both sides felt agrieved, and blamed the other for starting this.

Now, this has long since died out, and only sporadic outbursts are seen.

IN the northern areas, some places are very polarised, such as Hunza Gilgit, Baltistan, etc. where the local population are Ismaili, Ithna ashari, and Sunni. they intermittently clash, sometimes against each other on religious lines, and sometimes with each other on racial/tribal lines.

Pakistan has banned most literature from extremist sunni scholars, such as the books of Mirza Hairat Dehlwi, Mahmood Abbasi, Hakeem Faiz Alam Sideequi, Alama Tamanna Amaadi.

At this moment, the PTT are trying to incite this violence again, and targeting shias, to incite a civil conflict.

But the people of Pakistan are too intelligent to be controlled in this way, and sectarian militancy is the lowest its been for a while.
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But i have heard the news about northwest of Pakistan in the Karam tribes (Area?), Hengo and Parachenar! Please explain about that.

But these masscares are mostly happening because of the ideology (Kill 8 Shia muslim and you'll get a free ticket to heaven). I think!


Kurram is one place that received the highest number of Hazara refugees fleeing from the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 80s. The whole demographics of the region changed to a minority-Pakistani and majority-Afghani in just a few years. Naturally friction followed. Most Hazaras are Shi'ain, and to garner suppot local groups played the sectarian card.

The recently violence in K and around is a direct results of Afghan activity. Afghan soldiers are present in the area and arming the Hazaras. And are getting slain too. Naturally again!
The project is financed by Iran so you dont need to pay anything. And about U.A.E maybe its true but U.A.E isnt imparting the technology to Pakistan, However thats not their fault maybe if the had the technology, They would have given it to our Pakistani brothers.

Long live Iran and Pakistan.

From what I understand if someone finances a project for you then you have to pay the cost of the financing plus interest payments on the project. Iran won a tender, it's not "giving" pakistan any money whatsoever. If it is then that link forgot to mention it. You do understand the different between a grant, a gift and a loan?
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