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The Generosity of Iran towards Pakistan


Sep 12, 2008
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Iran to build wind power plant in Pakistan

Tehran Times Economic Desk

TEHRAN – The managing director of SANIR Company, affiliated to Iran’s Energy Ministry, here on Saturday announced that Iran in collaboration with a Pakistani private company will construct a 50 MW wind power plant in the form of build, own, operate (BOO) contract in Pakistan.

According to the Mehr News Agency, Reza Ebadzadeh said that in addition to the project Iran has won the tender of a $50 million 220/132 KV electricity station, and a 120 Km 220 KV power transmission line on which Iran is working.

He added that in accordance with a $65 million deal with the Ministry of Water and Power of Pakistan, Iran has vowed to develop the electricity network in Pakistan’s Gwadar Port by transmitting 100 MW electricity via Chabahar border.

Iran’s power grid to connect to Georgia, Russia

Iran’s Ministry of Energy is to promote multilateral cooperation with Armenia, Georgia, and Russia by joining the electricity transmission network of the countries.

According to IRNA, Ebadzade said that “the power grids of Iran and Armenia are already connected,” adding that “another 400 MW power transmission line will be linked between the two sides.”

Statistics show that Iran’s exchange of electricity with its neighboring countries in the last Iranian calendar year (ended March 19) touched 430 MW.

tehran times : Iran to build wind power plant in Pakistan

Thank You Iran. Pakistanis all over the world are very grateful to you.
Just please dont be too close with India.
Long Live Pakistani-Iranian Brotherhood & Dosti.
Very good news ! i hope friendship grows more in the near future inshallah!
some people talked about pakistan becoming a failed state
this article as well as other articles prove that pakistan has too many friends for it to fail
if we need help there are more than enough countries that are willing to help us
That's beauty of muslim nations ,end of day ,they all united to help each other..
Grateful for what? Winning a tender of 65 million dollars? what's so generous about that? It's business.
Don't see much ' generosity" in a commercial deal.

In any case why should any one accept or need generosity ?
First signs of unity within the UMMAH I really hope all this goes further thatn just wind power though even that can be very strong
Grateful for what? Winning a tender of 65 million dollars? what's so generous about that? It's business.

First of all if Iran do anything for Pakistan its her duty to help a Muslim nation.
Second, Yes its a business agreement, I agree with you! But if a European country or even U.S wanted to construct this for Pakistan you had to pay far more than just $65 million. We are also imparting the technology to our brothers in Pakistan so they can build their own Power plant in the near future.
The UAE just donated a 300 MW powerplant to pakistan. They gave it away for FREE. That is the meaning of generous when you GIVE something for FREE for the BENEFIT of someone else. When you SELL something for a PRICE for your own PROFIT that is nothing to do with generosity at all.
What is generosity, is that Pakistan implemented its unspoken agreement with Iran not to drill for Oil in Baluchistan, or off the Makran coast.

Nothing against Iran, but its a bit weird somebody shouting thank you for a commecial agreement.
This is the same Iran that destabilised Afghanistan by supporting the Hizbe Wahdat militias against the other Mujahideen?

Or that funded and trained TNFJ and Sipah Muhammad to spread the revolution and violence in Pakistan.

Not to mention BLA activities and websites run through Zahedan.
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some people talked about pakistan becoming a failed state
this article as well as other articles prove that pakistan has too many friends for it to fail
if we need help there are more than enough countries that are willing to help us

Because we also supported them and helped them when they needed us the most.

Pakistani People Thank Iranians from the Core of their hearts.
This is the same Iran that destabilised Afghanistan by supporting the Hizbe Wahdat militias against the other Mujahideen?

Or that funded and trained TNFJ and Sipah Muhammad to spread the revolution and violence in Pakistan.

Not to mention BLA activities and websites run through Zahedan.

Really so what you are trying to say is shias of pakistan had no right for self defence as long as wahabis were killing innocent people it was kool when people fight back its called violance and revolution who died and made you incharge.iranians didnt started helping afghanis till after the talibans started butchering people for there believes but that will point fingers in other direction and thats a no go zone
did we conveniently forget who actually started the terrorist activities who is destablizing pakistan now who is supporting terrorist in pakistan sipa sahaba and other ***** like that was supported and finnance by house of saud.
Did we conviently forget Most talibans yes whabies are the ones comming out of Blochistan you no the afghans **** thats living in balochistan is trouble maker not BLA and for second last time when bhutto put down BLA it was with iranians help including air force what a convenient memory you have.

And the Best part again u have forgoton to mention and i am more then happy to help you out BLA was being run from UAE most BLA leaders were in UAE but hey lets not go into that direction.

I am sick and tired of people like you spreading there BS without facts for very long time question was asked who will shias of pakistan will stand with in case of war with iran.
as far as i can see talibans and its supportes are destroying pakistan where is iran connection in that yet the support for house of saud seems to only grow pointing to the fact the people asking questions about shias loyality to pakistan are them selfs loyal to different country.
after the attacks on mumbai only muslim country standing next to pakistan Iran but hey thats not important.

We paid for it.
negative you didnt pay for it its iran thats finnancing it just like few uae companies comes to mind that won the contract for some crown corporations and then backed out including KESC.
any idea what that does for investors confidence to invest in your country again thats not important as that points fingers towards people we like.

buts lets all celebrate a donation of used not new used power generation plant donated to pakistan.
did they just decide to do that and say heck lets rip up a plant and give it pakistan or they were going to replace it any way and instead of disposing it gave it pakistan but that is genroisty till the actuall details come out and i can preety much gurantee there is a catch.

OSMA ISNT SHIA AND IS SUPPORTED BY HOUSE OF SAUD NO ONE NEEDS TO NO WHERE IS he comming from and what sect he belongs to and i am sure pakistani soldiers who died fighting these animals blame iran for this.
this isnt afghanistani cave you will spread your propogenda and we will sit back and say wow get over it pal cats out of bag.
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HOld your cheetas there.

I was not giving a whole geo strategic opinion of what happens in Pakistani extremism. A lot of time, space and words in this forum have been given to Taliban/Sunni/Deobandi/Wahabi inspired Terrorism. Day in and day out, people including myself talk about this.

Yet when Iran is criticised, you come out with this post?

For your information, TNFJ was created in 1980, long befire sipah sahabah. It means "Tehreek Nifaz Fiqah Jafriah", and its aim was to impose this at a state level. The most famous and earliest manifestation was teh encirclement of Islamabad in 1980-81, where they blocked all the roads, surrounded govt buildings and parliament, and protested to enforce Fiqah Jafriah, and to ask the govt. to exclude them from paying zakat (which is what the govt. then did).

Sipah sahabah was created in Jhang, a few years after this, and was more at first to do with local politics, and greivances towards the local land owning elite. This movement later snowballed after support from the Deobandi establishment, and the assasination of its leader, Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, which led to more than a decade of tit for tat killings, bombs, and terrorism.

Pakistan then became a sort of ideological battleground for Iran backed and Saudi/Uae backed groups. This is not disputed.

I am not absolving or proportioning blame to anyone, but Iran's role, through its cultural centers spread all over Pakistan which was on a mission to export the revolution cannot be denied. The mysterious appearance of incendiary literature in Pakistan, and publication of books from people like G.H. Najfi was defnitely a contributing factor.

The case of Bhutto and Iran is different, as that was pre revolution Iran, a very different country to what it later became under the Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumeini.

Continued Iranian support for the Northern Alliance in AFghanistan was a direct attack on Pakistani interests, even after it became clear that it was only prolonging the bloodshed.

Your history is very weak, as you do not know about what the Hizbe Wahdat militia did during the late 80s, way before the Taliban were even created. Go and read up first.

Suffice to say, Pakistan and AFghanistan are not the only countries which were destabilised by the Iranian regime.
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