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The future is looking Chinese

yep sales go up because their a cheap alternative... they get good reviews, because they are an ok fone, but they are still made out of cheap materials etc....most reviews prob be from people who dont know much about phones, they go the cheap ones and think off this is better then my old fone, its great.. even though if they spend an extra 100 they would get a phone 3 times better.

australia doesnt make a lot of stuff because its easier to pay you guys a pittance for you to do it, and when you guys make things and HAVE to meet our quality standards you use good material.. australia doesnt pay you guys to build cheap crap.. you do that all on your own.... your like the tradesperson who charges half the price of what it would normally cost, and you dont do a full job, the tradesperson has to keep coming back to fix the things he neglected to fix just so he could get paid and get out as quick as possible

australia makes a lot of things, and when we make things, it is TOP quality, and it last for a long time... like motorbikes for example, we make motorbikes they last for 10 years easy... china makes motorbikes, uses crap parts, sells them to thailand and other places and you get maybe 2 years out of them , then you got to buy a new one

---------- Post added at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

i will add, before you try use it against me.. but u prob will anyway

australia doesnt make a lot of things like phones.. because it is a lot more expensive to produce it here
too bad,no one asked you to buy Chinese products,you always have your choice but again and again in decades your choice is buying Chinese products,if you have been doing that for 2 decades.dont blame others,it's a choice,your own choice.
and from the gloomy faces of Australian leaders,it seems that they have to admit some hard facts with frustration.


Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

The Sunday Telegraph
January 15, 2012 12:00AM

KEVIN Rudd has predicted China will overtake the US as the world's biggest economy by decade's end - but says there is nothing to fear in that.

The Foreign Minister addressed the Asia Society in New York yesterday and said whilespite China had problems with poverty and human rights suppression, there was no evidence it would face an Arab Spring or was looking at the collapse of communist rule.

And he told the rest of the world to accept that fact.

Mr Rudd was introduced to the Asia Society by former World Bank president James Wolfensohn who told the crowd: "All Australians are very proud of him".

Mr Rudd said while China was not joining the Asian trend to democracy, it wasn't intruding into other countries.

"There is nothing, repeat nothing, inevitable about some form of Sino-American conflict in the future," Mr Rudd said."Such conflict would undermine all our interests, and in all probability betray our most fundamental values."

Mr Rudd said China's rise to the top of the global economic ladder was almost complete, if not already there.

China owns $2 trillion in foreign assets while the US owes $2 trillion in foreign debt.

"This will be the first time since the rise of the Spanish Empire 500 years ago that a non-Western power will be the dominant global economic power," he said.

"It is therefore a subject worthy of the most serious reflection and analysis, not just in Beijing and Washington, but across Asia, across Europe and across the world."

He said Australia's location meant it had felt the winds of change coming from China before many other nations.

Despite China's active charming of nations in Australia's immediate region, Mr Rudd argued China was not exporting ideology as part of its international relations program.Instead, it was using its influence on the widespread Chinese diaspora to help build the motherland economically.

But nor did China seek to import Western ideology, and would continue to decline to be held to account for this.

Mr Rudd, who speaks Mandarin and has studied China for 35 years, said it was grounded in Chinese philosophy to seek harmony and avoid chaos.

He said China wanted global peace so it could grow its own economy and enjoy a better life - better than the mass deprivations of the past.

"At the same time, China's leadership seeks to lift international prestige as a proud people with arguably the oldest continuing civilisation on Earth," he said.
too bad,no one asked you to buy Chinese products,you always have your choice but again and again in decades your choice is buying Chinese products,if you have been doing that for 2 decades.dont blame others,it's a choice,your own choice.

yes i do chose.. and i never buy chinese anymore.. waste of money, time and effort...

actually most australians dont like to buy chinese at all, its forced down our throat by businesses trying to make more money... and supermarkets lead ppl to believe vegetables etc are australian, when they are inf act sourced from china, and china as you would know is agriculturally 50 years behind us.. you dont even use good pesticides you use poisonous crap on it all... hence why australians dont like it.. yet it sells here because its a hell of a lot cheaper

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

hahaha xis... paul toohey is not a very good journalist, in fact he is a idiot, i wouldnt bother reading his articles!!!

and it easy to put a facial expression against the backdrop of that headline.. but that look had nothing to do with that.. australia has no problem with china having larrgest economy.. it works in our favour

have you ever thought that perhaps they look so glum because gillard the backstabber and K rudd hate each other?? lol
yes i do chose.. and i never buy chinese anymore.. waste of money, time and effort...

actually most australians dont like to buy chinese at all, its forced down our throat by businesses trying to make more money... and supermarkets lead ppl to believe vegetables etc are australian, when they are inf act sourced from china, and china as you would know is agriculturally 50 years behind us.. you dont even use good pesticides you use poisonous crap on it all... hence why australians dont like it.. yet it sells here because its a hell of a lot cheaper

then tell me how come Chinese export reaches record high every year?it shows still billions of people buying Chinese products worldwide,so i dont really care you,as an individual,buys Chinese products or not,you just can't change the trend,and i highly doubt your remarks anyway.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

Australia Economy Still Strong, but China Crucial: Rudd
Published: Monday, 23 Jan 2012 | 3:35 AM ET
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By: Ansuya Harjani
Assistant Producer, CNBC Asia

News Headlines

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

China is Australia's biggest trading partner in the world,you can tell me most Australians dont by Chinese products,but you dont count me in believing you.
then tell me how come Chinese export reaches record high every year?it shows still billions of people buying Chinese products worldwide,so i dont really care you,as an individual,buys Chinese products or not,you just can't change the trend,and i highly doubt your remarks anyway.

geez give me a hard question next time....it increases every year because its cheaper for countries like mine to source it from cheap countries such as yours, the economies are in turmoil still.. lots of our companys are firing australians and setting up shop in india or philippines or china etc.. because its cheaper... thats why china economy is getting bigger.. that why your exporting more.. it has nothing much to do with china making leaps and bounds lol its got everything to other countries investing in your country and its products.. we dont buy because its good quality.. if it was good quality china would be greedy and charge same as apple etc
geez give me a hard question next time....it increases every year because its cheaper for countries like mine to source it from cheap countries such as yours, the economies are in turmoil still.. lots of our companys are firing australians and setting up shop in india or philippines or china etc.. because its cheaper... thats why china economy is getting bigger.. that why your exporting more.. it has nothing much to do with china making leaps and bounds lol its got everything to other countries investing in your country and its products.. we dont buy because its good quality.. if it was good quality china would be greedy and charge same as apple etc

ever think about this interesting fact:

we're buying your irreplacable, completely unrenewable, valuable natural resources like iron ore and coal. these are extracted at immense damage to the environment which will take hundreds of thousands of years to recover from due to strip mining and spills.

and giving you crap products in return, while leaving the good products at home.

damn, that's the best deal in the world, and you're falling for it.
lol .. as i said.. i dont buy them.. in fact i know very few people who do...

and what you get resources from where? places like pilbara that are mostly desert and the only people who live there, work there?? you really think it going to damage our land, that is mostly unsustainable for big populations anyway??

thing is.. we got LOTS of it all..
lol .. as i said.. i dont buy them.. in fact i know very few people who do...

and what you get resources from where? places like pilbara that are mostly desert and the only people who live there, work there?? you really think it going to damage our land, that is mostly unsustainable for big populations anyway??

thing is.. we got LOTS of it all..

good to hear that it works out for everyone :tup:
soon everything will be made in China,future life can prove to be very harsh for you,but i admire your Perseverance,cheers,mate,haha

sounds like a veiled threat.. do you honestly think western nations will allow china to control and extort everyone of us while you turn us into third world countries??? lol

i have a prediction.. soon.. war will come.. and china, will lay in ruins.. the hans will disappear.
sounds like a veiled threat.. do you honestly think western nations will allow china to control and extort everyone of us while you turn us into third world countries??? lol

i have a prediction.. soon.. war will come.. and china, will lay in ruins.. the hans will disappear.

not if you enjoy living in a low radioactivity environment.
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