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The final warning for india

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We are discussing the scenario of China invading India, Other is things are :offtopic:

I hope you are not living in dilli, If you are than move to safer areas - i love my PDF mates :china::pakistan:
Look at them. They are panicking because they know another 1962 will mean indian union splits up.
印 度 人是愚蠢的,沒有必要和它們爭辯,大陸多次在邊界的軍演不是嘴炮能改變的。
還有,我經常看到網絡上很多人叫囂核平tw,核平印 度,韓 國,日 本,大陸有這麼多敵人麼?的確是不共戴天麼?貌似美俄的核武器才是最多吧,但是二戰後有哪個國家受過核打擊?大陸的核武器不是最多,你何必每天要念幾遍核平這個那個呢?
你最好和洪武收斂一點吧,你們動不動就論核武器,這個不但沒有說服人家(印 度)的作用,而且會讓對方(主要是美國)保持警惕,這種做法會讓大陸政府全面陷入被動的。

Thats a sensible post, seriously what's with all the fake bravado. The chump your post is meant for is making all you Chinese look bad on an international forum.

And the chinese are more stoopid than they appear.
Oh I thought something else.... Your help is highly Appreciated, Chinese CCP just informed me. They have also informed me that they are taking over lahore permanently so that they can compete with USA in using Pakistan against other countries. On hear that message I thanked the CCP premier and wished him all Luck.

You failed to decode information you got :china::pakistan:
印 度 人是愚蠢的,沒有必要和它們爭辯,大陸多次在邊界的軍演不是嘴炮能改變的。
還有,我經常看到網絡上很多人叫囂核平tw,核平印 度,韓 國,日 本,大陸有這麼多敵人麼?的確是不共戴天麼?貌似美俄的核武器才是最多吧,但是二戰後有哪個國家受過核打擊?大陸的核武器不是最多,你何必每天要念幾遍核平這個那個呢?
你最好和洪武收斂一點吧,你們動不動就論核武器,這個不但沒有說服人家(印 度)的作用,而且會讓對方(主要是美國)保持警惕,這種做法會讓大陸政府全面陷入被動的。

Not just Translation

Do not say, I think most people have not said so, the verbal power of what is the use? If you really want to make the score, down to earth bar.
The Indians are stupid, there is no need, and they argue, the mainland can change several times in the boundary of the exercise is not a mouth gun.
Also, I often see on the network a lot of people clamoring for nuclear level, tw, nuclear, India, Korea, Japan, the mainland there are so many enemies? Indeed mortal? Seemingly US-Russian nuclear weapons is up to it, but after World War II, which country suffered a nuclear strike? Not up to the mainland of nuclear weapons, why should you every day to read a few times the nuclear level this and that?
To the mainland five years, his girlfriend is from Sichuan, the students around my colleagues are very good, which I really like here, I am now every day, practicing simplified posts, I very much do not want to cross-strait war.
Your comments (nuclear attack Manila) have any role in addition to draw a lot of resentment not even the Brazilians are shocked by your rhetoric, I think this is a misstep of the mainland propaganda.
Americans are carrying a big stick, and softly
You the best convergence and Hongwu, you motionless on the theory of nuclear weapons, not only failed to convince people (India), and let the other side (mainly U.S.) to remain vigilant, this approach will make the mainland government fully into passive.

India It's Time to join with NATO....I know allowing US and NATO in Kashmir Soil that take some Final Warning for China........
We are discussing the scenario of China invading India, Other is things are :offtopic:

I hope you are not living in dilli, If you are than move to safer areas - i love my PDF mates :china::pakistan:

If it gives you tremendous self satisfaction in the slightest thoughts that India will be invaded by Sino challenger led batman and other superheros equipped with rear launched nuke attack, im not gonna prevent your happiness by posting or quoting.

Enjoy the evening... Make a wish... let out a big farrt .. when get tired of browsing, shut the PC , sleep and come again tommorow to see Dilli getting invaded in defence.pk

Astala Vista...
We are discussing the scenario of China invading India, Other is things are :offtopic:

I hope you are not living in dilli, If you are than move to safer areas - i love my PDF mates :china::pakistan:

I should stress on real - reality is what counts, and we do know what is reality, and which country is actually in danger of disintegrating bcos of internal and/or external forces.
India It's Time to join with NATO....I know allowing US and NATO in Kashmir Soil that take some Final Warning for China........
:rofl: india is only good for cannon fodder for USA. USA wants to make your 1.3 billion population absorb most of China's nuclear warheads.
I should stress on real - reality is what counts, and we do know what is reality, and which country is actually in danger of disintegrating bcos internal and/or external forces.

If you know reality than why you are so afraid :smitten:

:rofl: india is only good for cannon fodder for USA. USA wants to make your 1.3 billion population absorb most of China's nuclear warheads.

No dear, no nukes. China can disintegrate Indian Union peace fully.
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