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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

yes you are right, you are at worst position compared to them. why you think PKK elements do nothing against Iran but they target turkey?? Iran was fighting them back in 2000s. because Kurd are united about one thing and that is hatred toward turkey. i would like to hear you saying otherwise and prove me wrong.
pkk has religios connection with iran.same reason as pyd-pkk branch never fought aganist Esad in Syria. most of top pkk member are alawite..any way a weak pkk is also good for our army cos our army can develop itself by figting pkk..we can use our new weaopon on pkk..
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pkk has religios connection with iran..
lol most of separatist kurds are sunni. kurds living in kermanshah which are shia are mostly patriotic (my personal experience). also PKK is itself an atheistic movement i saw many insulting ali and omar in the same time. so please spare me from your BS.
lol most of separatist kurds are sunni. kurds living in kermanshah which are shia are mostly patriotic (my personal experience). also PKK is itself an atheistic movement i saw many insulting ali and omar in the same time. so please spare me from your BS.
yes i know but most of top rank pkk member are turkish-kurdish alawite

Terrorist searched in orange category was neutralized

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Interior, 2 terrorists have been neutralized in the air-supported operation in the rural areas of Hakkari, under the coordination of Hakkari and Van Provincial Gendarmerie Commands, and in the air-supported operation in which Gendarmerie Special Operations (JÖH) and gendarmerie commando units participated.

It was also noted that a terrorist was neutralized in the air-supported operation organized by the Provincial Gendarmerie Command and the Provincial Police Department in the rural area of Lice district of Diyarbakır.

In the statement, "It was determined that the terrorist who was neutralized in Diyarbakır was Ekrem İptaş, the so-called Amed state finance and ammunition officer named" Seyit Batman "with an award of up to 1 million TL.
Thus, in the last two days, the total number of terrorists that have been neutralized in the internal security operations in Siirt, Faraşin region and Diyarbakır has been 7. "
What physical PKK target is there that requires 33 F16. Really curious to see what's going on in the morning.

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