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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

4 days Operation schedule !

Cizre: 78 PKK
Silopi: 6
Diyarbakir Sur: 16
Mardin Dargeçit: 10
110 pkk

MasAllah. MasAllah. My Allah c.c may help and protect our brave army and police.

InsAllah soon we will be living a peaceful life in southern Turkiye. My relatives will be in safe and we will not be worrying for them anymore.

Most of Turkish do not know that we Kurds living under pressure of pkk and threatens of militants of pkk everyday. We Kurds are seeking that Turkish Army had annihilated hole pkk someday. But this time our gov. is willing to end this story and i really am happy.

We were warning everyone who were supporting acilim policy. That policy will coast us very dearly than we have seen that we were right. But however i like to see the full side of the goblet. One big-mistake, one big miss-calculation thought us one more time that we can't negotiation with terrorists. I wont stick with the past but i will seek the future. InsAllah future will be brighter then ever.

Everyone must know that Turkiye is our country and every Kurdish belongs. We Kurds can't be alive if Turkiye does not exist. I really want that my people, Kurds who are supporting pkk see this reality.

If we can't live in Turkiye, we can not live anywhere.
MasAllah. MasAllah. My Allah c.c may help and protect our brave army and police.

InsAllah soon we will be living a peaceful life in southern Turkiye. My relatives will be in safe and we will not be worrying for them anymore.

Most of Turkish do not know that we Kurds living under pressure of pkk and threatens of militants of pkk everyday. We Kurds are seeking that Turkish Army had annihilated hole pkk someday. But this time our gov. is willing to end this story and i really am happy.

We were warning everyone who were supporting acilim policy. That policy will coast us very dearly than we have seen that we were right. But however i like to see the full side of the goblet. One big-mistake, one big miss-calculation thought us one more time that we can't negotiation with terrorists. I wont stick with the past but i will seek the future. InsAllah future will be brighter then ever.

Everyone must know that Turkiye is our country and every Kurdish belongs. We Kurds can't be alive if Turkiye does not exist. I really want that my people, Kurds who are supporting pkk see this reality.

If we can't live in Turkiye, we can not live anywhere.

People like you are rare to find :)
This is Cizre.
When i had told " Turkish Army needs IFV with mortars like BTR NONA, somebodies were disagree, they told" You couldnt bomb own cities with civil people by mortar." :)

Trucked Tanks are not smart. Wheeled IFV vehicles more smart. This is the existing reason of BTR.
Turkish Army use M60 in cities. They have little caliber and space.


It is the BIG mistake of AKP, the opening process was not backed with security policies.
They left the terrain for more than 4 years to the terrorists.

I read that in Russia real estate prices crashed cause all rich Russians leave the country in panic.
Even 500.000 Russian from Donbas are living on the streets and want asap back.
500.000 people Russian from DonBass????
In DonBass lived and live Ukranian people:) There is few pure Russian.
A lot of people had to turn back their home.
In DOnBass A lot of problem with water, electricity. The most important problem of course economical.
Somebodies work in Russia with salary 300-400$ per month. Russia expensive country prices like a Turkey.
But Ukraine meat, food, vegetable, fruits, flats, electriciy more cheaper than Russia. Ukranian salaries up to prices very low.

Yes you are right, in RF real estates cost 2 times dropped.
I think nobody lives on the streets, althought Russian and Ukranian flats for poor people worst than live in the street.:)
That's the news German state radio claims there would be almost 1 Million Russian Refugees from Don-bass and Ukraine living in Russia and only 25.000 got Russian ID cards.

"Offiziellen Angaben zufolge hat Russland mehr als eine Million Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine aufgenommen."

Russland - Ukrainische Flüchtlinge im Zwiespalt

Those bastards from the PKK are burning schools and hospitals.
Additional forces were send to Diyarbakir Sur

M-88 heavy recovery

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The situation is a fiasco for AKP policy. The so called "Opening" without adequate security policies,
was the most stupid decision they did in their history. A naive decision.
Now, security forces have to clean their shit.
It will not so easy as it seems, cause we respect human rights.
Otherwise it would last only some days.
The whole developments are a sophisticated and planned action of HDP, PKK, YPG, PJAK, Syria,Iran, Russia and some countries of the EU and the USA.
HDP is a terror supporting party and it is not important that they got votes;
if a party acts against constitution and is involved in crime - "this Party must be closed and the functionaries have to be arrested-"; that's international law.
In no other country except Turkey, people like S. Tuncel and others who were punished cause terrorism could never return to national policy or even make local policy on a lower level.

After the head of the Hydra " Öcalan" was captured in 1999; security forces minimized PKK until 2003.
Then the opportunistic AKP and joint FETÖ people made the biggest traitor-ship against Turkey.

That's the result.

Kandil must be destroyed and all leaders there must be eliminated. The Hydra must be killed.
Otherwise it will not be easy.
Turkey must react in Syria and Iraq. Security begins behind the boarders.
European and global security begins at the Hindukush.
Mükemmel konustu. Alman hurda veriyor kullanamazsin diyor,
ABD AH-1 P veriyor ama mühimmat vermiyor.... hepsi gercekler !

Dakika 9:00 da 700 sorti ile ilk geceki koalisyon güclerinin Irak harekatini demek istedi .

Analizimde gerceklerden pek sapmamasim :

Kandildekilerin kafasi hemen koparilmali,
PKK ve terör örgütü borazani HDP ise hukuk marifeti ile en kisa zamanda susturulmali. PUTINtas in Rusya seyahati hemen yasaklanmali.

Yapilmazsa ülkede güvensizlik ve bezginlige yol acar ! Bu da teröristlerin amaci !

12 ilçeyi kapsayan yaygın bir terör olayıyla karşı karşıyayız

Why should we leak the bastards killed pics , for their propaganda ? :tup:

Today they tried to march to Cizre with foreign media; no chance.

Also German media stopped today the PKK propaganda, in their main news they said only:

" A 50 year old terrorist leader of PKK from NRW was accused from federal Prosecutor for multiple killing !"
Why should we leak the bastards killed pics , for their propaganda ? :tup:

Today they tried to march to Cizre with foreign media; no chance.

Also German media stopped today the PKK propaganda, in their main news they said only:

" A 50 year old terrorist leader of PKK from NRW was accused from federal Prosecutor for multiple killing !"

Could be related to refugee/migrants deal? :)

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