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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Brother do not be bothered by Arda. He tried to offend me but he cannot. I simply took his remark and I thanked him for calling me a mercenary. He can call me what he wants. I would still die to protect his family.

I don't care if he is a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Kurd, Iranian, Armenian it does not matter to me. If they call themselves Turks. I will stand beside them.

helal olsun lan
This is so sowjet style I cannot agree..
You are so absolute and make him absolute

All this way of thinking all this behavior Specially of Turkish ppl reminds me of leninism and the glorification of him..

For me these absolutism behavior shows me that Turkish people are not ready for real democracy the past and nowadays showes us go to school first..

Hmm seems the bitches are good in avoiding civil casualties.. Or they get good Intel and have good planning..
The difference is that Lenin killed a madman and replaced it with another madman (himself/Stalin) so it isnt even comparable.
How can someone hate the founder and freedomfighter of the Turkish republic?
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Seems fake...
It is not to offend you, I respect your personal beliefs, that is your business not mine, but I also expect the same respect and understanding from you. But I must say that I am an atheist, so I cannot agree with you putting the word rational and religion in the same sentence.

I am not offended mate, it was just my 2 cents. And I didn't want to offend you either. I don't care if you are atheist or muslim. We're cool, we're brothers.

I think you didn't understand what I wanted to say with rationalist word. I meant if you believe in a religion and that religion has hereafter (ahiret inancı) belief, it would be wiser to give more importance to hereafter than this mortal life. If you believe in hereafter but only act for this life, this is not a rationalist behaviour.

Seems fake...
What made you think it's fake?

It seems pretty realistic, but I dont know why we have to watch these videos with such a low resolution.
Lads, I'm not disputing clashes or that we're collecting bodies but that vid is obviously fake when compared to all the other RCWS videos being leaked.

See C-M's post.
Lads, I'm not disputing clashes or that we're collecting bodies but that vid is obviously fake when compared to all the other RCWS videos being leaked.

See C-M's post.

Well it's not the first time, I've seen western news agencies and top named ones like BBC also use games mistakenly.. Someone has gone to the trouble of playing the game, recording off the monitor and selling it to the news agencies..

Well it's not the first time, I've seen western news agencies and top named ones like BBC also use games mistakenly.. Someone has gone to the trouble of playing the game, recording off the monitor and selling it to the news agencies..

But my Dear it´s not from the Game :)

It is Real !
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My dear friend, as someone who played ARMA 3 over 150 hours and modded the game to my taste, I can sincerely say that it is fake and from ARMA 3. At the beginning of the video you can clearly see the horizontal turning of the whole body on the ground and unrealistic tracer round trajectory. Even if we assume that this video is real(which is not), it does not belong to a Turkish military or LEO unit. None of the land vehicle based RWS systems currently in inventory uses red full screen cross-air. Kongsberg made protector system uses it. I personally see Samson, SARP, STAMP and Bozok RWS systems and this UI (User Interface) does not belong to them.

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