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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Do you think that if Alevi's were treated a bit better Tunceli would be more passive?

Like for example if cemevleri got a special recognition status + funding from Diyanet or something? To keep it tied to us rather than let it be exploited? Don't know the exact status of it.
PKK talks monitored from GES

1. We are at the end battle
2. Fvck in Local people don't support us
3. What happened that Turkish Forces are so effective
4. Our last chanche is to mobilize foreign media and let them say TSK is killing innocents.
5. What new strategies? All are demoralized and would like surrender
PKK'daki panik telsiz konuşmalarına yansıdı - HABERTÜRK

Have you think about that PKK could send fake information? I am pretty sure, they know that you heard their Radio-communications.
Do you think that if Alevi's were treated a bit better Tunceli would be more passive?

Like for example if cemevleri got a special recognition status + funding from Diyanet or something? To keep it tied to us rather than let it be exploited? Don't know the exact status of it.
Actualy it is the duty of Diyanet to fund them since diyanet is a state institution and Alevis are just as much Turkish citizen and also pay taxes, everything else is unfair.
Have you think about that PKK could send fake information? I am pretty sure, they know that you heard their Radio-communications.

Please be sure there are "analysts" working ! Not only intelligence guys

@Bismarck Bro. Especially I linked left Türk media !!

Israel and Türkiye agree on protection of common interests - first at secret Level

Tel Aviv'den Türkiye'ye mesaj



1. Flood of weapons from dark channels in Europe to PKK / PYD

retired Admiral Soner Polat

"ABD ve Avrupa’dan PKK-PYD’ye silah yağmaktadır!

. Turkish politicians living in Germany are more German then Germans, more Kurdish then Kurds

retired Admiral Soner Polat

Acı vatanda gurbetçi Türk (!) mebusların patriot hassasiyeti

3. Türkiye is fighting against PKK, EU , USA , GB, Germany, France, İsrail, Suudi Arabia and their marionettes !

retired Admiral Soner Polat

Türkiye’nin ikinci anti emperyalist savaşı!

4. Fight against PKK is a Little step for TURKISH FORCES but a first big step of Government

retired Admiral Soner Polat

TSK, Türkiye'yi ipten aldı!

Sagol Komutan
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20 Terrorist erased after immediate air attack. As I wrote yesterday there are operating up to 700 hundreds in mobile groups. My informations yesterday claimed up to 130 were erased (or wounded). It seems there are very very heavy clashes.
"Official" announcement says today 20 were send to Hell.
17:34, 02 Eylül 2015 Çarşamba

Hakkari'de 20 PKK'lı öldürüldü | Yurt Haberleri | Dünya Bülteni Haber Portalı

Anadolu Ajansı'nın güvenlik kaynaklarına dayandırdığı haberine göre sabah saatlerinden Hakkari / Şemdinli–Tekeli yolunda, yol araması yapan unsurları korumak amacıyla operasyon yürüten birliklere, teröristlerce uzun namlulu silahlarla saldırıda bulunuldu.
Saldırıya derhal verilen karşılık sonucu çıkan ve bir askerin şehit olduğu çatışmanın ardından bölgeye iki F-16 uçağı gönderildi.
F-16 uçaklarının bölgeye yaptıkları hava taarruzları sonucunda doçka mevzileri ile onar kişilik iki grup halindeki 20 terörist, atılan bombalarla etkisiz hale getirildi.

Military Area from 06- 20.September area is strictly forbidden, all elements will be eliminated !

"Yüksekova ve Şemdinli İlçesi sınırlarında bulunan, Güney Bölgesi (Kamışlık Köyü, Beşpınar Köyü, Karabağ Köyü, Yürekli Köyü, Kırmızı Yayla Bölgesi, Kanirahank Mahallesi, Beyaz Tepe, Korgan Köyü güneyi, Tuz Tepe, Kilise Mahallesi, Çimentepe güneyi, Derabi Mahallesi kuzeyi, Öncü Mahallesi batısı, Düzhark mevki, Meydantepe güneyi, Yeşilbayır Köyü kuzeyi, Nugaylan Tepe, Aktütün Köyü kuzey batısı, Herki Deresi doğusu, Üzümkıran Köyü batısı, Ömerkuyusu Tepe, Beravyi Pınar Mevkii güneyi, Dolavatin Tepe güneyi, Şeyhmaman Geçiti, Ünlüce Mevkii, Binlis Tepe, Hisar Dağları, Güney Mahallesi, Gelük Yaylası, Rejgar Dağı, Berkal Dağı, Hangikaya Tepe, Buzul Dağı, Dağlıca güneyi, Kılavuz Mahallesi güneyi, Çayırlı Mahallesi güneyi, Korucuk Mahallesi güneyi, Gürkavak Mahallesi güneyi, Tokağaç Mahallesi güneyi, Geçkan Mahallesi güneyi, Beşpınar Mahallesi güneyi, Karadağ Mahallesi güneyi, Yürekli Mahallesi güneyi, Güzelkonak Köyü batısı kuzeyi arasında kalan bölge) ile Kuzey Bölgesi (Ortaklar Mahallesi kuzeyi, Buzul Dağı, Beyaz Dağ, Büyükçiftlik Köyü batısı, Kamışlık Köyü batısı, Tokağaç Mahallesi kuzeyi, İkizlen Mahallesi kuzeyi, Ortakçı Mahallesi kuzeyi, Mezra Mahallesi kuzeyi, Gürkavak Köyü kuzeyi, Hazyan Mahallesi batısı, Taşyazı Mahallesi doğusu, Yukurı Tarlacık Mahallesi kuzeyi, Erbaş Mahallesi batısı, Köşk Önü kuzeyi, Pınargözü doğusu, Kışlacık Mahallesi kuzeyi, İnceyol Mahallesi batısı, Sürekli Mahallesi batısı, Yeşiltaş kuzeyi, Çubuklu kuzeyi, Balkaya ve Ortaklar kuzeyi arasında kalan bölge) 06 Eylül 2015 günü saat 00:00:01'den, 20 Eylül 2015 günü saat 23.59.59'a kadar 'özel güvenlik bölgesi' ilan edilmiş olup, vatandaşlarımızın yukarıda belirtilen bölgelere girmesi yasaklanmıştır.''
Please be sure there are "analysts" working ! Not only intelligence guys

@Bismarck Bro. Especially I linked left Türk media !!

Israel and Türkiye agree on protection of common interests - first at secret Level

Tel Aviv'den Türkiye'ye mesaj



1. Flood of weapons from dark channels in Europe to PKK / PYD

retired Admiral Soner Polat

"ABD ve Avrupa’dan PKK-PYD’ye silah yağmaktadır!

. Turkish politicians living in Germany are more German then Germans, more Kurdish then Kurds

retired Admiral Soner Polat

Acı vatanda gurbetçi Türk (!) mebusların patriot hassasiyeti

3. Türkiye is fighting against PKK, EU , USA , GB, Germany, France, İsrail, Suudi Arabia and their marionettes !

retired Admiral Soner Polat

Türkiye’nin ikinci anti emperyalist savaşı!

4. Fight against PKK is a Little step for TURKISH FORCES but a first big step of Government

retired Admiral Soner Polat

TSK, Türkiye'yi ipten aldı!

Sagol Komutan

Bro, its sounds little bit conspiracy. You say, you are working with Israel together. In an another sentence, you said you are fighting against them. So, which one is true?

You know we are sending weapons to PYD official, so why should we do this undercover?
sorry man this had to be written this way.. why do you ask serpetine and not @Hakan ?

Apology accepted. My reply was related to Iran and Persians and most likely that was sepentine who did it. That was my guess anyway.
Bro. You read yesterday about the Talabani Connection. I can not write too open. It would be a risk for all.
You can be sure that " Huge amounts weapons from Black Market" are delivered , I hope you understand what I mean . That you can only do if some "influenced " Groups are involved. We speak about worth 100 Millionen USD until end of 2015.

But be sure. They are monitored and Türkiye is working on all fields diplomatic, Military and all...;
why not with Jerusalem ?
Bro. You read yesterday about the Talabani Connection. I can not write too open. It would be a risk for all.
You can be sure that " Huge amounts weapons from Black Market" are delivered , I hope you understand what I mean . That you can only do if some "influenced " Groups are involved. We speak about worth 100 Millionen USD until end of 2015.

But be sure. They are monitored and Türkiye is working on all fields diplomatic, Military and all...;
why not with Jerusalem ?


Which kind of weapons you are talking about?
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East tech origin, you know which countries can deliver from Europe have stocks and produce ; especially light but very effective IGLAs ,RPGs with Extended range , Sniper rifles.....:big_boss:
Hints for you bro. @Bismarck

The Game has begun again and much more coward, new style and fierce then before.

"Loyal" Turkish Press keeps quite, but all will be published soon. First give the good "guys" the time to make their work.

Old style :

Two caches with 43 anti-aircraft missiles and other weaponry have been unveiled in Algeria from Libyan stocks.

Armenia purchased 1,000 RPG-22s and 600 PKM machine guns from a Bulgarian firm and delivered via Iran to Irak Militia.
Iran's Armenian Connection | The Weekly Standard
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