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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Yer Tel Aviv, son dakika ve uzatmalari az sonra,Ibranice 'burada yakinda iran buyukelciligi acilacaktir' ve bunu kimse bilmiyor:-).



What about this one, fake or what?
Don't overestimate Iran too much. They have unique inventory to support terror organizations in region but When It comes to a conventional war against a well trained and equiped army

maybe you did not understand me right.. I know how much power iran has for now.. in other words I said they will make iran stronger to encounter turks and arabs as a balance to keep all down.. man belive me if something like a shah would exists in iran nothing would hold western countrys back from investing money there they would drop us like hot potatoes..
maybe you did not understand me right.. I know how much power iran has for now.. in other words I said they will make iran stronger to encounter turks and arabs as a balance to keep all down.. man belive me if something like a shah would exists in iran nothing would hold western countrys back from investing money there they would drop us like hot potatoes..

Timur, Turkey and the EU have signed coutless of treaties and other documents. For all intens and purposes, Turkey IS part of the EU without actually having political power in it, and without it's people being free to live in the EU. So no, 'the west' wouldn't ever just drop investments from Turkey. The US? F them, neither Turkey or a future or past Iran traded much with them anyway.

Yer Tel Aviv, son dakika ve uzatmalari az sonra,Ibranice 'burada yakinda iran buyukelciligi acilacaktir' ve bunu kimse bilmiyor:-).



What about this one, fake or what?

Either fake, or just some organization put it up. Nothing official. Iran won't even have an embassy in the US, let alone over there.
Why don't our fighters release an 2000lb bomb on the head of this bqstard ? MIT was sleeping during this visit ?

Your fighters are already busy being their *** kicked by rag-tag militia fighters, let alone have the balls to drop bombs on Iranian politicians/soldiers. Iran will support PKK to the end and there isn't much you Turks can do about it.
Your fighters are already busy being their *** kicked by rag-tag militia fighters, let alone have the balls to drop bombs on Iranian politicians/soldiers. Iran will support PKK to the end and there isn't much you Turks can do about it.

Are you talking about balls? lol... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you had balls you would come up with your army against us... Also this means you are not the man... lol... Look at what cowards tells us... :-)

@cabatli_53 bro. let him bark, don't answer that coward... I won't either...
The problem is not the will power but the technologie.
Previous governement had this willpower ( sometime too much of it), but PKK still exist.What Turkey need is not willpower but technology.

Personaly I'm glad that the "peace process" was keeps for 3 years, during this time no soldier was killed while Turkey continued to advance his technologie.
If this "peace" was keeps 3 more years, Turkey whould have armed Anka ready to fire, 5 years Turkey's satelite would be here too, 10 more years ? Then PKK whould nave the means to fight back.

Absolute false Infos

Source Milliyet

Yıl 2000 teröre kurban sayımız: 29’u asker 17’si sivil olmak üzere toplam 46 vatandaşımızı kaybediyoruz…
Yıl 2001; 20’si asker, olmak üzere toplam 28 vatandaşımız yine terör kurbanı…
Yıl 2002; 7’si asker 7’si sivil olmak üzere toplam 14 vatandaşımız teröre kurbanı…
2002 yılının 3 Kasım’ında yapılan genel seçimlerde AKP’nin iktidar olmasından sonraki süreçte teröre verilen kayıpların sayısına bakacak olursak:
2003 yılında 94,
2004 yılında 103,
2005 yılında 135,
2006 yılında 149,
2007 yılında 183,
2008yılında 222,
2009–2011 yılları arasında 500’e yakın şehit verdi.
Görüldüğü gibi terörün şiddeti her geçen gün artarak devam ediyor.
Tıpkı AKP oyları gibi!..
2002 yılında teröre 7 şehit veren Türkiye, 2002-Haziran 2012’ye kadar tam bin 623 şehit verdi.
18 Kasım 2009’daki Habur açılımından sonra şehitlerin sayısı ise bir anda 500’e ulaşmış durumda.
Son 12 ayda ise şehit sayımız 237.
18 Kasım 2009’daki Habur açılım rezaletini herkes hala hatırlıyordur. Teröristler kahraman, Mehmetçik faşist, AKP ise açılımcı rolündeydi.
Peki, bu açılım Türkiye’ye ne getirdiğini biliyor musunuz; sadece mevcut terörü ikiye katladı. Açılımdan sonra 1 yılda şehitlerin sayısı ise bir anda 500’e ulaştı.
En kanlı dönem ne zaman derseniz? AKP’nin; 2012 Haziran ayında yapılan SONAR anketinde oylarını arttırarak yüzde 50,93’e çıktığı son bir yıl!
Brüksel merkezli Uluslararası Kriz Grubu (ICG) adlı kuruluşun verilerine göre, son 12 ayda 270 terörist öldürülmüş. 161 asker, polis ve 76 sivil vatandaşımız şehit olmuş.
Son 9 yılda 457 milyar dolar borç yapan, ortalama her yıl 70 milyar dolar dış ticaret açığı veren bir ülke, terörle niye mücadele edemiyor?
Bu soru bu günlerde herkesin ağzında. Ancak Genelkurmay Başkanı Necdet Özel’in yaptığı açıklamalarla, terörle niye baş edilemediğimizi herkes bir nebze anladı.
Teröristlerin inine baskın yapmak için ABD’nin izin vermesi gerekiyor!
Tabi Barazani’yi de unutmamak lazım.
Baksanıza; Başbakan Yardımcısı Bülent Arınç, Başbakanlığa vekâlet ettiği bir dönemde, artan terör olayları karşısında Barazani’den yardım dileniyor.
Barazani’nin kedi ne, budu ne?
Yapılan anketlere bakınca; Türkiye’de artan terör olaylarının kime yaradığı belli oluyor. Şehit sayımız arttıkça iktidarın oyları da artıyor.
Netice itibarıyla, ülkemizdeki terörizmi önlemek, ağlayan bir Genelkurmay Başkanı ve Kuzey Iraklı Aşiret liderine kaldı.
. .
Your fighters are already busy being their *** kicked by rag-tag militia fighters, let alone have the balls to drop bombs on Iranian politicians/soldiers. Iran will support PKK to the end and there isn't much you Turks can do about it.

Don't be an idiot. And no, nobody is going to attack Iran frontally, just like nobody is going to attack Turkey. They'll just use their 'landlocked proxies'.
. . .
Oerlikon 4 barrell CIWS on MEKO. Turkgladio is a very talented guy with a large oown archive and access news agencies and their video and photo bases.

Topunun cani cehenneme !
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Your fighters are already busy being their *** kicked by rag-tag militia fighters, let alone have the balls to drop bombs on Iranian politicians/soldiers. Iran will support PKK to the end and there isn't much you Turks can do about it.

Okay, let's make a short summary. You prefer a cooperation with PKK than Turkey?! Why?

Is it not better to cooperate with Turkey? As far as I can see, Turkey has no interests to destabilize Iran, or bring chaos. My opinion.
Those idiots forget that if government fair every Turkish people will defend their country like their mother country.

But they allways try to make trouble on middile east, we cant find any good things about them.

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