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The fake verse "Pull out your swords and slay anyone that says Pashtun and Afghan are not one!....

Well Consult
@Mian Babban has far more knowledge up and close then I do. In the first instance he has grown up there and appears to be from the FATA region but clearly is well educated and most importantly has a academic bent. So on this score I will defer this matter to him and go by what he says. The fact that he can't find this quote in the primary source is very probably because it was fabricated by political motivation. Much credit to @Mian Babban for uncovering this. It is of major import. I will post more on this later when I get time.

"tribal barbarian"
I have heard this saying too but paid much attention to it. Its mostly used by Afghans trying to persuade me to join them.
I have also confirmed that it does not exist in Swat-nama of Khushal Khattak, consider it a confirmed fabrication. If some one throw the fake verse at you, direct him to this thread.

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