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The failed-state conundrum: Fareed Zakaria

Here's a big instance of his thuggery and propaganda.

12 May, 2009: Zakaria does an interview with Musharraf. Zakaria asks him about the 10 billion dollar american aid and what happened to it. He also asks him about the Quetta Shura. Musharraf answers both questions very convincingly, against which Zakaria couldn't say much.

19 May, 2009: Zakaria, along with 2-3 other people, is on Anderson Cooper 360 show doing defence analysis. One defence analyst brings up Pakistan and specifically what happened to the 10 billion dollar aid. Zakaria doesn't say a word of what Musharraf said a week ago in the interview regarding the aid. He goes along and speaks the typical Western/Indian lines about the aid.

Zakaria then questions why nothing is happening against the Quetta Shura, again mentioning none of what Musharraf said a week ago in the interview.

He never mentioned the interview with Musharraf at any time during Anderson Cooper 360, IIRC. But I remember the above correctly like it was yesterday. I honestly couldn't believe what he was saying in AC 360.



Zakaria: Pakistan Must Choose - Newsweek

Video: Fareed Zakaria | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Zakaria: Pakistan's crackdown will create chaos - CNN.com

Zakaria: Has Pakistan's Army Changed Its Stripes? - Newsweek

Some of his other articles - food for thought.

This guy is a very cunning and hate-filled person. His propaganda was absolutely clear those who watched his interview of Musharraf and then his appearance on AC 360.
Theres a saying goes...

"If you have not enough enemies, you are not doing something worthwhile."

Sums up the story of Pakistan and the case of Fareed Zakaria.
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Wow, so off topic rants against messeangers are allowed not only on anti pakistani threads, but also on not pakistan related threads by perceived anti pakistani commentators?

Moderators - would you like to delete this off topic post of mine to preserve the quality of the forum?
I am sorry for the ineloquence but Fareed Zakaria is really a bigoted, one sided, a$$ kissing, two faced, ugly, ripe ol douchebag.
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