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The failed-state conundrum: Fareed Zakaria

Isn't this Zakaria dude an Indian muslim turned Ameircan citizen? He is actually popular with American media because he kisses Americans' *** every chance he gets.
Dude(s).. The article is not about Pakistan..If anything he has said that Pakistan is not a failed state...

90% of the members don't read the whole article before commenting. I would say majority, including me, read only the title and start forming his/her opinion
90% of the members don't read the whole article before commenting. I would say majority, including me, read only the title and start forming his/her opinion

You see the thing is that Zakaria predicted that Pakistan would collapse and that it is a failed state. He stated that the PA operations in FATA will be complete failures leading to complete collapse. His grand predictions did not come true, now he is stating that Pakistan is a weak state. It has to be either failed or weak, Zakaria, like his father has a tendency to malign Pakistan and flip flops a lot.

He should make up his mind, its either weak or failed. Indians should read his fathers book called, ‘The Man Who Divided India’, it will make Indians very happy to read his fictional accounts demonizing Jinnah.
Yes... first fact i syou picked him for spreading anti Pakistan propaganda.

I didnt... CNN and WP did.. For the reasons best known to them. Dont mind if I believe them more over your unsubstantiated allegations...

secondly, he work for CNN and writing for washington post!!!! this is incorrect enough.
Either you are joking or have no idea about how journalism works..

his bla bla is contradictory to our facts which we face every day.
And those facts are??

No reason what so ever to trust this man and his resources.
So you actually wasted the whole post without saying anything
You see the thing is that Zakaria predicted that Pakistan would collapse and that it is a failed state. He stated that the PA operations in FATA will be complete failures leading to complete collapse. His grand predictions did not come true, now he is stating that Pakistan is a weak state. It has to be either failed or weak, Zakaria, like his father has a tendency to malign Pakistan and flip flops a lot.

Well the operations aren't over yet. The PA is simply chasing the Taliban from one town to the other. If they actually had to 'bite and hold' Pakistan would end up deploying a majority of its army in the NWFP and FATA, which will never happen for obvious reasons (;)). Pakistan thus has a long, long fight ahead. Let's wait and watch.
You see the thing is that Zakaria predicted that Pakistan would collapse and that it is a failed state. He stated that the PA operations in FATA will be complete failures leading to complete collapse. His grand predictions did not come true, now he is stating that Pakistan is a weak state. It has to be either failed or weak, Zakaria, like his father has a tendency to malign Pakistan and flip flops a lot.

He should make up his mind, its either weak or failed. Indians should read his fathers book called, ‘The Man Who Divided India’, it will make Indians very happy to read his fictional accounts demonizing Jinnah.

I agree that most of Zakaria's articles are anti Pakistan. However, my comments were general.
Well the operations aren't over yet. The PA is simply chasing the Taliban from one town to the other. If they actually had to 'bite and hold' Pakistan would end up deploying a majority of its army in the NWFP and FATA, which will never happen for obvious reasons (;)). Pakistan thus has a long, long fight ahead. Let's wait and watch.

Perhaps you are completely unaware of what he actually stated in his article or just hell bent on trolling.

Zakaria mentioned that the PA operations in SWAT will fail, SWAT was infested with the Taliban but it was all cleared and has returned to normalcy. They arranged a music show recently and tourists are returning to the area.

Seems to me that your point of view obstructs you from understanding the reality. SWAT led to other operations and that is why I wrote FATA.

PA is not like another army which refuses to take its land back from militants who are situated in its own territory.

Its much easier to come across as a jerk isn't it.
YIt has to be either failed or weak, Zakaria, like his father has a tendency to malign Pakistan and flip flops a lot.

He should make up his mind, its either weak or failed. Indians should read his fathers book called, ‘The Man Who Divided India’, it will make Indians very happy to read his fictional accounts demonizing Jinnah.

Rafiq Zakaria (April 5, 1920, Nala Sopara — July 9, 2005, Mumbai) was an Indian politician and Islamic scholar and father of well known Indian-American journalist Fareed Zakaria. He was closely associated with India's freedom movement and the Indian National Congress party

Zakaria, a Kokani Muslim, spent over 25 years in public service, including years as a cabinet minister in the union state of Maharashtra, and later as a Member of the Indian parliament, serving as Deputy Leader of the Congress Party under Indira Gandhi. He was a moderate Muslim who criticized the policies of Muslim appeasement in India, an issue on which he parted company with the Congress Party. Zakaria represented India in many countries and also at the United Nations in 1965, 1990 and 1996.

Zakaria founded a number of schools and colleges in his political constituency, Aurangabad, including a women's college of arts and sciences and the Indian Institute of Hotel Management. The Maulana Azad Education Trust Aurangabad is a mini university in itself. He was Chancellor of the Jamia Urdu, Aligarh (U.P.) and President of Maharashtra College in Mumbai.

He was an alumnus of Ismail Yusuf College Mumbai. Zakaria had won the Chancellor's Gold Medal in the MA examination of University of Mumbai formerly known as Bombay University and received a Ph.D. degree from the University of London. He was called to the bar from Lincoln's Inn in England and practised law in Mumbai, where he was appointed Chief Public Prosecutor.

You can have your heroes & we will have ours. Rafiq Zakaria is one of ours. You need to appreciate that everyone didn't agree with Jinnah. If you want to debate Rafiq Zakaria, do so on another thread. Don't drag him here to make accusations against Fareed Zakaria.

BTW, your logic of Fareed Zakaria being completely influenced by his father would only serve to open Jinnah's family to the same scrutiny, Jinnah's family members made their own choices which does not reflect on Jinnah & Fareed Zakaria is most capable of making his own choices whether they happen to be similar or dissimilar to his fathers choices.
Perhaps you are completely unaware of what he actually stated in his article or just hell bent on trolling.

Zakaria mentioned that the PA operations in SWAT will fail, SWAT was infested with the Taliban but it was all cleared and has returned to normalcy. They arranged a music show recently and tourists are returning to the area.

Not so sure about that.

Seems to me that your point of view obstructs you from understanding the reality. SWAT led to other operations and that is why I wrote FATA.

On the contrary, I think its you who fails to see the reality of the situation. The Taliban will never fight you head on. To me it simply seems like the PA chases them out of one region only to find that they've made they're escape to another. There was a suicide attack in SWAT just last week (I think), which is why I think Pakistan needs to commit more troops to the region.

PA is not like another army which refuses to take its land back from militants who are situated in its own territory.

What army might that be? because if I'm to believe a lot of what I've been reading these days it would seem the PA would be the prime example of such an army.

Its much easier to come across as a jerk isn't it.

Pakistan does have a long fight ahead, that isn't trolling its a fact. I might not sugar coat my posts and I might not be right all the time, but I really don't see what part of my post you construe as 'trolling'.
Not so sure about that.

On the contrary, I think its you who fails to see the reality of the situation. The Taliban will never fight you head on. To me it simply seems like the PA chases them out of one region only to find that they've made they're escape to another. There was a suicide attack in SWAT just last week (I think), which is why I think Pakistan needs to commit more troops to the region.

What army might that be? because if I'm to believe a lot of what I've been reading these days it would seem the PA would be the prime example of such an army.

Pakistan does have a long fight ahead, that isn't trolling its a fact. I might not sugar coat my posts and I might not be right all the time, but I really don't see what part of my post you construe as 'trolling'.

Dude yes you are trolling. And before lecturing others why don't you go take care of the Naxalite/ Maoists who have taken over God knows how many states in india and continue to blow up trains and kill your police/soldiers. At least the Pakistan army is doing its best to get rid of them
Dude yes you are trolling. And before lecturing others why don't you go take care of the Naxalite/ Maoists who have taken over God knows how many states in india and continue to blow up trains and kill your police/soldiers. At least the Pakistan army is doing its best to get rid of them

That's a separate issue, and we've sent in close to 75,000 policemen to the region so we are 'taking care of it'.

In any case I'm just elaborating on my previous post, how in gods name is that trolling?
Poor Americans -The argument Americans bought into went like this : Failed states are a mortal danger to the US and the West -- and of course the imperative to act -- Having failed to move states from "failed" and or "failing" to succeeding or whatever -- the new justification for "adventure" is "weak" states - both Barnett and Zakaria are essentially correct in their diagnosis but both are mistaken in their prescriptions.

While Barnett sees the pentagon as the solution to all such problems (see above) Zakaria fails understand the Islamicans are a response to the weak and or failing state and the pentagon has no answer for the kind of problem this is --

In reality weak and or failed states are closely linked to rapacious elites and the denial capital and markets "America globalized the world but forgot to globalize itself"; however, all Americans seems to get from pundits is more wars that do not address the problem.

If the development state is not an acceptable answer to Islamicans, exactly what options are we left with?
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