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The Exploding China-Hating Activity on PDF China & Far East Section

There is a difference in genuinely discussing something and something just created to defame and troll a particular country.

How do we know the differences between a defaming/trolling thread and a genuine discussion thread? Is there a guideline?

I know the hit-n-run type who opens a negative thread then dissappears without any discussion. But beyond this, how can we determine which type of thread are genuine discussion and which type are defaming/trolling thread so that we won't cross the line?

Reading the OP, I get the sense that we should not post anything negative or something that other communities may find offensive. It sounded like people should only post positive news. We can't discuss anything negative?

Even the OP @TaiShang himself has opened plenty of negative threads about other countries that people may find offensive and defaming. Here are some samples:

Western Pig in Taiwan (Pardon the language)!

US Lackeys in Asia Take Note

The Armenian Genocide: 99 years of Denial

Real threat to regional peace comes from aggressive Japan, not China

US-Japan Alliance: Slave Bullying Lord?

India: Selling Out To Monsanto. GMOs and the Bigger Picture

The Criminalization of Political Opposition in America

State Violence in Ferguson: Beijing Should Voice Concern

Washington man dies after being tased by four cops

So my honest question again: How do we know the differences between a defaming/trolling thread and a genuine discussion thread?
Thank you for invite me to this thread and I admire your try. Sometimes, I also think about what you concerned. Acctually, I think times to post something for our fellow countrymen to deal with the distortions. Write plain text maybe not help boys so I am creating a concept model and uploaded to PDF which I borrowed our ancistors' wisdom.






理性者 - 多思考,能控制情绪,参与度高
平和者 - 少思考,能控制情绪,参与度一般
情绪者 - 少思考,情绪不稳定,参与度较好
极端者 - 不思考,情绪不稳定,参与度一般

参与者 - 个人目的导向,少思考,只针对个人关注话题,参与度一般
推广者 - 个人目的导向,多思考,以赚钱为目的,只针对自己所关注的关键词、软文,参与度一般
操纵者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定板块、特定主题、特点观点,参与度高
诋毁者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定国家、特定板块、特定事件、特定人员、特定观点持续发表诋毁言论,参与度高

理性者 - 乾(天)卦,此类人论坛中有很多,可与其积极讨论,能成为朋友
平和者 - 兑(泽)卦,两泽相连,两水交流,上下相和,团结一致,朋友相助,欢欣喜悦。
情绪者 - 艮(山)卦,双方同处论坛,可在适当情况下采取主动措施予以沟通,同时保持原则及强硬,等待对方变化。
极端者 - 离(火)卦,直接隔离!你改变不了他的,在论坛中加入忽略清单,世界就会清静一点。

参与者 - 坤(地)卦,此类人论坛中众多,是论坛的支撑,应以宽广、包容的胸怀,与其进行交流。
推广者 - 巽(风)卦,推广者行者如风,追之莫及,可以观察,静观其变。
操纵者 - 坎(水)卦,应当明察,不要过度参与,表明观点,适可而止。若陷入已深则不拘常理,运用智慧,以求突破。
诋毁者 - 震(雷)卦,平日在论坛多看少动,对这类人有准确把握,对其行为言论能有预计,最好直接加入忽略清单。


PS:我不是算命先生,况且善易不卜,请不要问我命理。 :D 此为个人自主知识产权,PDF首发。 :D


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Oh, so you mean ... :partay:

P/S: lot of insult comments were come from threads opened by Chinese, Mr.Taishang ... :D
Majority of the Chinese members are decent contributors. Hate should be banned on PDF.
Majority of the Chinese members are decent contributors. Hate should be banned on PDF.
I see many of those "decent contributors" agreed with many troll post and insult words from many other troll, buddy (including Mr.TaiShang).
There's examples from Chinese side:
no, dogs are same race with vietnamese, vietnamese were slave of china and owned by china, same as dogs are owned and eaten by chinese, so you vietnamese are smae race as dog, btw, you viets also eat dogs, so you are eating each other, all owned by china,

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/china-builds-military-airstrip-in-disputed-south-china-sea.337808/page-13#post-6330061

We should make a list of the trolls who deserve to be banned.

Well, so many Chinese ID will gone for sure, but they will create the new one ...:D
Why do Indians are obsessed with the Chinese affairs
They are not only obsessed with Chinese internal affairs, but not surprisingly Pakistan's. Pakistani politics section is regularly blasted by Indian members for no reason.
I see many of those "decent contributors" agreed with many troll post and insult words from many other troll, buddy (including Mr.TaiShang).
There's examples from Chinese side:

Well, so many Chinese ID will gone for sure, but they will create the new one ...:D
I would highly recommend to report these posts.
Let's not kid ourselves, when comes to trolling, Indians posters cannot hold a candle to such PDF legends as Icewolf, RazPak, hiptullha, Donatello, RiazHaq, luca1. The list is endless.

Singular trolls. You Indians mass-troll collectively, smashing the keyboards while ranting about Islam, Arabs, fairer skin, Pakistanis losing to India in 1971, and shitpost regularly.
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We should make a list of the trolls who deserve to be banned.
Making a list wont do anything. The management has to come forward and do the needful, which I don't see happening or expect happening. Each and every thread has been infiltrated by Indian troll ticks, and as @Hiptullha has correctly mentioned, they troll in mass and literally gang rape the threads with their horrible one-liner comments. On the other hand, threads related to social issues in India such as female infanticide, female mass killings (stove blasts) on dowry issues, child labor and prostitution, emerging threat of Hindutva/Saffron terrorism, raping Kashmiri women as teaching tool, separatist movements in several states of India etc are pushed under the rug and never discussed/debated even by the so-called think tanks.
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Making a list wont do anything. The management has to come forward and do the needful, which I don't see happening or expect happening. Each and every thread has been infiltrated by Indian troll ticks, and as @Hiptullha has correctly mentioned, they troll in mass and literally gang rape the threads with their horrible one-liner comments. On the other hand, threads related to social issues in India such as female infanticide, female mass killings (stove blasts) on dowry issues, child labor and prostitution, emerging threat of Hindutva/Saffron terrorism, raping Kashmiri women as teaching tool, separatist movements in several states of India etc are pushed under the rug and never discussed/debated even by the so-called think tanks.
Man it's very excruciating to have a discussion with them.

Without these trolls, PDF (at least the Chinese section) would never be as colorful as it used to be. :partay:
Yeah but because of these trolls we already lost a lot of good members like greyboy,pita,martin.
Most of the China-hatred is done by Indians because they are incredibly jealous of the status China has in the world while India being a similar population to China don't have the same power and status of China. India is essentially a poor man's China.

Indians have thought of themselves as superior to China but have been forced to accept being inferior after being fully colonised by the British, then once India as a country came into existence they lost the 1962 war to China, China has veto power in the UNSC while India don't, China has a manned space program while India don't (India wanted respect so they quickly did the Mars mission with NASA to boast to China that they did something China haven't done and that the world should view India as a superior space power to China), China does incredibly well in Olympics competing with the US while India can't even win a gold medal, China has a much bigger economy, China has a far more power military, China has far better infrastructure, China has far more brands in global lists, China more supercomputers than India, the list goes on and on.

China is just a more powerful country overall and a country that is more important to the world than India. Since India is viewed as an afterthought to China in most things, this infuriates the hell out of the Indians that have viewed themselves as superior to China in their own delusional minds. That's why they say things like "we gave you Buddhism" to massage their bruised ego.

Indians thought they don't need a manufacturing sector and went straight to a service sector economy while laughing at China that has a strong manufacturing economy and even in this the Indians claimed some sort of superiority (now India wants a manufacturing sector).

Indians thought their political system as being far superior to China's political system and that would allow India to easily become more powerful than China.

Indians also view China as a barrier to dominating South Asia and Asia eventually and China (being such a powerful country) provides a check on Indian hegemonic ambitions in South Asia and supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India also views China as a threat as China goes around the world buying up the world resources with the cash China has and these resources will be needed by India eventually.

The West still looks at India as a mere pawn they can use to contain China. India is never looked at as a power in itself like they view China or Russia.

No wonder the Indians hate China so much. In the minds of brainwashed Indians, China has essentially taken the place that Indians believe belong to them.

Truly delusional bunch these Indians. Indians are the most arrogant and obnoxious people you will ever come across in business and in life. There are a few good Indians but their number is small.

Well said. Internet is great. Years ago before the internet started, most of us used to get impression about far away people by extrapolating our personal experience from the few people we met in real life from a certain nation. That is no longer the case now. It is actually a great opportunity to learn about people and what makes them tick.

I have mentioned this before but I will mention it again here. missyusa.com is a website with 50,000+ Korean house wives living in the US. Almost everyday there is complaint in this forum about Indians. The complaint about Indians are mainly about insane crazy bad smell, being very cheap, incredible arrogance and about putting on airs of superiority, as if they already come from a great super power nation.

Low quality of human beings and large numbers having access to internet translates to a future where Indians will be known for these problems even more. PDF being a Pakistani website cannot avoid this. But due to so much low quality noise, valuable and meaningful discussions are sidelined and getting drowned in this noise. One solution is to have a very strict quality standard from offending nations, such as India and Vietnam and ban them at the hint of any impropriety. But this will require more aggressive monitoring and I am not sure if there is enough PDF mods who can do this to make difference.
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