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Real threat to regional peace comes from aggressive Japan, not China


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Real threat to regional peace comes from aggressive Japan, not China

A newly published white paper by the Japanese Ministry of Defense has again hyped up the "China threat," even as Prime Minster Shinzo Abe's cabinet itself has been engaging in regional destabilization.

Expressing strong concern about China's military build-up, the paper called for the cabinet's permission to enable a collective self-defense shift of "historic" significance, bolstering Abe's ambition to militarize the island country.

Such deliberate ignorance of the dangerous path the country has been led down looks even more alarming, when noted that the paper referenced in particular to China's declaration in November of an air defense identification zone.

It said China's move was extremely dangerous, and could escalate tensions and trigger an unwanted clash.

However, what has actually happened is that Japan has increased its surveillance of the region and its aggressiveness in its military interactions with other countries.

Japan's self-defense forces scrambled fighter jets 810 times in the fiscal year of 2013, up 243 times from the previous year, according to the white paper.

It is the first time in 24 years that the number has topped 800, with roughly half of the total aimed at China, the ministry said.

The so-called China threat has, however, proved a failed attempt by Japan to create a necessary demon in order to justify its military expansion.

The trick is not new. Such claims have been recurrent in Japan's defense white papers for more than 20 years, and especially since Abe first became prime minister in 2006.

Instead of seeing China become a real threat, we have witnessed an increasingly aggressive Japan, a country that has broken its postwar pacifist pledges and looks poised to assert its military presence over the Asia-Pacific region.

Just as many in the Japanese media have pointed out, if Tokyo persists in its efforts to become a military power, Japan itself could become a destabilizing factor in the region.

They also warned that the Abe cabinet's controversial move has caused the government's approval ratings to dip.

A recent poll in Japan shows that more than 60 percent of those surveyed objected to the collective self-defense move, while over 80 percent believed the government had not provided sufficient explanations of related cabinet decisions.

Japan's defense policy is a mess. It needs a thorough and objective reassessment of public opinion as well as of regional situations.

Instead of clinging on to certain impractical political values, the Abe cabinet has to reassure its people and neighboring countries of the future positioning of its national defense.

This is a commentary from the Xinhua News Agency. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn
I disagree, naturally.The SDF is merely maintaining its objective and responsibly upholding the mandate it was given.
China is taking back our birthright as the middle kingdom. Japan is likely to try to stop us. Since history is written by victors, Japan will be called the aggressor that brought mortal destruction on itself. Just like Germany was not content with the Versailles treaty and wanted a rematch.
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It appears chinese still live as if they were 100 years ago. Time goes by but chinese seem to stand still. The world is not the same what it is used to be but not chinese. Obviously.

I suggest chinese members should not waste valuable disk resource of this server by posting such news. Nothing more than sht. Perhaps some people in pakistan or tribes in jungle of borneo believe to japanese threat and chinese peace.

Chinese are either brainwashed or try to fool the world. I am afraid both.
This shouldn't be news. Its common knowledge to any educated person that Japan is the aggressive and destabilizing party in this spat over Chinese territory.

Albeit of course you cant expect honesty from the henchmen of these destabilizing rogue regimes. Thieves dont run out on the street and plead guilty.
Bad Propaganda again by the imperailist chinese man you guys suck making stuff up just like your baby formulas and your other products its just our of quality
China is taking back our birthright as the middle kingdom. Japan is likely to try to stop us. Since history is written by victors, Japan will be called the aggressor that brought mortal destruction on itself. Just like Germany was not content with the Versailles treaty and wanted a rematch.

It seems like this guy cannot cure his Middle Kingdom syndrome. What the hell is that "birthright" ????
America was found a bunch of refugee who seeking religious freedom and it's does not even need a "birthright" like China to become superpower.:hitwall:

I would like to see Italy to regain its birthright to rebuild its Roman Empire or France to build another Napoleon Empire. :blah:
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It seems like this guy cannot cure his Middle Kingdom syndrome. What the hell is that "birthright" ????
America was found a bunch of refugee who seeking religious freedom and it's does not even need a "birthright" like China to become superpower.:hitwall:

I would like to see Italy to regain its birthright to rebuild its Roman Empire or France to build another Napoleon Empire. :blah:

Well said, my friend.
Real threat to regional peace comes from Imperist American,not Japan and China
While the pro-American dogs brainwash Chinese to hate Japan(it's a well known fact,many elites in China are pro-America,even in CCP leadership,those pro-American thugs think Americans will balance the so called re-armed Japan,what a piece of shit),the pro-American dogs in Japan do the same thing
Outsiders always want to see the troubles in East Asia,if a war happened between China and Japan,the only winner will be USA,and the losers will be China and Japan,both will have huge loss,the Anglo-American dominance of world will continue.
Get over it,Diaoyu or so-called senaku is just tiny island,a useless island,fight for that tiny island is stupid
This shouldn't be news. Its common knowledge to any educated person that Japan is the aggressive and destabilizing party in this spat over Chinese territory.

Albeit of course you cant expect honesty from the henchmen of these destabilizing rogue regimes. Thieves dont run out on the street and plead guilty.
i want an aggressive Japanese build up so China will be forced to spend more on military.
i want an aggressive Japanese build up so China will be forced to spend more on military.

But Japan's military expenditure is miniscule, it is less than .9% of our GDP.

How can we be 'aggressive' ? We have not been at war with anyone in almost 70 years.
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