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The enigma of Zaid Hamid (a neutral take)

Why Zaid Hamid sells?

For the same reason Arundhati Roy sells.
Disrespect him,malign him,boycott him,make fun of him but he is still here you know why because he is well wisher and patriotic pakistani.I have seen his program brasstacks he is very good analyst and passionate speaker.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, the person who styles himself as a Defence Analyst and is famous for his charismatic personality often features in the news these days. His attacks on Hindus, his attitude towards the west, his conspiracy theories and his call for Military and Islamic rule in Pakistan is seen as a headache by most but he is equally revered by a huge number of people. His facebook page has 108,000 likes. Similarly his site has had more than 1 Million hits. His memoirs from Indus to Oxus have been published and are selling at an alarming rate.

Zaid Hamid, at a young age joined up for the Afghan-Soviet war. Later he returned as an ideological warrior of Iqbal. For years he has had a program on News 1 where he has been hosting a defence related program known as Brasstacks, one of the most famous series ever to be aired on News 1.

A charismatic figure who knows how to play on emotions, he has captivated audiences worldwide just as an equal number of people loathe him. He is an ardent supporter of Iqbal and his ideology as he interprets it. His vision is a Pakistan as an Islamic welfare state, something that hasn't been accomplished in 60 years. This call has always drawn groans from the liberal crowd and cheers from the conservative crowd but in Pakistan this line of thinking sells.


Zaid Hamid seems to bask in controversy. He has called SAFMA an Indian lobby and a front for RAW, he has referred to Hamid Mir as a CIA agent and been involved in a war of words with Hassan Nisar.
But unsurprisingly the blame has bounced back and he has been called an ISI mole, a fanatic and presented as a ****** in a number of shows including one where he was called by Wajahat Syed Ali Khan only to be abused as a conspiracy theorist on live television. It doesn't end there. He has been blamed as a blasphemer by the conservative lot, if anyone can be more conservative than Zaid Hamid without being a Taliban supporter.

Each one of his claims is unproven but so are those charges levelled against him and just as Zaid Hamid hates liberals the liberals hate him as well.

Furthermore there is a character that looks very similar to Zaid Hamid in the Lollywood song Loota tuney loota mujhey in which Veena Malik also features. It has been debated that this character may indeed be Zaid Hamid.

Why Zaid Hamid sells?

One of the reasons Zaid Hamid sells is because he raises issues about which the rest of the media, the government and the military is completely silent. For example he opposed the India-US nuclear deal bitterly, he knew of the offer US made to offer better quality F16's than Pakistan to India and he wasn't quiet when Raymond Davis killed two Pakistanis in cold blood in Lahore.

A lot of Nationalists do not believe in the chauvinism Zaid Hamid promotes which includes hatred for Hindus, calls to make Pakistan an Islamic Republic, allegations left and right and a lot of hatred for Pakistani liberal figures that go against his narrative, but despite all of this he does talk about Pakistan and its interests on the foreign policy front. This might be what gives him the influence he has. Other than this he plays on the emotions of a gullible people led to believe from childhood that Hindus and Indians are the enemies. Most worrisome is his support for military dictatorships with Islamist tendencies.

It is a fact that Pakistan should guard its interests but there is no reason Pakistan should hate others in doing so. But right now all we can do is call on Zaid Hamid not to hate Pakistan's minorities or call for a system we know failed in the 1980's. But until he keeps playing on emotions he will remain highly successful in polarizing Pakistani society into two camps. One of supporters, the second of opponents.

The enigma of Zaid Hamid

I admire the spirit of your post, Haviz. Zaid Hamid is actually a classic example of a conspiracy, I can post the studies and links here, if you want, to elaborate my point but being precise the following characteristics classify him as a 'consporacy':

a) the conspiracy is grand: a huge network is involved in Hamid's philosophy

b) the conspiracy is an ailment: if the conspiracy, or the Hindu-Zionist nexus, according to Hamid, is broken the 'self' party (what he identifies himself with) i.e. Muslims of Pakistan and the World would have their problems solved

c) the conspiracy is ultimate: every single problem in the self party can be traced to the conspiracy (e.g. corruption is because the Hindu-Zionists are funding inept leaders etc., Electricity shortage is b/c the Hindu-Zionists don't want us to prosper)

d) the conspiracy is infallable: all those who don't believe the conspiracy (Hindu-Zionist plans and agenda) are either involved in the conspiracy or are idiots (e.g. unable to see the reality)

People with other grand conpiracies e.g. Illuminati, Masons etc., exhibit the same characteristics. Social research shows that if such a conspiracy were true then it leaks (e.g. take for example the affairs of Roman emporers, at the time when controlling information was really easy, came out during their eras and were included in the historical discourses; the USA policies on energy are well recognised as to maintain the status quo by reputed scholars i.e. Chomsky, Said) The conspiracy part is not only fantasy driven but serves personal interests e.g. Mr Hamid potrays himself as the saviour and so on.

It's a text book case albeit homemade Pakistani.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, the person who styles himself as a Defence Analyst and is famous for his charismatic personality often features in the news these days. His attacks on Hindus, his attitude towards the west, his conspiracy theories and his call for Military and Islamic rule in Pakistan is seen as a headache by most but he is equally revered by a huge number of people. His facebook page has 108,000 likes. Similarly his site has had more than 1 Million hits. His memoirs from Indus to Oxus have been published and are selling at an alarming rate.

Zaid Hamid, at a young age joined up for the Afghan-Soviet war. Later he returned as an ideological warrior of Iqbal. For years he has had a program on News 1 where he has been hosting a defence related program known as Brasstacks, one of the most famous series ever to be aired on News 1.

A charismatic figure who knows how to play on emotions, he has captivated audiences worldwide just as an equal number of people loathe him. He is an ardent supporter of Iqbal and his ideology as he interprets it. His vision is a Pakistan as an Islamic welfare state, something that hasn't been accomplished in 60 years. This call has always drawn groans from the liberal crowd and cheers from the conservative crowd but in Pakistan this line of thinking sells.


Zaid Hamid seems to bask in controversy. He has called SAFMA an Indian lobby and a front for RAW, he has referred to Hamid Mir as a CIA agent and been involved in a war of words with Hassan Nisar.
But unsurprisingly the blame has bounced back and he has been called an ISI mole, a fanatic and presented as a ****** in a number of shows including one where he was called by Wajahat Syed Ali Khan only to be abused as a conspiracy theorist on live television. It doesn't end there. He has been blamed as a blasphemer by the conservative lot, if anyone can be more conservative than Zaid Hamid without being a Taliban supporter.

Each one of his claims is unproven but so are those charges levelled against him and just as Zaid Hamid hates liberals the liberals hate him as well.

Furthermore there is a character that looks very similar to Zaid Hamid in the Lollywood song Loota tuney loota mujhey in which Veena Malik also features. It has been debated that this character may indeed be Zaid Hamid.

Why Zaid Hamid sells?

One of the reasons Zaid Hamid sells is because he raises issues about which the rest of the media, the government and the military is completely silent. For example he opposed the India-US nuclear deal bitterly, he knew of the offer US made to offer better quality F16's than Pakistan to India and he wasn't quiet when Raymond Davis killed two Pakistanis in cold blood in Lahore.

A lot of Nationalists do not believe in the chauvinism Zaid Hamid promotes which includes hatred for Hindus, calls to make Pakistan an Islamic Republic, allegations left and right and a lot of hatred for Pakistani liberal figures that go against his narrative, but despite all of this he does talk about Pakistan and its interests on the foreign policy front. This might be what gives him the influence he has. Other than this he plays on the emotions of a gullible people led to believe from childhood that Hindus and Indians are the enemies. Most worrisome is his support for military dictatorships with Islamist tendencies.

It is a fact that Pakistan should guard its interests but there is no reason Pakistan should hate others in doing so. But right now all we can do is call on Zaid Hamid not to hate Pakistan's minorities or call for a system we know failed in the 1980's. But until he keeps playing on emotions he will remain highly successful in polarizing Pakistani society into two camps. One of supporters, the second of opponents.

The enigma of Zaid Hamid


its just yr personal opinion.

He is a great man either u like or not.
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He's popular the same reason Zakir Naik is so popular, because he speaks what people ''really'' want to hear and speaks well.

Just a sign of a complex in people. A confident person would not need a lying joker to feel good about themselves.
Disrespect him,malign him,boycott him,make fun of him but he is still here you know why because he is well wisher and patriotic pakistani.I have seen his program brasstacks he is very good analyst and passionate speaker.

yes indeed ajmal kasab is amar singh.:rofl:
The question of men like Zaid Hamid is the first point raised.. National identity and the second is lack of awareness(either due to inability or ignorance) of the ground reality.

People are lost without a national identity, a definition of who and what they were supposed to be.
Perhaps because in true essence most Pakistanis dont know jack about Iqbal or what he wrote apart from Ali Azmat crooning "khudi ko buland kar itna".
Nor do they understand the very philosophy, the very ideals that drove the nation. Because pictures of Jinnah and Iqbal's Mausoleums were enough to drive home some emotions for key power centers.
Now when those images and Noor jehan's songs started proving insufficient.. There was a need for a Zaid Hamid to fill the gap.

The problem is not that he is incorrect in blaming RAW or MOSSAD for a myriad of problems; but that he loses focus in defining how exactly are actually implementing it on the ground. After all, the CIA churned hell and high water to ensure that the Soviet union was destroyed even gestures of peace and "understanding" were being flagged by Carter so why should we disregard Pakistan's enemies carrying out such activities?
The question of proofs and counter proofs will continue, but instead of painting it within a picture of intelligence scenarios.. Zaid Hamid loses his focus into blaming even a loose screw on RAW..and his credibility drops.
The first few series of Brasstacks did nothing more than restate the suspicions of many thinkers on the problems Pakistan and the Muslim world faced... But once that narrative that did have substantial material to even make a case reached its end..Zaid Hamid needed to continue his line of work.. and for that he got in touch with the military contacts who were more than happy for a mouth piece(which a lot of powers have used across the world) but were not willing to provide him with anything other than photo-ops and taskings to put on his next show(Because even if you catch a spy or a mole.. you are left two sided whether you should brandish the fact that someone that high up in the command chain is traitorous to Pakistan and face embarrassment at your lack of counter-intelligence or hush it up to avoid looking like fools). So whatever he has to build upon is from his own imagination.. and the man's imagination or intelligence aren't anything more than average... So all he can do like many of the so called religious right wingers is parrot emotional stirrings that is opium to the growing frustrated section of the population. Now if that sermon includes s splattering of Iqbal combined with evil-Yindoozionists then so be it because that gets him riled up and in "Fuhrer" mode as well as those that listen to his show.
After all, this tactic is used by all measures of politicians.. Imran Khan had a whole university auditorium riled up after giving a brief talk about refining politics and country by making jokes about "Musharraf Bandar" and "Zardari bandar" going to the laps of "Bush Aqa" and "Obama Chacha".. since that sold to the budding electrical/computer engineers rather than sensible talk.

Meanwhile, the actual efforts of the Yindoozionists by discreetly sparking faultlines along religious and ethnic divisions across the country goes ahead unabated and unopposed since we are too blind to see beyond Kashmir or Jihad.
I wonder why it doesnt occur to people that whether what is being taught at many of these extremist Madressas.. or those evening "scholars" isnt just some random phenomenon and has been encouraged by breeding "scholars" over decades. Yet, as Zaid Hamid and many of those that stem from the same country..and eventually the same religion do not understand is that unlike them , their enemies do not have plans that start and end like first wet dream.. their plans are deep rooted..and take years to mature.. and when they finally hit.. You are left running helter skelter looking for "root causes" within history that has been distorted soo much that you cant make sense of lies or truth.
While you are looking for Kargils and their "victories".. you never sit to think out what will happen in 5 years, or two.. or even 3 months.. and jump in awing in your brilliance, While your enemies plant seeds across your country... that mature in ten or twenty years to tear you apart.. They see effects of you breeding people like Hafiz Saeed and quietly hold out knowing that your own snickering will turn to a bawling ,weeping mess when it blows in your face.

But as we content to blame Yindoozionists for everything while ignoring their actual moves.. we shall continue to see more Zaid Hamid's , More Abdul Rasheed Ghazis and so and on forth.
And yes, the same phenomenon can also be witnessed to a degree in India.. with the Thakreys and others.. because warriors and the need for men to become warriors needs purpose.. Just the defense of the country is not sufficient.. there must be a who.

But as I told my very well-connected and very dear Indian friend Mr. Dash whilst we discussed politics in India & Pakistan to which he expressed his desire that our conflicts should end since common sense dictates that we move on..I disagreed with this quip from Nietzsche

Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.
i do believe 26/11 was False Flag Operation done by our intelligent agency with Mossad,2 motive behind it 1)to get rid of investigating Team [Hemant Karkare,Vijay Salaskar, Ashok Kamte],2)To put pressure on Pakistan to act on terrorist.

166 Innocent lost their life for Nothing.

yes indeed ajmal kasab is amar singh.:rofl:
Havi, that's a plain accusation, mate. I've had the experience with ZH and trust me, he doesn't hate Hindus, never actually heard him saying anything against 'our' minorities, he uses that word 'Zionist Hindus', just like the 'Zionist Jews', of course, you can disagree with him.

Let me tell you something interesting as you seems to be a very open-minded guy to me (I actually liked your unbiased view), right 3 years ago, 14th Feb, 2010, there was his speech in Lahore, which was the part of his 'Wake-Up Pakistan' campaign, a huge crowd showed up, and when it was the time of questions/answers session, I personally met a Hindu girl there who had come to listen to him and she wrote her question to him about it seems like from his talks that he doesn't care about Pakistani minorities, and it was later clarified to her.

See, We can all have our views and still remain tolerant to others. It's the liberal fascists and religious extremists of our country who have made ZH popular, he presents a kinda moderate view. His opposition of TTP is one of the biggest reason why I really admire him. You must be aware of the fact how popular he is in the Army, if you have happen to have a some experience.

I remember, during Operation Raah-e-Raast, his speeches and interviews were listened by the Troops on the frontline, as they were really motivating. See, this is something REAL big! And we gotta give respect him for his patriotism.

You failed to notice in this website patriotism is humiliated.. this is not the palace to appreciate patriots.

Army is regularly bashed... in another thread one Iranian is appreciating a Benglai of what they did to Pakistan in 1971.

While i got warning from 'nuclear PK' for mentioning that ''Pak army are professionals and not like those who are killing women in Kashmir or running tanks over kids in Palestine''.

It is to note that i have been labled by Indians as jew and so called Pakistanis as Wahabi and by Iranian as Kafir.

Check my signature link and see how much it violated any ones personal life that the thread got closed.

its just yr personal opinion.

He is a great man either u like or not.

I think not having met him personally I shouldn't be forming opinions about him. Some of the things he says about shariah, mullahs appointed in every village, hatred for Hindu and support for dictatorships are just wrong but I think its very judgemental of me to form an opinion without having met the man.

Not being able to meet anyone severely affects my journalism career. I can only interview by certain other means. I tried to give a very neutral opinion in the peice taking no side. I can do that because I a liberal nationalist.
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He is Extremely anti TTP, he remains the strongest critic of TTP and BLA on the entire Pakistani TV, the biggest highlight of the man that wasn't even mentioned.
I think not having met him personally I shouldn't be forming opinions about him. Some of the things he says about shariah, mullahs appointed in every village, hatred for Hindu and support for dictatorships are just wrong but I think its very judgemental of me to form an opinion without having met the man.

Not being able to meet anyone severely affects my journalism career. I can only interview by certain other means. I tried to give a very neutral opinion in the peice taking no side. I can do that because I a liberal nationalist.

it was u i remember in 2008,who had opened a thread that how utube had deleted yr n yr friends videos who r what u said pakistan's prospective........but when i checked them they were just some mombo jombo videos n after watching them anyone can guess that they r made by a ''novice'' fanboy type person.

then i noticed that ur a member of think tank in this forum n now a days u try yr best to remain a neutral n logical person.

Look no offence.

But every person loves his/her place where he/she is born it natural not abnormal.Like how u were doing then by uploading those videos.......

But like its written in Quran that All Mighty has not made everybody ''like minded'' rather has made people with different minds n analyzing powers.

u said u tried to be neutral!!!
Well i dont think so because after reading yr first paragraph i had got a clear idea in what u will be concluding this thread on.

But like i said Alllah All Mighty has made different people with different minds n thinking. Who knows whatever he might said or is keep on saying is right or u might be saying is right n he is wrong. Only All Mighty knows we dont know!!!!

Still i take u n him as the passengers of same boat! as u both r nationalist people.
Yes thats something else that u maybe a nationalist of level 1 and he maybe of level 3 which is a little extreme.

But still the purpose of him n u is still same ie Seeing Pakistan a prosperous,powerful n viable Country.

U both share same destiny or cause. Just ways r different for achieving that goal.

thats how i see u n him!!!
Havi, that's a plain accusation, mate. I've had the experience with ZH and trust me, he doesn't hate Hindus, never actually heard him saying anything against 'our' minorities, he uses that word 'Zionist Hindus', just like the 'Zionist Jews', of course, you can disagree with him.

Let me tell you something interesting as you seems to be a very open-minded guy to me (I actually liked your unbiased view), right 3 years ago, 14th Feb, 2010, there was his speech in Lahore, which was the part of his 'Wake-Up Pakistan' campaign, a huge crowd showed up, and when it was the time of questions/answers session, I personally met a Hindu girl there who had come to listen to him and she wrote her question to him about it seems like from his talks that he doesn't care about Pakistani minorities, and it was later clarified to her.

See, We can all have our views and still remain tolerant to others. It's the liberal fascists and religious extremists of our country who have made ZH popular, he presents a kinda moderate view. His opposition of TTP is one of the biggest reason why I really admire him. You must be aware of the fact how popular he is in the Army, if you have happen to have a some experience.

I remember, during Operation Raah-e-Raast, his speeches and interviews were listened by the Troops on the frontline, as they were really motivating. See, this is something REAL big! And we gotta give respect him for his patriotism.

I have heard that those who meet him cannot stay unimpressed by him and his knowledge. :)

Even I was once in the same spell despite totally contrary views on the system I wanted for Pakistan. But I do get chagrined when he says things like Hindu sey jab Quiad E Azam ko baas aney lagey... badbu itni zyada bhar gayi key un jaisay liberal democrat ney keh diya bas... or something along similar lines I know it is a mistake and it is only the emotional side of me drawn to him. When he says those things I want to slap myself and ask myself why I ever supported that man. And he has said it, he has not specified Indian Hindus. Once he said even Ram would not be able to save the Indians.

He should tone down. We can't stop him and considering no one raises these issues of foreign policy I don't know if I want to-but stop with the support for dictatorships and dislike for local people. Also labelling someone CIA agent without proof is like you know, weird.

Personally I was a right winger once and supported him deeply. Later I looked at it and realized that you know these same guys will never accept a burger-khor (as Luffy puts it) like me. They just want you to follow their form of Islam and all the followers were Islamists who felt they had a purpose to ensure everyone else followed Islam.

I believe religion and nationalism are 2 separate things and should be kept separate. That response would never resolve the tension and foreboding the Pakistani Hindus feel over his slanderous behavior. But then again he is the only figure raising Pakistan's flawed foreign policy.
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