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The enigma of Zaid Hamid (a neutral take)

Frankly seeing the attention he gets in India from Indians... I mean 80% of any thread on Zaid Hamid is dominated by Indians. So yes a lot of visits would be from India but most are from Pakistanis. I saw it on the site statistics plugin.
Indians need that laugh-a-day tonic seeing the bl00dy politics and the serious scams in the country. So what's better than seeing Zaid Hamid's mug on YouTube etc and ROFL? :partay:
i bet most of the likes he has received on his facebook page as well as hits on his websites are from indians :lol:

His face book page was hijacked many times... his videos on you tube were tempered by indians on many occasions.

About likes on FB, he has started his page many times.

I do not agree to every ting he says but 95% we cannot disagreed, what he says.
We all are RAW/CIA/MOSSAD agents. We give him all this publicity and makefun of him because that makes him famous in Pakistan especially in youth.

He is doing a great favor to India by poisoning youth of Pakistan. :enjoy:
people generally like the guys who appeal to them.maybe they dont agree with the ideology completely.but they like the passion and their statements.

you see being indians and pakistanis,we all have a bit of rivalry amongst us.if a person from pakistan speaks for his country in a positive way(even though it is a bit heightened),people naturally feel obliged to him,even though they know it is a bit exagerrated.

a personal example-raj thackeray.though i am completely against his regionalism thing,but i have seen many of my friends(marathi and non marathi) supporting him,not his ideology necessarily,but basically due to the confidence he fills in them about marathi pride and also his personality.(even i like his personality,though i am a bihari by origin).

so this is it.people will continue liking(or hating) him,no matter what.

nice thread as usual @haviZsultan.

That was one thing I did not get the chance to focus on in my article because I wished to keep it short. So I just provided an overview. But there are major psychological reasons due to which people support personalities. I think Zaid Hamid should be taken as a case study of how emotions can and have been played upon in the country to make very rash decisions. There is much to learn from Zaid Hamid. We can hate him but I would like to learn what made him-was it the 1980's so called Jihad or was he naturally like this.

Its policy that was at fault that churned him out of that furnace of fanaticism. He hates Hindus and I dislike him for hating on my citizens (Pakistani Hindus) but even I am impressed by his nationalism and love for Pakistan. I sometimes feel a pang when he is insulted as Krait noticed also but he feels the same thing when modi is insulted.

We all are in our own ways emotional and capable of being used by these men. Perhaps thats why I rebelled against concepts like ethnicity and tried something no one in the country ever did.
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Frankly seeing the attention he gets in India from Indians... I mean 80% of any thread on Zaid Hamid is dominated by Indians. So yes a lot of visits would be from India but most are from Pakistanis. I saw it on the site statistics plugin.

i think he speaks like that mainly to gain attention nothing more..but the issue arises when people start to take him seriously
His face book page was hijacked many times... his videos on you tube were tempered by indians on many occasions.

About likes on FB, he has started his page many times.

I do not agree to every ting he says but 95% we cannot disagreed, what he says.

:blink: you agree with 95% of what he says or disagree with 95%??
i think he speaks like that mainly to gain attention nothing more..but the issue arises when people start to take him seriously

I think he actually believes what he says. Seriously. He really thinks Islamist dictatorship is what Iqbal wanted. :lol:
He really sees himself as a warrior of Iqbal
That was one thing I did not get the chance to focus on in my article because I wished to keep it short. So I just provided an overview. But there are major psychological reasons due to which people support personalities. I think Zaid Hamid should be taken as a case study of how emotions can and have been played upon in the country to make very rash decisions. There is much to learn from Zaid Hamid. We can hate him but I would like to learn what made him-was it the 1980's so called Jihad or was he naturally like this.

Its policy that was at fault that churned him out of that furnace of fanaticism. He hates Hindus and I dislike him for hating on my citizens (Pakistani Hindus) but even I am impressed by his nationalism and love for Pakistan. I sometimes feel a pang when he is insulted as Krait noticed also but he feels the same thing when modi is insulted.

We all are in our own ways emotional and capable of being used by these men. Perhaps thats why I rebelled against concepts like ethnicity and tried something no one in the country ever did.

very true haviz.:tup:
:blink: you agree with 95% of what he says or disagree with 95%??

Now... now.. we shouldn't point out the kids poor command of the English language.

ZH is a comedian , one cant help but laugh at his claims . i crack up ever time i see the vid of him claiming ghosts fought the 65 war.
I love Zaid Hamid...because what he has done in Pakistan will help India for sure. All the ideas and conspiracy theories he plants into the brains of innocent Pakistani youth...would surely take Pakistan at least 20 years behind. BTW I loved his theory on Azmal Kasab being an Indian(Shikh) named Amar Singh and the mind blowing theory of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui developing biological weapon..quoting her to be a neurologist and neurosurgeon..where as she was a PhD in education working on how to learn by imitation.
That was one thing I did not get the chance to focus on in my article because I wished to keep it short. So I just provided an overview. But there are major psychological reasons due to which people support personalities. I think Zaid Hamid should be taken as a case study of how emotions can and have been played upon in the country to make very rash decisions. There is much to learn from Zaid Hamid. We can hate him but I would like to learn what made him-was it the 1980's so called Jihad or was he naturally like this.

Its policy that was at fault that churned him out of that furnace of fanaticism. He hates Hindus and I dislike him for hating on my citizens (Pakistani Hindus) but even I am impressed by his nationalism and love for Pakistan. I sometimes feel a pang when he is insulted as Krait noticed also but he feels the same thing when modi is insulted.

We all are in our own ways emotional and capable of being used by these men. Perhaps thats why I rebelled against concepts like ethnicity and tried something no one in the country ever did.

Havi, that's a plain accusation, mate. I've had the experience with ZH and trust me, he doesn't hate Hindus, never actually heard him saying anything against 'our' minorities, he uses that word 'Zionist Hindus', just like the 'Zionist Jews', of course, you can disagree with him.

Let me tell you something interesting as you seems to be a very open-minded guy to me (I actually liked your unbiased view), right 3 years ago, 14th Feb, 2010, there was his speech in Lahore, which was the part of his 'Wake-Up Pakistan' campaign, a huge crowd showed up, and when it was the time of questions/answers session, I personally met a Hindu girl there who had come to listen to him and she wrote her question to him about it seems like from his talks that he doesn't care about Pakistani minorities, and it was later clarified to her.

See, We can all have our views and still remain tolerant to others. It's the liberal fascists and religious extremists of our country who have made ZH popular, he presents a kinda moderate view. His opposition of TTP is one of the biggest reason why I really admire him. You must be aware of the fact how popular he is in the Army, if you have happen to have a some experience.

I remember, during Operation Raah-e-Raast, his speeches and interviews were listened by the Troops on the frontline, as they were really motivating. See, this is something REAL big! And we gotta give respect him for his patriotism.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, the person who styles himself as a Defence Analyst and is famous for his charismatic personality often features in the news these days. His attacks on Hindus, his attitude towards the west, his conspiracy theories and his call for Military and Islamic rule in Pakistan is seen as a headache by most but he is equally revered by a huge number of people. His facebook page has 108,000 likes. Similarly his site has had more than 1 Million hits. His memoirs from Indus to Oxus have been published and are selling at an alarming rate.

The man is a true genius. I love this guy. He is the most inspiring Pakistani.:D

The best part is that he lights fire under the Indian backsides and drives them nuts.

I just love reading indian comments about ZH and all the heartburn he gives them....:rofl:
One day the great Sir Zaid Zaman Hamid gona raise Pakistani flag from new delhi- declaring independence of suffered and suppressed people from Radio Pakistan- New Delhi- :agree:-

Well, i am sure that i am Pure Patriotic Pakistani but all i can do on your post is this...:hitwall::hitwall::hang3::suicide:
Zaid Hamid seems like downgraded version of Hitler.

He blames Hindus and Jews for every problem.
He projects his people like super humans.
etc. etc.
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