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The Endgame - A Documentary Preview

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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They are talking about White Genocide, but they are causing it themselves.... well the politicians are but who elects them.

- Human Factor
Current day, the average white male considers children to be inconvenient and that it robs their freedom to act according to their discretion. They rather follow the life which the media platforms show them is convenient, exciting and the way to life their live to their fullest.

- Political Factor
They meddle in the affairs of foreign nations destabilizing countries, forcing emigrations to nations which are "free". Advertisement which give people false hope. Which let them abandon their will to fight for their nation and flee to a country where they can live "freely".

- Colonial Factor
First they subordinate nations to their own benefit, performing eugenics, biological experiment, torturing their subjects and than feel guilty about the stuff they have done, allowing immigration to their nation in order to redeem themselves.

- Work Force Factor
Since I showed the lack of will to continue to keep their race alive, this also means that the workforce is decreasing. Countries would like to keep capital in their borders and in order to prevent companies to leave to nations which can provide workers, they allow them to come here instead to work.

- The Hitler Factor
During Hitler's reign in Germany he made this speech

I guess since everything what Nazi's did was evil, they are now acting in contrary to their believe and thus got the west in the situation they are in.

- Purpose
They are full of doubt
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They are talking about White Genocide, but they are causing it themselves.... well the politicians are but who elects them.

- Human Factor
Current day, the average white male considers children to be inconvenient and that it robs their freedom to act according to their discretion. They rather follow the life which the media platforms show them is convenient, exciting and the way to life their live to their fullest.

- Colonial Factor
First they subordinate nations to their own benefit, performing eugenics, biological experiment, torturing their subjects and than feel guilty about the stuff they have done, allowing immigration to their nation in order to redeem themselves.

- Work Force Factor
Since I showed the lack of will to continue to keep their race alive, this also means that the workforce is decreasing. Countries would like to keep capital in their borders and in order to prevent companies to leave to nations which can provide workers, they allow them to come here instead to work.

- The Hitler Factor
During Hitler's reign in Germany he made this speech

I guess since everything what Nazi's did was evil, they acting in contrary to this believe and thus got the west in the situation they are in.

- Purpose
They are full of doubth

Having children isn't convenient for most youth due to high living expenses and student loans/debts and thus discourages millions of young Westerners from having children, and rising unemployment is also a major factor in this regard. However these issues can easily be addressed if for example the gov.t's were to cut down defense spending, financial aid to third world countries, etc and instead spend the huge sums of money on providing incentives to companies and corporations for hiring local workers or paying off student loans and debts if a young couple were to marry, settle down, and have at least three children.

I believe the promotion of hedonistic lifestyle and carelessness through the media (Hollywood & related music industry) among the youth and the lack of any regard for the future of their racial nation is also a major contributor to their lack of interest in having children.

- Political Factor
They meddle in the affairs of foreign nations destabilizing countries, forcing emigrations to nations which are "free". Advertisement which give people false hope. Which let them abandon their will to fight for their nation and flee to a country where they can live "freely".

This is true, however most Westerners are duped into supporting such interventions based on lies and propaganda as well as false flag ops. etc...

This speech is spot on. Radical feminism has destroyed the traditional family structure which was once the bed rock of Western societies and thus Western civilization as a whole.

I guess since everything what Nazi's did was evil, they acting in contrary to this believe and thus got the west in the situation they are in.

- Purpose
They are full of doubth
Very true.
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Having children isn't convenient for most youth due to high living expenses and student loans/debts and thus discourages millions of young Westerners from having children, and rising unemployment is also a major factor in this regard.

Let alone children, They don't want responsibilities as wife and husband. Their relations are temporary most of the time so they can leave whenever they wan't. Ultimate freedom. If there is no family, than you don't have a good environment which in turn would raise your kid in a good way.

I know many youngsters in Europe, which are born into the world and were given everything they wanted in order to make them silent, parent both of them working not given love or time to their children. Growing up addicted to drugs and stuff to find some pleasure in life. I have seen at least 2 old classmates from elementary school having lost all purposes and only see them going to the coffee shops.

Believe me, In West and North Europe. They have the necessary wealth to bring up 2 children at a minimum. Its just that they need to change their reckless habits and lifestyles. But Like I said They have no purpose. A people with no purpose cannot proceed into the future. Why walk forward if you will achieve the same by just standing still where you are.

And to confirm what I just said. Every Dutch Family, which have family values and are lower middle class. Have 2 children at a minimum and their children become part a productive part of the society, but I can't say the same for others classes.
Let alone children, They don't want responsibilities as wife and husband. Their relations are temporary most of the time so they can leave whenever they wan't. Ultimate freedom. If there is no family, than you don't have a good environment which in turn would raise your kid in a good way.

I know many youngsters in Europe, which are born into the world and were given everything they wanted in order to make them silent, parent both of them working not given love or time to their children. Growing up addicted to drugs and stuff to find some pleasure in life. I have seen at least 2 old classmates from elementary school having lost all purposes and only see them going to the coffee shops.

Believe me, In West and North Europe. They have the necessary wealth to bring up 2 children at a minimum. Its just that they need to change their reckless habits and lifestyles. But Like I said They have no purpose. A people with no purpose cannot proceed into the future. Why walk forward if you will achieve the same by just standing still where you are.

And to confirm what I just said. Every Dutch Family, which have family values and are lower middle class. Have 2 children at a minimum and their children become part a productive part of the society, but I can't say the same for others classes.
Yeah, pretty much same is the case throughout the West. The traditional family structure has been broken down through the promotion of decades of Marxist ideals, particularly through the educational institutions and mass media.

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