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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Protests are also from the Sunni and non Maronite Christians. It is a sectarian protest. The prime minister will easily ask for reelection and the protestors will lose in the reelection since the are not the majority.

Protesters are burning the building of their own neighborhood by their own hands.
The are already news of bunt port documents during these protests. also it can lead to another years-old selection of the government, long enough to multiply the economic damages.
yeah, it was there since 6 years and it "accidently" blow up in the right time..yeah, no way..
it was set on fire deliberately

You clearly don’t understand how combustible chemicals work. You do realize ammonia nitrate is used in explosives?

It also happened during a period of high summer temperatures.

But of course some ignorant people like to believe conspiracy theories rather than blame things on gross incompetence.

Why was there 6 TONS of combustible chemical stored in a warehouse ON TOP OF EACH OTHER? Or did Israel also plant those chemicals.

Hezbollah warned Israel about there own potential disaster in storing a massive chemical tank next to population center. Then Israel took action.

These things happen, countries put things on back burner and then accident strikes. The real outstanding thing is how many POTENTIAL accidents don’t happen due to sheer luck. Like US Air Force planes accidentally dropping TWO nuclear bombs over North Carolina


Before Iran shot down its own airliner there were several incidents of Iran AD systems firing on friendly fighter jets and airliners in last 15 years.

It’s the potential accidents that you don’t hear about that show you how dangerous the world is.
yeah, it was there since 6 years and it "accidently" blow up in the right time..yeah, no way..
it was set on fire deliberately
Frankly thats about as silly as claiming that the massive blast at the Evangelos Florakis Naval Base in cyprus back in 2011 was all part of a cunning 2 year plus iranian plan to cripple cyprus and decapitate the cypriot naval forces.
This sort of thing might seem somewhat plausible within the context of the plot of a tom clancy-esque novel or movie,however in the real world these sorts of tragedies generally have far more to do with your everyday garden variety simple idiotic incompetence and/or criminal negligence,far more than they have unlikely convoluted conspiracies at any rate.
The are already news of bunt port documents during these protests. also it can lead to another years-old selection of the government, long enough to multiply the economic damages.

Then that is a different goal. No HZ warehouse was in western Beirut.
Frankly thats about as silly as claiming that the massive blast at the Evangelos Florakis Naval Base in cyprus back in 2011 was all part of a cunning 2 year plus iranian plan to cripple cyprus and decapitate the cypriot naval forces.
This sort of thing might seem somewhat plausible within the context of the plot of a tom clancy-esque novel or movie,however in the real world these sorts of tragedies generally have far more to do with your everyday garden variety simple idiotic incompetence and/or criminal negligence,far more than they have unlikely convoluted conspiracies at any rate.
Perhaps as silly as thinking Al-Qaeda cavemen passed through all US security protocols, hijacked two airplanes while coincidentally all security protocols of the most important city in the world was ignored and all US air force were on vacation!

warm Bin-Laden/Bush relations are a coincidence, CIA use of Wahhabi elements was a coincidence, financial support of Saudi Arabia was a coincidence, and finally no attack against US interests prior to 9/11 was also absolutely a sheer coincidence!

And about Lebanon, people tend to look at it from Hezbollah vs Al-Mostaghbal point of view, while the correct look is US/Israel vs Iran/Hezbollah. these explosives were imported to Tripoli in Lebanon to be transferred to terrorists in Syria, who ordered that? Lebanese? no, it was Americans.

yet after Hezbollah cut off the land route between Lebanon and terrorists in Syria, these explosives were transferred to Beirut, so here I ask again who ordered that and why? who ordered 2700 tonnes of explosives to be transferred and stored with the most shity condition in capital? incompetency is rather a childish answer, if you don't want to call it sabotage, then call it pure idiocy, say Lebanese officials had escaped from a psychic institute, that's more believable!

also here we have to believe that CIA had left that bomb's fate to destiny! that a demand from Lebanese security forces to move these explosives just two weeks before the explosion was a coincidence.
after that you may think this world's creation has been a coincidence too.
Perhaps as silly as thinking Al-Qaeda cavemen passed through all US security protocols, hijacked two airplanes while coincidentally all security protocols of the most important city in the world was ignored and all US air force were on vacation!

warm Bin-Laden/Bush relations are a coincidence, CIA use of Wahhabi elements was a coincidence, financial support of Saudi Arabia was a coincidence, and finally no attack against US interests prior to 9/11 was also absolutely a sheer coincidence!
I think you forgot the part about all the jews who worked at the twin towers being off work sick on sept 11th,because clearly they`d been warned about what was going to happen ahead of time,right?:crazy:
Actually there had been one large previous al qaeda attack on us soil back in 1993,and curiously that was.....the twin towers!,and interestingly the man who came up with the idea for the 2001 "planes plan" khaled sheikh mohammed,was the uncle of the 1993 bomber Ramzi Yousef.Now this is an interesting coincidence because it actually makes sense.
In both cases there were opportunities to catch the people involved prior to the carrying out of the plot,but sadly these chances were missed,not because of some big us government conspiracy involving hundreds of people,but because of a mixture of simple mistakes,negligence and even probably a little incompetence as well,plus of course as always some luck on the part of the terrorists.
Lastly,as with all conspiracies,what on earth possible reason could the us have had for allowing the sept 11th plot to succeed?,to invade afghanistan?,what on earth for theres nothing there and altho in theory you might use afghanistan to try and access the gas and oil of the central asian stans,this would be entirely conditional on having to either completely pacify the country militarily or bring about peace politically and the soviets hadnt been able to pull either of those off after 9 years of effort......and for that matter neither could the us/nato forces after 19 years!

And about Lebanon, people tend to look at it from Hezbollah vs Al-Mostaghbal point of view, while the correct look is US/Israel vs Iran/Hezbollah. these explosives were imported to Tripoli in Lebanon to be transferred to terrorists in Syria, who ordered that? Lebanese? no, it was Americans.

yet after Hezbollah cut off the land route between Lebanon and terrorists in Syria, these explosives were transferred to Beirut, so here I ask again who ordered that and why? who ordered 2700 tonnes of explosives to be transferred and stored with the most shity condition in capital? incompetency is rather a childish answer, if you don't want to call it sabotage, then call it pure idiocy, say Lebanese officials had escaped from a psychic institute, that's more believable!

also here we have to believe that CIA had left that bomb's fate to destiny! that a demand from Lebanese security forces to move these explosives just two weeks before the explosion was a coincidence.
after that you may think this world's creation has been a coincidence too.
I`m sorry m8,but that is literal tin foil hat complete :cuckoo:batsh!t crazy:cuckoo: territory,I mean that is so silly that tom clancy wouldnt even put that in one of his novels.
Why in the name of god would the americans try such an idiotically convoluted plan with so much left beyond their control and dependent purely on luck?,thats absurd.
Why would the us even bother going to such bizarre,not to mention incredibly risky,lengths to smuggle such a huge amount of lower powered explosives into the one country in the region where you have a competent enemy ie hezbollah,who could thwart all of your not-so-carefully-laid plans?.I mean if you really want to smuggle explosives to terrorists then why not simply use the same people and countries that have been used for smuggling weapons throughout the syrian insurgency by the west ie israel,turkey and jordan?,and why bother with bulky lower powered explosives like ammonium nitrate when you could ship them military grade high explosives instead?
Lastly what on earth does it get the us by blowing up a part of beirut?,it must have to be something of hugely enormous value in order to take an insane series of risks such as the ones that you`re suggesting.
Also the ship m/v rhosus that transported the ammonium nitrate,which was from a georgian company,was owned by a russian company and it docked in beirut not tripoli,where it was impounded and the cargo eventually offloaded 5 years ago.
https://shiparrested.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/The-Arrest-News-11th-issue.pdf [see pg3]



Bill of lading for m/v rhosus
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I`m sorry m8,but that is literal tin foil hat complete :cuckoo:batsh!t crazy:cuckoo: territory,I mean that is so silly that tom clancy wouldnt even put that in one of his novels.
Why in the name of god would the americans try such an idiotically convoluted plan with so much left beyond their control and dependent purely on luck?,thats absurd.
Why would the us even bother going to such bizarre,not to mention incredibly risky,lengths to smuggle such a huge amount of lower powered explosives into the one country in the region where you have a competent enemy ie hezbollah,who could thwart all of your not-so-carefully-laid plans?.I mean if you really want to smuggle explosives to terrorists then why not simply use the same people and countries that have been used for smuggling weapons throughout the syrian insurgency by the west ie israel,turkey and jordan?,and why bother with bulky lower powered explosives like ammonium nitrate when you could ship them military grade high explosives instead?
Lastly what on earth does it get the us by blowing up a part of beirut?,it must have to be something of hugely enormous value in order to take an insane series of risks such as the ones that you`re suggesting.
Also the ship m/v rhosus that transported the ammonium nitrate,which was from a georgian company,was owned by a russian company and it docked in beirut not tripoli,where it was impounded and the cargo eventually offloaded 5 years ago.
https://shiparrested.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/The-Arrest-News-11th-issue.pdf [see pg3]



Bill of lading for m/v rhosus
What luck? Before Hezbollah's intervention in Syria, terrorists were freely using a land route between Lebanon and Syria. Lebanese side was and still is in control of 14 March movement in Lebanon.

Just because there is a route in Jordan, it doesnt mean its connected to all fronts.

US and it's allies kept a low profile in the early years, remember hand made rockets, remember how leaked news of transfer of weapons from Ukraine became a scandal. it was later that flow of advanced weapons started.

And yeah apparently all it takes to fool people like you is to show you some documents!

But it's a very old tactic for smuggling, they register a superficial destination, then with the excuse of urgent repair, they drift into real destination and unload their cargo.

I'm quoting an Iranian source that it was transferred from tripoly to Beirut, but other media deliberately qout this story from Beirut afterwards. also there had been no record of this type of explosive in that African country.
Just because there is a route in Jordan, it doesnt mean its connected to all fronts.
Yeah....I guess that only leaves the israeli,turkish and kurdish routes then,doesnt it?

US and it's allies kept a low profile in the early years, remember hand made rockets, remember how leaked news of transfer of weapons from Ukraine became a scandal. it was later that flow of advanced weapons started.
Thats because they could simply use their turkish,arab,israeli and kurdish cats paws to do most of the dirty work,not to mention that because of the gross stupidity and utter incompetence of the saa during the first part of the insurgency vast amounts of weapons and munitions were simply allowed to fall into the hands of the terrorists with little or no effort made to prevent it.

And yeah apparently all it takes to fool people like you is to show you some documents!
And you on the other hand are perfectly willing to believe any old crazy conspiracy theory no matter how bizarre and regardless of any evidence that disproves it.

And yeah apparently all it takes to fool people like you is to show you some documents!
Whereas you dont need any proof whatsoever because you KNOW this is a conspiracy,because its just SO OBVIOUS,right?
I wouldnt be quite so quick to sneer at the value of the documents in question if I was you,as these can be easily used to ascertain important facts such as the manufacturer of the chemicals and from there one can find out who ordered them,how they payed for them,where the intended delivery destination was and if they were a real company or just a front.You can find out who the shipping company was and who operated it and if they were just a front as well.

But it's a very old tactic for smuggling, they register a superficial destination, then with the excuse of urgent repair, they drift into real destination and unload their cargo.
For a start it would be easy to ascertain whether the destination and the end customer were legit or not.
When the ship left port on its journey it was flagged with 11 defects during an inspection.According to the russia captain the ship stopped over in beirut to pick up another cargo but was unable to load it.The ship was inspected by port authorities and deemed unseaworthy and the ship was basically stuck there.The company who owned the ship went bankrupt and the ship was basically abandoned,it was also subject to legal claims from creditors.Ultimately the lebanese authorities impounded the ship owing to non payment of port fees and fines.
The ship and its cargo basically sat in port for almost a year before it was impounded and the cargo offloaded and placed in storage.

I'm quoting an Iranian source that it was transferred from tripoly to Beirut, but other media deliberately qout this story from Beirut afterwards. also there had been no record of this type of explosive in that African country.
That story makes absolutely no sense at all I`m afraid.
The company in Mozambique [FEM] who ordered the ammonium nitrate is an explosives manufacturer,they sell an explosive compound called ANCO which is ammonium nitrate based and is commonly used in the mining industry[among others].
Yeah....I guess that only leaves the israeli,turkish and kurdish routes then,doesnt it?

Thats because they could simply use their turkish,arab,israeli and kurdish cats paws to do most of the dirty work,not to mention that because of the gross stupidity and utter incompetence of the saa during the first part of the insurgency vast amounts of weapons and munitions were simply allowed to fall into the hands of the terrorists with little or no effort made to prevent it.

And you on the other hand are perfectly willing to believe any old crazy conspiracy theory no matter how bizarre and regardless of any evidence that disproves it.

Whereas you dont need any proof whatsoever because you KNOW this is a conspiracy,because its just SO OBVIOUS,right?
I wouldnt be quite so quick to sneer at the value of the documents in question if I was you,as these can be easily used to ascertain important facts such as the manufacturer of the chemicals and from there one can find out who ordered them,how they payed for them,where the intended delivery destination was and if they were a real company or just a front.You can find out who the shipping company was and who operated it and if they were just a front as well.

For a start it would be easy to ascertain whether the destination and the end customer were legit or not.
When the ship left port on its journey it was flagged with 11 defects during an inspection.According to the russia captain the ship stopped over in beirut to pick up another cargo but was unable to load it.The ship was inspected by port authorities and deemed unseaworthy and the ship was basically stuck there.The company who owned the ship went bankrupt and the ship was basically abandoned,it was also subject to legal claims from creditors.Ultimately the lebanese authorities impounded the ship owing to non payment of port fees and fines.
The ship and its cargo basically sat in port for almost a year before it was impounded and the cargo offloaded and placed in storage.

That story makes absolutely no sense at all I`m afraid.
The company in Mozambique [FEM] who ordered the ammonium nitrate is an explosives manufacturer,they sell an explosive compound called ANCO which is ammonium nitrate based and is commonly used in the mining industry[among others].
Yesterday more info from it's captain was published, he said he wasn't sure if Mozambique was the destination! you say it's absolutely clear. He said this ship first ducks in Greece for one week then was ordered to go to Lebanon and had no idea why among all the ports just Lebanese port wasn't paid.

Do you think it makes sense? Sea worthy for 2xxx tonnes explosives in Georgia and otherwise for 2xx tonnes cargo in Lebanese port?

And the owner abandons both its ship and its 2xxx tonne cargo because of port taxes?! It's like saying a driver abandons its truck and cargo cause have no money for the highway ticket!

What a believable story!
And now the FBI is investigating the Beirut catastrophe, what a f..ing farce
That says it all, just connect the dots, they will remove every evidence...

Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah: If Israel committed the massacre in the port of Beirut.. Hezbollah will not remain silent against Israel, and Israel will pay a similar price.

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As U.S planed

Now U.S move for real game


@yavar what do u mean with "As US planed"?
Can you please also explain "US move with real game" and whats that with the "snapback"?
You mean that US will do some dirty trick in hope Iran will react to it which will lead to the snapback = extension of weapon embargo?

even Putin is very worried, he seems to have informations we dont have yet:
I hope he will not again stab Iran:


@yavar brother I hope Iran is prepared for everything
Even if it seems not rational that they will attack Iran (US bases in the middle east will be wiped out as consequence) we have to remember that we are dealing with psychopats
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@yavar what do u mean with "As US planed"?
They already knew that this resolution not going to pass so they just wanted it to trigger a snapback option

There is a split between the Chinese and Americans so the Chinese are not going on to go along Unless Americans give them something

Can you please also explain "US move with real game" and whats that with the "snapback"?
Snapback mechanism is getting all the sanctions back not only arms embargo all the sanctions all the United Nations sanctions no just a stupid arms embargo one

even Putin is very worried, he seems to have informations we dont have yet:
I hope he will not again stab Iran:
Well it all depends he’s not worried about that is that arms embargo just trying to raise the stakes high so he can maybe get a concession,

Belarus, is Russia underbelly is in deep trouble like Ukraine was a few years ago so if they Americans willing to give a concession on Belarus I’m sure Mr Putin will wouldn’t mind extensions on Iranians sanctions For another two years

brother I hope Iran is prepared for everything
Hi brother you have to wait till October I think October the rules of new Engagement will start
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They already knew that this resolution not going to pass so they just wanted it to trigger a snapback option

There is a split between the Chinese and Americans so the Chinese are not going on to go along Unless Americans give them something

Snapback mechanism is getting all the sanctions back not only arms embargo all the sanctions all the United Nations sanctions no just a stupid arms embargo one

What would be Iran's response if the snap back sanctions were to be brought into place?
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