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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Our So-called allies

Intelligence agencies are scrutinizing whether the kingdom’s work with China to develop nuclear expertise is cover to process uranium and move toward development of a weapon.

This is a joke. If Saudi Arabia was anywhere close to be an independent country then Israel and US would attack it.

They are so far from a nuclear bomb that the West thinks it’s a joke. With a snap of a figure MBS would be replaced or oil sanctions slapped on Saudi Arabia to the delight of Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other countries that want higher oil prices.

In the off chance Saudi Arabia getting a nuke is actually good news for Iran because it gives Iran justification to go full nuclear in order to establish MAD doctrine.
@yavar , brother, . Are you NOT going to retaliate? This was a BIG BIG blow.
Hi brother nice to see you back.
no major retaliation until after october, we have to wait till then, they know this that is why they are carrying out such sabotage acts

watch from 17:30 the 3 site in Beirut
Hi brother nice to see you back.
no major retaliation until after october, we have to wait till then, they know this that is why they are carrying out such sabotage acts

watch from 17:30 the 3 site in Beirut

@yavar do you think it was sabotage what happened to port of Beirut?
they hit hezbollahs precison missile depot?
maybe it was an accident, but the timing of this incident, its jut very very fishy, 2 months before us elections and 3 months before lifting of Iran weapon embargo....too many coincidences...
if it was really a sabotage, those who did it will pay a high price, no doubt about that
@yavar do you think it was sabotage what happened to port of Beirut?
they hit hezbollahs precison missile depot?
maybe it was an accident, but the timing of this incident, its jut very very fishy, 2 months before us elections and 3 months before lifting of Iran weapon embargo....too many coincidences...
if it was really a sabotage, those who did it will pay a high price, no doubt about that

Go look at the pictures. There is piles of Nitrates sitting on top Of each other.

gross incompetence not sabotage. And who would store missiles in a (unguarded) warehouse at a port where many people come and go?
@yavar do you think it was sabotage what happened to port of Beirut?
@yavarthey hit hezbollahs precison missile depot?
underground production site

they brought ship full of chemical and place it near site and strike it to set off explosion reaction.

Lebanon is only one City, the rest is villages. now half of Beirut destroyed and gone, the sea port is gone so they cant import, NO Wheat, no fuel, homes are destryoed people are home less, so get ready for human catastrophey

Syria totally destroyed
Yemen totally destroyed
Iraq totally destroyed

and who do you think they want to pay for reconstruction ?? to make sure we go bankrupt,

so we have to wait till october
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underground production site

they brought ship full of chemical and place it near site and strike it to set off explosion reaction.

Lebanon is only one City, the rest is villages. now half of Beirut destroyed and gone, the sea port is gone so they cant import, NO Wheat, no fuel, homes are destryoed people are home less, so get ready for human catastrophey

Syria totally destroyed
Yemen totally destroyed
Iraq totally destroyed

and who do you think they want to pay for reconstruction ?? to make sure we go bankrupt,

so we have to wait till october

you want to say there was a ship with tousands of tons of chemicals near an Hezb underground missile production and Hezb was not aware of it? and they didnt move the facility away? i cant believe this, total incompetence if true

Why should be an underground facility in the heart of Beirut? There is planty of room in Lebonon, beside you put Beirut in danger doing so...

I hope we will see hard actions against the zionists from october on, peace is no possible with somone who wants you annihilated...."fire should be fought with fire" - Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam
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Go look at the pictures. There is piles of Nitrates sitting on top Of each other.

gross incompetence not sabotage. And who would store missiles in a (unguarded) warehouse at a port where many people come and go?

yeah, it was there since 6 years and it "accidently" blow up in the right time..yeah, no way..
it was set on fire deliberately
I COMPLETELY disagree with sabotage theory to destroy HZ warehouses.

The people of western Beirut near the port are Sunni, phalanges, and non Maronite Christians and vote against Hizbullah. The Kataeb leader who was killed in the blast was a previous phalange member. The port has been under their control for centuries. Nothing from HZ can be built under their feet. Period.

If it was sabotage, then it was for a different goal.
پاکستان یک نفتکش ایران را در بندر کراچی به خاطر نقض تحریم های آمریکا توقیف کرد

یک کشتی ایرانی در پاکستان توقیف شد

درخواست آمریکا از پاکستان برای توقیف یک کشتی ایرانی حامل نفت
یکی از سناتورهای پاکستانی اعلام کرد: دولت این کشور به درخواست آمریکا یک کشتی ایرانی را به خاطر انتقال نفت در بندر کراچی توقیف کرده‌ است.

Pakistani authorities have seized an Iranian Oil-Tanker Karachi Port Qasim on suspicion that it is violating US sanctions,

حساس اداروں اور کسٹمز کی بڑی کارروائی، ایران سے غیرقانونی طور پر لایا گیا ایک لاکھ ٹن تیل پکڑا گیا

I COMPLETELY disagree with sabotage theory to destroy HZ warehouses.

The people of western Beirut near the port are Sunni, phalanges, and non Maronite Christians and vote against Hizbullah. The Kataeb leader who was killed in the blast was a previous phalange member. The port has been under their control for centuries. Nothing from HZ can be built under their feet. Period.

If it was sabotage, then it was for a different goal.
You seriously think these people care about their victims?
My post says that there was no HZ warehouse in that part of Beirut.
No need to. pressuring Lebanese is the biggest sabotage. just look at the coordinated protests which followed by the people who basically stored the ticking bomb in the port.
No need to. pressuring Lebanese is the biggest sabotage. just look at the coordinated protests which followed by the people who basically stored the ticking bomb in the port.

Protests are also from the Sunni and non Maronite Christians. It is a sectarian protest. The prime minister will easily ask for reelection and the protestors will lose in the reelection since the are not the majority.

Protesters are burning the building of their own neighborhood by their own hands.
the psychological warfare need to continue.

the only thing which they got is Natanz and they trying to make Israeli air force to some sort of big power full force
ایران: بازرس اخراجی آژانس «مواد منفجره» به همراه داشت7 Nov 2019
Iran: IAEA inspector had explosive nitrates
12 Nov 2019
they already tried few months back not long ago.
but we have members here talking about F 35 or F55

is U.S who is done it true IAEA agents
but the nonsense need to countinute so to make Israel strong and powerful

what joke
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