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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

OH,HAPPY NEWS EVERYONE.....:lol::lol::lol:
More countries have joined INSTEX,isnt that wonderful?,the eurovassal nations of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are in the process of becoming "shareholders"[whatever THAT means]
The funniest part of this little joke was of course the punchline:
"In this context, it is crucial for the Islamic Republic of Iran to return without delay to full compliance with the terms and provisions of the nuclear agreement.":haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl:
Man...,those eurovassals,eh?.What a bunch of jokers,why this is the funniest joke I`ve heard from them since this one back in the day:
OH,HAPPY NEWS EVERYONE.....:lol::lol::lol:
More countries have joined INSTEX,isnt that wonderful?,the eurovassal nations of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are in the process of becoming "shareholders"[whatever THAT means]
The funniest part of this little joke was of course the punchline:
"In this context, it is crucial for the Islamic Republic of Iran to return without delay to full compliance with the terms and provisions of the nuclear agreement.":haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl:
Man...,those eurovassals,eh?.What a bunch of jokers,why this is the funniest joke I`ve heard from them since this one back in the day:
The whole world can join this sh!t, as long as they don't buy Iran's oil !
The whole world can join this sh!t, as long as they don't buy Iran's oil !
Yep..,pretty much the case it seems.
Still you`ve got to "admire" them tho`,as they do do a good job of pretending to do something without actually doing a single god damned thing at all....at least as far as the jcpoa is concerned anyway.
Yep..,pretty much the case it seems.
Still you`ve got to "admire" them tho`,as they do do a good job of pretending to do something without actually doing a single god damned thing at all....at least as far as the jcpoa is concerned anyway.
Though new information suggests they really plan to buy Iran's oil, recently the head of IRGC revealed their secret meeting in which one of them warns the rest that if they don't buy Iran's oil, soon Iran will cut off it's dependence on oil.

Even though it seems opposite choices, I think they might quit the JCPOA to prevent the end of Iran's arms embargo, but buy the oil to keep Iran in NPT.
Though new information suggests they really plan to buy Iran's oil, recently the head of IRGC revealed their secret meeting in which one of them warns the rest that if they don't buy Iran's oil, soon Iran will cut off it's dependence on oil.

Even though it seems opposite choices, I think they might quit the JCPOA to prevent the end of Iran's arms embargo, but buy the oil to keep Iran in NPT.

Iran needs to get the f*** off oil economy asap. Just look at the Saudis, how much they are investing to transform. If Iran wants to have a say in non oil export, they need to consider wind and solar energy and export that energy to the region. Saudis with all their cash at hand will take away all market from Iran if Iran doesn't move.
OH,HAPPY NEWS EVERYONE.....:lol::lol::lol:
More countries have joined INSTEX,isnt that wonderful?,the eurovassal nations of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are in the process of becoming "shareholders"[whatever THAT means]
The funniest part of this little joke was of course the punchline:
"In this context, it is crucial for the Islamic Republic of Iran to return without delay to full compliance with the terms and provisions of the nuclear agreement.":haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl::haha::rofl:
Man...,those eurovassals,eh?.What a bunch of jokers,why this is the funniest joke I`ve heard from them since this one back in the day:
As an update to the previous post heres some rather vile mutual masturbation courtesy of the eurovassals:
E3-Statement on European support for INSTEX
"As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join INSTEX as shareholders. This step further strengthens INSTEX and demonstrates European efforts to facilitate legitimate trade between Europe and Iran and is a clear expression of our continuing commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA)."

"Full and effective implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is of the utmost importance. Iran must return to full compliance with its commitments under the JCPoA without delay. We re-affirm our readiness to consider all mechanisms in the JCPoA, including the dispute resolution mechanism, to resolve the issues related to Iran’s implementation of its JCPoA commitments. We remain fully committed to pursuing our efforts towards a diplomatic resolution within the framework of the JCPoA."

One couldnt help but notice the not so subtle threat of "including the dispute resolution mechanism" right at the end,tho I frankly doubt that they`d have the guts to risk it as at that point its very likely that action would sound the jcpoas death knell......still with rouhani who knows?
Iran needs to get the f*** off oil economy asap. Just look at the Saudis, how much they are investing to transform. If Iran wants to have a say in non oil export, they need to consider wind and solar energy and export that energy to the region. Saudis with all their cash at hand will take away all market from Iran if Iran doesn't move.

Saudi’s are moving away because if they don’t in 75 years they will be on brink of collapse.

Iran, Russia, Qatar all enjoy massive amounts of natural gas reserves which are only poised to increase in use as a cleaner burning energy in next 100 years.

Where as Saudi Arabia is not blessed the same way. Sooner or later demand for oil will start to fall as other energy sources take over and the world begins to move away from toxic fossil fuels.

So if Saudi Arabia doesn’t start early to diverse it’s economy it could be in deep trouble by the turn of the century as it heavily subsidized its people’s lifestyle.

Meanwhile Iran in comparison has one of the most diverse economies in the Middle East all things considered. Now a 20-30% reliance on oil is nothing crazy, less reliance would be nice. But what’s hurting Iran is high amounts of corruption, sanctions preventing free trade and exchange of goods, loss of international banking system, sanctions that choke foreign investment, and loss of oil trade.

The loss of oil trade is not single handily hurting iran.
Saudi’s are moving away because if they don’t in 75 years they will be on brink of collapse.

Iran, Russia, Qatar all enjoy massive amounts of natural gas reserves which are only poised to increase in use as a cleaner burning energy in next 100 years.

Where as Saudi Arabia is not blessed the same way. Sooner or later demand for oil will start to fall as other energy sources take over and the world begins to move away from toxic fossil fuels.

So if Saudi Arabia doesn’t start early to diverse it’s economy it could be in deep trouble by the turn of the century as it heavily subsidized its people’s lifestyle.

Meanwhile Iran in comparison has one of the most diverse economies in the Middle East all things considered. Now a 20-30% reliance on oil is nothing crazy, less reliance would be nice. But what’s hurting Iran is high amounts of corruption, sanctions preventing free trade and exchange of goods, loss of international banking system, sanctions that choke foreign investment, and loss of oil trade.

The loss of oil trade is not single handily hurting iran.

Well we have to account all oil products / petrochemicals when we talk about oil economy. Regardless, I think we have so many technical talents that we can put them to work toward a greener and more sustainable economy at much faster rate.
Iran needs to get the f*** off oil economy asap. Just look at the Saudis, how much they are investing to transform. If Iran wants to have a say in non oil export, they need to consider wind and solar energy and export that energy to the region. Saudis with all their cash at hand will take away all market from Iran if Iran doesn't move.

Iran needs to develop a vibrant closed economy, whose transportation and trade is run by cheap oil. Cheap and quick commerce between Iranians by the fuel of oil. And homes heated with cheap natural gas.

Iran does not need anybody else, be the most successful economy but only trade with Iranians. You don't need to trade with anybody, but when you do, transfer that foreign paper money to gold and silver to back up the paper currency trade of Rials within Iran. You can then set the Rial to be worth what you want and be damned the shorters.

Iran needs to focus on producing 100% of their products. If Iran ever develops nukes, expect sanctions that should close off the economy of Iran. Prepare for a closed economy.
Iran needs to develop a vibrant closed economy, whose transportation and trade is run by cheap oil. Cheap and quick commerce between Iranians by the fuel of oil. And homes heated with cheap natural gas.

Iran does not need anybody else, be the most successful economy but only trade with Iranians. You don't need to trade with anybody, but when you do, transfer that foreign paper money to gold and silver to back up the paper currency trade of Rials within Iran. You can then set the Rial to be worth what you want and be damned the shorters.

Iran needs to focus on producing 100% of their products. If Iran ever develops nukes, expect sanctions that should close off the economy of Iran. Prepare for a closed economy.

One has to think long term. Today's investment in carbon independent economy will form a carbon free economy and industry that guarantees growth as demand grows. Oil and gas demands will die out as more companies and global initiatives move toward carbon free economy. That means demand will reduce. In long term, the goals should be to compete in an environment where industries have moved away. In short term, we should focus on start ups empowering start ups that can lead to next generation of green economy.

I am not saying drop oil/gas today or next ten years, I am saying our vector needs to be pointing away.

Here are some fantastic opportunities that not only within Iranian realm of expertise but also there are current demand and the demands are expected to grow:

1. Drought is expected to worsen in the Middle East, some places including our shores expect to experience elevated sea water levels which lead to destruction of farming lands over time.

Demands for industrialization and services to farm in control environment is on the rise. Currently, there are good set of activities happening in Iran bit Iran needs to boost its food production using these methods to be able to export food and services in this industry.

2. Iran has a base industry to produce solar energy farms and wind farms. There are significant amount of open space to layout solar farms and wind farms.

Iran needs to maximize this as that will allow to solve not only domestic electricity shortages but also help with water desalination. Again there is market for these in the immediate Iranian border.

Further development in these areas will bring a foundation for Iranian goods and services in the neighborhood. That will lead to economic stability for Iran and it's neighbors as they will lead to jobs in those countries. Further as climate conditions worsen, we would have foundation to ease the side effects of food and water shortages.
Holy shit the idle worshippers in this forum... Rahbar this, Rahbar that... Maybe you all should get a room with your Rahbar. Ordinary Iranians were up in arms just a few weeks ago to show their discontent and you folks talk about how your Rahbar can navigate IRI to safety?! If he is such a great leader how come IRI is so corrupt, unjust, and bankrupt (just a rhetorical question - no need for a response really)?
Holy shit the idle worshippers in this forum... Rahbar this, Rahbar that... Maybe you all should get a room with your Rahbar. Ordinary Iranians were up in arms just a few weeks ago to show their discontent and you folks talk about how your Rahbar can navigate IRI to safety?! If he is such a great leader how come IRI is so corrupt, unjust, and bankrupt (just a rhetorical question - no need for a response really)?

You said you were in Iran recently?

Did you see more homeless in Iran or the US???
Rhetorical question, no need to answer..... just saying you should pull your head out of your arse..... Iran is doing very well when you compare it to surrounding and developing countries and take the history and geo politics into consideration.
You said you were in Iran recently?

Did you see more homeless in Iran or the US???
Rhetorical question, no need to answer..... just saying you should pull your head out of your arse..... Iran is doing very well when you compare it to surrounding and developing countries and take the history and geo politics into consideration.
My head is not in my `arse`, thank you very much. Iran is doing better? Hmmm...
Yes I did visit Iran recently and I was very surprised with what Tehran has become, and impressed with Iran's technology revolution/advancements (specially IT). However, I don't see how you can ignore the glaring realties that are structural with IRI. Corruption exists everywhere, for sure. But for a country under severe sanctions, with -8% GDP growth, shrinking middle-class, environmental catastrophe, etc you would think your "all knowing" and "powerful" Rahbar would have instituted protocols to prevent or arrest the spread of corruption and out-right theft of Iran's treasure. But your Rahbar, along with his inner circle and elites, behave as though there's nothing wrong, and nothing to see. Your Rahbar has left no room for descent, has destroyed any independent institution that would otherwise have acted as a warning signal/siren to steer a different course. Instead every-time people show their discontent they are met with bullets. It's all Great Satan this, little Satan that, mercenaries this, anti-revolutionaries that... For crying out loud it's a same old story and you wonder whether my head is in my arse?!
Didnt the Rahbar put Raeisi in chage of the Judiciary... and he in turn has thrown a lot of high ranking corrupt people, like the presidents brother, in jail???

Tell me how many high ranking corrupt people have been sent to jail in the US.... and dont mention Jeffery Epstine, who comitted "suecide" so that his powerful buddies dont get in trouble.

Im not saying Iran is perfect or the Rahbar is faultless....but lets put things in context and be objective.
Iran is doing very well when its history and world geo-politics are taken into account.

It is exactly because Iran keeps on getting more powerful that its enemies give it bad press. Unless you really think that the Anglo American Zionist axis cares about Iranian people??????!!

Bytheway, if you want to see what real corruption is, visit countries like Ukraine, India and Pakistan, Nigeria,Mexico, Brazil, Azerbyjan....., then you will realise that Iran actually is not that corrupt.
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