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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Iran started fourth step through activating 696 centrifuges (not 1044) in Fordow, traitors are so desperate to somehow manipulate the numbers!
آغاز گام چهارم؛ حدود ۲ هزار کیلوگرم گاز UF۶ در سالن خوراک دهی فردو قرار گرفت | خبرگزاری فارس

Now Europeans are dropping the mask, France's president said, "We may disagree with US" on violating the deal, and at the same time said that "for 15 months...the Europeans have managed to maintain the JAPOA", he meant keep Iran in the one sided deal and continued, "now in the next few weeks we will be dedicated to putting greater pressure on Iran to bring Iran back into the framework".

during these months not even for once, Europeans didn't condemn the US, but now they say may disagree with US (so may agree too), later they would say we agree with US.

though when he says may disagree he means verbally, otherwise in action, they are 100% working along US policies in sanctioning Iran.
Meanwhile Mr Baeidinejad, Iran's ambassador in UK and one of our traitor negotiators in the JCPOA expressed his concern about global security a few days ago (the same way US and Europeans expressed their concern after our fourth step, as if Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons), and also yesterday warned about the future of NPT in Iran, as we are approaching the renewal date next year, then continued that the traitors like himself in Iran will do their best to fool Iranians about the none existing benefits of staying in the NPT!
Iran started fourth step through activating 696 centrifuges (not 1044) in Fordow, traitors are so desperate to somehow manipulate the numbers!
آغاز گام چهارم؛ حدود ۲ هزار کیلوگرم گاز UF۶ در سالن خوراک دهی فردو قرار گرفت | خبرگزاری فارس

Now Europeans are dropping the mask, France's president said, "We may disagree with US" on violating the deal, and at the same time said that "for 15 months...the Europeans have managed to maintain the JAPOA", he meant keep Iran in the one sided deal and continued, "now in the next few weeks we will be dedicated to putting greater pressure on Iran to bring Iran back into the framework".

during these months not even for once, Europeans didn't condemn the US, but now they say may disagree with US (so may agree too), later they would say we agree with US.

though when he says may disagree he means verbally, otherwise in action, they are 100% working along US policies in sanctioning Iran.
The Rouhani administration continues to release false information regarding Iran's nuclear program. Then there are people like Battle of Waterloo who quote these people thinking that we have already tested IR-8 centrifuges by injecting UF6 into them while we haven't finished testing IR-6 yet. LOL

On a side note, Rouhani says that our centrifuges in Fordow (if I remember correctly) were spinning without UF6. What's the point of switching your centrifuges on without feeding them?! It consumes energy only, without any product.
Iran's red line is return of (UN and EU) sanctions. After so many years of cooperation with IAEA, if they reward us by bringing us back under the Chapter VII, it'd mean our nuclear doctrine has been wrong and we need to change it

بازگشت قطعنامه‌های قبلی خط قرمز ایران است.اگر پاداش ایران پس از این همه مذاکره|همکاری با آژانس این باشد که دوباره تحت فصل ۷ قرار گیرد،این به‌معنای آن است که «دکترین هسته‌ای» ما اشتباه بوده است و ما باید سیاست و دکترین هسته‌ای خود را مورد بازبینی و بررسی مجدد قرار دهیم

Another example of europes effort to "maintain the jcpoa":bad:


DUBAI (Reuters) - Italy is set to ban flights by Iran’s Mahan Air, an Iranian industry official said on Saturday, as the United States seeks action against the airline accused by the West of transporting military equipment and personnel to Middle East war zones.

Germany and France have both already banned flights by the airline, and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio told U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in early October that Rome was set to make a decision on whether to follow suit.

Italy’s air authority ENAC said in a statement that the ban on Mahan’s flights to Rome and Milan would take effect in mid-December.

The Association of Iranian Airlines (AIA) confirmed the news of the ban.

“Along with their pressure on our country, the Americans have pressed Italy to stop Mahan Air flights to Rome and Milan,” Maqsoud Asadi Samani, secretary of the AIA, was quoted as saying by the semi-official news agency Mehr.

Mahan Air officials could not be reached for comment.

Germany revoked the airline’s licence in January in the wake of U.S. pressure, while France banned it in March, accusing it of transporting military equipment and personnel to Syria and other Middle East war zones.

The United States imposed sanctions on Mahan in 2011, saying it provided financial and other support to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

The Tehran-based carrier, established in 1992 as Iran’s first private airline, has the country’s largest fleet of aircraft and routes to a number of European and Asian countries.

Iran leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: imagining of sanctions vanishes in next 2 years is false fantasy
“We have forced the enemy back in various fields, and, by God’s grace, we will decisively force it back on the arena of economic warfare too,” the Leader noted.
Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the US economic war against the Islamic Republic is not confined to its current president, saying it would be a mistake to think that sanctions would end when Donald Trump leaves office.

Iran leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: imagining of sanctions vanishes in next 2 years is false fantasy
“We have forced the enemy back in various fields, and, by God’s grace, we will decisively force it back on the arena of economic warfare too,” the Leader noted.
Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the US economic war against the Islamic Republic is not confined to its current president, saying it would be a mistake to think that sanctions would end when Donald Trump leaves office.

A huge effort and pressure needs to be applied to increase domestic production and increase quality for export. Meanwhile, corruption needs to be brought under control.
A huge effort and pressure needs to be applied to increase domestic production and increase quality for export. Meanwhile, corruption needs to be brought under control.
Iran can fight the sanctions more effectively imo by integrating+ exporting more with Central Asia. Russia and China have set that up recently too.
A huge effort and pressure needs to be applied to increase domestic production and increase quality for export. Meanwhile, corruption needs to be brought under control.
This should go hand in hand with increasing pressure on the enemies behind borders of Iran, reducing JCPOA, NPT (and eventually leaving them both). Maximum resistance.

Iran can fight the sanctions more effectively imo by integrating+ exporting more with Central Asia. Russia and China have set that up recently too.
Leader said market surrounding Irans neighbours consist out of 400 million people.
Behind that, if we look at China, India for example, billions of people could buy Iranian products/services.
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Iran leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: imagining of sanctions vanishes in next 2 years is false fantasy
“We have forced the enemy back in various fields, and, by God’s grace, we will decisively force it back on the arena of economic warfare too,” the Leader noted.
Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the US economic war against the Islamic Republic is not confined to its current president, saying it would be a mistake to think that sanctions would end when Donald Trump leaves office.

Rahbar needs to stay alive. He is the ONLY person that can navigate Iran through this period.

The next 10 years will be VERY CRITICAL to the survival of the Republic.

If enemies fail to bring Iran down through other means, they will go after Rahbar in order to cause a massive power vacuum and hope that during this:

1) Iran fragments and enters civil war/failed state status

2) A novice weak new SL comes to power, opening the opportunity for attack

3) A western affiliated SL comes to power
(Rouhani) who will kneel before the West
losser go waste your time somewhere else.
yes failed state, that is why the regime change has failed 40 years,
the society had demonstration in Ahvaz today have good look at it loser, it was 3 KM long.

you loser American are losing plot and no longer have common sense

same loser American like yourself in 1990s after death of Ayatollah Khomeini use to say same thing but we can see result today


your English is so bad you can’t even comprehend what I wrote.

I said what the the “West/Israel” is attempting to do to Iran and named 3 scenarios. Scenarios that even Iran has said the West is attempting to do unsuccessfully.

I swear the intelligence on this board drops by the day.
your English is so bad you can’t even comprehend what I wrote.

I said what the the “West/Israel” is attempting to do to Iran and named 3 scenarios. Scenarios that even Iran has said the West is attempting to do unsuccessfully.

I swear the intelligence on this board drops by the day.
my apology. i didn't read your post fully
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