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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

I think the only part of either of these paragraphs that really matters is this sentence:
Iran will treat that as grounds to cease performing its commitments under this JCPOA in whole or in part.
And the only part of that sentence that really matters is this part:
in whole or in part.
So the questions are which part of that last bit will iran go for?,the whole of the jcpoa or just a part of it?.if its just a part then just what part exactly will it cease performing?
Europe ready to reimpose sanctions if Iran breaches nuclear deal - French official

PARIS, May 7 (Reuters) - Europe would have to reimpose sanctions on Iran if Tehran reneged on parts of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, a French presidency source said on Tuesday.

Iran’s state-run IRIB news agency reported on Monday that Tehran would restart part of its halted nuclear programme in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal, but added Tehran does not plan to pull out of the agreement. Iran’s president is due to speak on Wednesday.

“We do not want Tehran to announce tomorrow actions that would violate the nuclear agreement, because in this case we Europeans would be obliged to reimpose sanctions as per the terms of the agreement,” the source said. “We don’t want that and we hope that the Iranians will not make this decision.”

France, Germany and Britain, the European signatories to the agreement that lifted sanctions against Tehran in exchange for restrictions on Iran’s atomic activities, have scrambled to save the deal amid U.S. efforts to isolate Tehran since it announced its withdrawal a year ago.

However, the three have repeatedly warned Iran that it must comply with all aspects of the deal and most importantly the elements related to nuclear activity.

Those restrictions have increased the time Iran would need to build a nuclear bomb if it chose to do so. The United States and the U.N. nuclear watchdog believe Iran had a nuclear weapons programme that it abandoned. Iran denies ever having had one.

“We sent messages to Tehran to say that we were determined to implement the agreement, that we really wanted them to stay in this agreement even though we took into account the complexity of the situation and passed on the same messages to our American allies,” the French source said.

“Tomorrow, depending on what is in the statement from Tehran, at this stage what we’re expecting is a collective European reaction but as we do not yet know exactly what will be in it, we are preparing for different eventualities.”
Europe ready to reimpose sanctions if Iran breaches nuclear deal - French official

PARIS, May 7 (Reuters) - Europe would have to reimpose sanctions on Iran if Tehran reneged on parts of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, a French presidency source said on Tuesday.

Iran’s state-run IRIB news agency reported on Monday that Tehran would restart part of its halted nuclear programme in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal, but added Tehran does not plan to pull out of the agreement. Iran’s president is due to speak on Wednesday.

“We do not want Tehran to announce tomorrow actions that would violate the nuclear agreement, because in this case we Europeans would be obliged to reimpose sanctions as per the terms of the agreement,” the source said. “We don’t want that and we hope that the Iranians will not make this decision.”

France, Germany and Britain, the European signatories to the agreement that lifted sanctions against Tehran in exchange for restrictions on Iran’s atomic activities, have scrambled to save the deal amid U.S. efforts to isolate Tehran since it announced its withdrawal a year ago.

However, the three have repeatedly warned Iran that it must comply with all aspects of the deal and most importantly the elements related to nuclear activity.

Those restrictions have increased the time Iran would need to build a nuclear bomb if it chose to do so. The United States and the U.N. nuclear watchdog believe Iran had a nuclear weapons programme that it abandoned. Iran denies ever having had one.

“We sent messages to Tehran to say that we were determined to implement the agreement, that we really wanted them to stay in this agreement even though we took into account the complexity of the situation and passed on the same messages to our American allies,” the French source said.

“Tomorrow, depending on what is in the statement from Tehran, at this stage what we’re expecting is a collective European reaction but as we do not yet know exactly what will be in it, we are preparing for different eventualities.”

It's a zero sum game for EU now. They don't have leverage as there are no benefits gained for Iran. Iran has following options to gain negotiation leverage: ramp up nuke activities, pull out of NPT and remove missile range cap.
It's a zero sum game for EU now. They don't have leverage as there are no benefits gained for Iran. Iran has following options to gain negotiation leverage: ramp up nuke activities, pull out of NPT and remove missile range cap.

That's exactly right. This is a good move regardless of European sanctions threat..we are not benefiting from their trade anyway so their threat is a moot point.
Iran gives JCPOA parties 60 days before reducing further commitments
TEHRAN May 08 (MNA) – Iran has revealed countermeasures to US’ withdrawal from the nuclear deal, removing restrictions on storage of heavy water and enriched uranium, and giving the five remaining parties to JCPOA 60 days before reducing further commitments to the agreement.

“In line with protecting the security and national interests of the Iranian people”, the Supreme National Security Council has ordered stop to implementation of some parts of commitments of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the JCPOA according to articles 26 and 36 of the agreement.

The letter containing the details of Iran’s countermeasures to the US withdrawal from the agreement and its increasing pressure and restrictions against the Islamic Republic since May 2018 was presented to the ambassadors of the five remaining parties to the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) - France, Germany, UK, Russia and China – on Wednesday morning, a few hours before President Rouhani went live on a television broadcast to discuss the decision in length.

According to the decision of the Supreme National Security Council, Iran will no longer commit to the restrictions put on storage of enriched uranium and heavy water under the agreement.

The remaining parties to the nuclear deal have been given 60 days to implement their commitments under the JCPOA, particularly those related to the banking and oil sectors. Failure to do so will prompt the Islamic Republic to stop complying with restrictions on the level of uranium enrichment and the modernization of Arak heavy water reactor, the statement says.

“At any given time that our demands are met, we will resume complying with the stopped commitments; otherwise, we will continue to stop implementing the other commitments step by step,” adds the statement by the Supreme National Security Council.

“Iran is ready to continue its consultations with the remaining parties to the JCPOA on all levels,” the statement notes. “However, Iran will respond decisively and immediately to any irresponsible act, such as referring the issue to the UN Security Council or the imposition of more sanctions.”

The statement further stresses that the failure of the JCPOA and any possible consequence will be fully upon the United States and the remaining parties to the nuclear deal.

News Code 145010

guys how much it takes for us to make a nuke??

Once Iran activates IR-6, they will be able to rapidly get back to 20% enrichment with few months. Iran has experience in developing nuclear arsenal as they were likely engaged in the development of NK's nuclear weapon development. North Korea is Iran's offsite R&D partner. It is safe to assume w/e they have Iran has or can make.

My guess is that the whole process may take anywhere between 4-8 months. I also believe Iran already has several tactical nukes courtesy of Ukraine and likely they have a covert facility or facilities that is engaged in developing some of these assets.
Once Iran activates IR-6, they will be able to rapidly get back to 20% enrichment with few months. Iran has experience in developing nuclear arsenal as they were likely engaged in the development of NK's nuclear weapon development. North Korea is Iran's offsite R&D partner. It is safe to assume w/e they have Iran has or can make.

My guess is that the whole process may take anywhere between 4-8 months. I also believe Iran already has several tactical nukes courtesy of Ukraine and likely they have a covert facility or facilities that is engaged in developing some of these assets.
i really hope so.
Once Iran activates IR-6, they will be able to rapidly get back to 20% enrichment with few months. Iran has experience in developing nuclear arsenal as they were likely engaged in the development of NK's nuclear weapon development. North Korea is Iran's offsite R&D partner. It is safe to assume w/e they have Iran has or can make.

My guess is that the whole process may take anywhere between 4-8 months. I also believe Iran already has several tactical nukes courtesy of Ukraine and likely they have a covert facility or facilities that is engaged in developing some of these assets.
No other option is left than testing nukes. Is it possible that Iran has access to nuclear arsenal of North Korea?
Once Iran activates IR-6, they will be able to rapidly get back to 20% enrichment with few months. Iran has experience in developing nuclear arsenal as they were likely engaged in the development of NK's nuclear weapon development. North Korea is Iran's offsite R&D partner. It is safe to assume w/e they have Iran has or can make.

My guess is that the whole process may take anywhere between 4-8 months. I also believe Iran already has several tactical nukes courtesy of Ukraine and likely they have a covert facility or facilities that is engaged in developing some of these assets.
Either Iran has to test nuke or get bombed.None of your assumptions is true,other then Iran completing task herself.
Iran has already wasted quite a lot of time in useless negotiations.
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