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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

US sanctions 11 Iranian persons and entities for ‘malicious cyber activities,' nuclear efforts

The US Department of Treasury has imposed sanctions on a number of individuals and entities accused of aiding Iran’s nuclear program or engaging in “malicious” cyber activity

trump going full retard...he want to stop selling of civil airplanes to Iran and now this, but I dont expect any strong reactions from Iran....
as expected Donald trump extended the so called sanctions relief and simultaneously added new sanctions against Iran! 9 foreign and 11 Iranian companies and individuals.
US sanctions 11 Iranian persons and entities for ‘malicious cyber activities,' missile efforts -RT

The companies are said to have provided Iran with airplanes of US origin.
Khors Aircompany and Dart Airlines, based in Ukraine, were sanctioned for “aiding designated Iranian and Iraqi airlines through the provision of aircraft and services,” Treasury said in a statement. The companies are said to have provided Iran with airplanes of US origin.
while some people think the sanctions on aircraft sales to Iran has been lifted.
lunatic trump just gave a UN speech threatning north korea with complete destruction...

beating his chest about "America first" while threatning Venezuela, and threatning to find an excuse to tear up the nuclear deal..

The united states is becoming more irratic and unpredictable by the day. Even their euro puppets are getting concerned.

iran made a formal agreement with the US, Which they do not look like they plan on honoring. They cannot even keep to their formal agreements they have signed, then that really changes everything.

in an unstable jungle like this, with a rabid gorilla named the United states of America running around. iran needs a serious plan about what its going to do if the US unilaterally scraps the deal.. At some point someone has to start questioning Khamenei's logic on this.

how is it when an unstable animal is out there, threatning to attack and destroy your way of life for refusing to be their puppets/slaves? How can khamanei issue a fatwa and be against developing defensive nuclear weapons in such a scenario?

this is absolutely irresponsible in my opinion. you have savages with weapons that can destroy you, threatning you, and outright taking action against you anytime they can. While you go out of your way and say you wont develop the same type of weapons they have to defend yourself? how does this make any sense? this policy should change....

If the US scraps the deal, Iran should build nukes. it should be as simple as that..

getting the sanctions and threats back, While having them kind of messing around with a couple of % points on enrichment is not going to cut it anymore.

Iran should make it clear to them, either they accept irans civilian program and open up trade and shut up, or iran goes nuclear.
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trump going full retard...he want to stop selling of civil airplanes to Iran and now this, but I dont expect any strong reactions from Iran....

our leaders have luxury life , so they don't care .... ordinary Iranian should face these pressures ...
I can smell it, Trump will throw the Nuclear Deal into trash
The question is, will Iran do something about it?

"I Have Decided": Trump Says He Has Made Decision On Iran Deal


This is the time in which we will see if Iran can back up it's claims of going back to previous levels of Nuclear enrichment and progress.

Personally I'd love to see Iran go back and continue on. It shows a great deal of sovereignty and respect for one's own nation.
Trump Doesn’t Like Iran Nuclear Deal But is not scrapping it either -Reuters

President Trump is unhappy with the Iran nuclear deal but has not signaled he will abandon it, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said on Wednesday as she pressed Tehran to halt ballistic missile tests and stop supporting terrorism and arms smuggling.

“It’s not a clear signal that he plans to withdraw. What it is, is a clear signal that he’s not happy with the deal,” the envoy, Nikki Haley, told CBS News of Trump’s pugnacious speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday in which he called the 2015 international accord an “embarrassment.”

Trump hinted in his speech that he may not recertify the agreement, negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama. “I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it,” he said.

The U.S. president must decide by Oct. 15 whether to certify that Iran is complying with the pact, a decision that could sink the deal. If he does not, the U.S. Congress has 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions waived under the accord.


What U.S want is both the sanctions and JCPOA

What U.S want is both the sanctions and JCPOA

yeah, it does not work that way, you cant have both, maybe in his delusional brain only.
but I think I know what tactic they will use.
JCPOA will stay but they will increase sanctions over sanction over sanctions, slowly but steady....
And if Iran will counterattack this sanctions this idiots will cry "Iran breaking deal"
This is how they act.
yeah, it does not work that way, you cant have both, maybe in his delusional brain only.
but I think I know what tactic they will use.
JCPOA will stay but they will increase sanctions over sanction over sanctions, slowly but steady....
And if Iran will counterattack this sanctions this idiots will cry "Iran breaking deal"
This is how they act.
actually Iranian traitors gave a green light to U.S sanctions by saying Iran will continue the deal even if U.S quits, so that U.S can have both the sanctions and the JCPOA, they made Americans dream come true, after all this is the duty of a traitor.

The only unpredictable actor here is the Iranian supreme leader and no one else.
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