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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons


In October, Trump leaves the nuclear deal

time to put an sattelite into orbit....if Iran has balls....

Old man usually lose their courage and try to keep current status .... Iran's leaders are old ...

day by day , my stand ( we should have nukes ) get stronger .... :)
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Now with your logic, Iran getting nukes, do you think it will put an end to hillbilly threats for regime change?

What about the harami countries that surround Iran? What if they also accelerate their own covert acquisition of nukes? Buying ready made nukes from ghareeb pakestan?

Then what happens? What are your thoughts, old man?

Old man usually lose their courage and try to keep current status .... Iran's leaders are old ...

day by day , my stand ( we should have nukes ) get stronger .... :)
Trump Designates Iran's Entire Military Branch As Terrorist Group


screenshot from Twitter
ByHank Berrien
August 11, 2017

Last week, President Trump signed the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, which targets Iran, North Korea and Russia,

The law requires the president to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group, the first time the U.S. has designated the military branch of a foreign country in this manner. The terrorist designation will also be applied to Iran’s foreign agents and affiliates, and will be implemented by October 30.

The law’s Sec. 105 (3) states, “The IRGC, not just the IRGC-QF [the Qods Force, the Guard’s extraterritorial branch], is responsible for implementing Iran’s international program of destabilizing activities, support for acts of international terrorism, and ballistic missile program.”

The law is pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which aims at freezing the assets of terrorists and their supporters, and prevents their access to U.S. financial and commercial systems, according to the Treasury Department.

Iran’s Ground Forces, Aerospace Forces, Navy and the Basij paramilitary are all part of the IRGC; the Revolutionary Guard, an all-conscript army, is estimated to have 150,000 active duty members; a Western think tank estimated the Basij at 90,000 active members, 300,000 reservists and 1 million who could be mobilized.

As Amir Toumaj writes in longwarjournal.org:

Guard-owned companies would be eligible for designation as supporters of terrorism. The Revolutionary Guard has deeply penetrated key sectors of the Iranian economy, drawing on these resources to generate funds and support its military and civilian programs. For instance, a front company for the Qods Force, the Headquarters for the Restoration of Holy Shrines, raises funds and develops shrines in Iraq to project soft war and act as a pipeline for the force’s operations. Hundreds of companies, including major corporations traded on the Tehran Stock Exchange, are controlled by Revolutionary Guard foundations and a network of current and former Guardsmen.

Companies and foundations owned by the supreme leader that fund the Revolutionary Guard’s proxies would also be eligible for designation. According to Western intelligence reports, the supreme leader’s foundations provide financial support to Lebanese Hezbollah, which the US has classified as a terrorist group. Abdallah Safieddine, Hezbollah’s representative in Iran, told a reporter in 2012 that his organization receives funding directly from the supreme leader and his conglomerate.

Iran’s activities in foreign countries are legion; Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats estimated that Iran “manages as many as” 10,000 Afghans, Pakistani and Iraqis in Syria in its efforts to aid Syrian president Bashar al Assad.

Revolutionary Guard chief commander Jafari warned in July that if the U.S. implemented the terrorist designation the U.S. “has to close down all its bases within 1,000 kilometers of Iran and it should realize that it will pay a high price for its miscalculation.” The chief of the Basij Organization, Qolam-Hossein Qeibparvar echoed, “Do they think that the region would remain safe for them when they call our people, corps, and government terrorists?"

Toumaj notes:

Revolutionary Guard commanders, however, have a long record of issuing exaggerated statements to project an image of strength and to deter. Given the immense disparity in conventional capabilities with the U.S., the Guard prefers to avoid direct military confrontation, which would surely ensue following an attack on U.S. forces.
Now with your logic, Iran getting nukes, do you think it will put an end to hillbilly threats for regime change?

What about the harami countries that surround Iran? What if they also accelerate their own covert acquisition of nukes? Buying ready made nukes from ghareeb pakestan?

Then what happens? What are your thoughts, old man?

well , if you have any clue about the reality of world , you couldn't say this kind of thing ...
even in Iraq-Iran war , France ( your reformists buddy ) offered nuke to Saddam and that said nuke was supposed to be used against Iran ...


An Iranian commander has revealed that France had plans to equip Saddam Hussein with nuclear weapons during the Iraq-imposed war on Iran.

According to General Mir-Feisal Baqerzadeh, the now retired French general and former intelligence official, Philippe Rondot, had made the offer to the Iraqi Baathist regime during a visit to the country as an advisor to the French prime minister .

Baqerzadeh made the remark citing a document registered at the defense ministry of the former Iraqi Baathist regime dated April 20, 1987.

The document was prepared by the Iraqi General Adnan Khairallah reporting to Saddam about his meeting with the visiting Rondot, said the Iranian general.

During the meeting, Rondot expressed his delight with the measures taken by Saddam’s regime against the Iranian forces.

In the meeting, Rondot also informed Khairallah about the meeting held earlier at the French military headquarters on ways to tackle potential moves by the Iranian forces and suggested the idea of using high-flexibility boats against them.

For his part, Khairallah briefed Rodot on the vast amount of satellite-based information on the Iranian military formations made available to the Iraqi side by the US.

Based on the document, the former French general emphasized the advisability of occupying Iranian cities, with particular reference to the southwestern city of Abadan.

Baqerzadeh says that Rondot also spoke of his ‘effective’ role in persuading the French authorities to provide Iraq with Mirage aircraft and Ronald missiles.

According to the document, the French had been looking at the possibility of giving Iraq ‘a very small type’ of nuclear weapon. It is underlined in the document that the matter must be kept confidential.

Rondot is reported in the document as having told Khairallah that possessing such a weapon, despite its being small, would be necessary and effective in helping Iraq impose its conditions on Iran.

although western are denying this but we believed this is true ... after all France gave her fighter jets with their own pilot ( French pilots ) to Iraq and that's basically meaning they entered war against Iran along side Iraq ....
in any war we are our own and I'm sure the western will give any weapon to our neighbor to destroy us ... but people like you want to ignore the truth and fool themselves ....
Old twilight man.......I'm not against Iran getting the nukes, but it would be a situation that the DPRK currently faces. No different. Both Russia/ China would aid fat Kim, conventionally, but that is all!

Fat Kim has a dozen nukes, none of which can strike the mainland U.S. and hillbilly 7000.........you do the math as to what would happen if all out war were to start?

You understand old man?
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معاون وزیر خارجه عباس عراقچی در جلسه علنی مجلس: احیای برنامه هسته‌ای ایران درصورت نقض آشکار برجام
Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi at a public hearing in Parliament: reviving Iran's nuclear program in case of gross violations JCPOA

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