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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

that's very weak argument by the way i only examined the article you post and from it conclude he was at Mosaddeq house with coupe leaders and the ones who designed it between Mosaddeq arrest and Sha'aban Ja'afari attack on his home . also i post a photo of him with sha'aban Ja'afari some week after the coupe when every one was aware of his role in coupe.

Reposting this multiple times won't change the fact that it's a scattered bit of information put at the service of a CIA-orchestrated narrative.

he was not revolutionary , if anyone Mr. khomeini heared his words was Ayat-Allah Borujerdi which when told to Imam don't continue political activity , he stop them till the day he was alive and after his death , he continued his fighting.
he was not revolutionary , he only cared for power , if it come wit England he was with them , if it was USA , then he support them , if Zahedi would have given him power , he'd followed him and funny fact , all of them used him and then throw him away.

But the Islamic Republic officially disagrees. Why should I not take its word over that of the CIA, MI6 or Mossad? Manipulative spin from the latter I shall be more than glad to leave to whoever wishes to buy into it.

and not all clerics worth the clothes they wear . there are few who like mr. Modarres , mr. Khomeyni , Mirzay-e-shirazi dare to stand against despots and monarchs and don't fear telling the truth and don't step back even when their life is threatened . even mr. broujerdi who everyone said don't interfere with politic , banned pepsi-cola because its brand in Iran owned by Bahaiis .

Anti-clerical secularists have a problem with the unchallenged historic impact of the Islamic revolutionary clergy in leading the Muslim nation of Iran towards self-determination and dignity, as well as in fending off imperial bullying and exploitation. However liberals won't be able to alter the reality, nor the perception of the majority.

wrong my argument only based on the article you post , a photo that is authenticated and et'telaat newspaper.
using only the data mentioned in the same article , nothing from CIA or BBC documents

...but relying on foreign-backed talking points in the commentary.

for kashani there is evidence from Iran sources , so you understand why i accept one and why i brush another one aside as forgery , if you can bring evidence on the other one far it be from me to deny the facts

Above all there's an interpretative, enemy-designed twist on the data. Both when it comes to ayatOllah Kashani and Imam Khomeini. In this regard there's a decisive similarity between these two cases.

so you claim , you accept what is according to your narrative and deny what is against yours , that is some interesting sort of discussion , no doubt you always win in discussion , well at least in your mind. here even you don't accept my cross-examination of the article you yourself posted.:what: so tell me how am i supposed to have a discussion with you . by be a yes , ok , you are right person ?

Is anyone forcing you to have this discussion if you aren't happy with it? As a matter of fact you first quoted me and continue to do so.

by using what question it brought to my mind , please describe an approach acceptable to you and not a CIA designed one in your mind that allow examining the data so I use that

again i use your own article , I use Iranian newspaper , if you even don't accept Iranian news paper of the time , then what narrative we can use for the time reference , the person family who benefit from a special narratives ?
let just discuss the article you yourself post here , or that also is CIA and MI6 handiwork?.

As said I'm not too interested in engaging into vain nitpicking on this issue, since the general picture should be clear enough to anyone willing to connect the dots in regards to the smear campaign launched 4-5 years ago by you-know-who against the legacy of ayatOllah Kashani.

In the meantime, I'd recommend enjoying the AyatOllah Kashani expressway in Tehran. Wise choice of a name by the Tehran municipality, since the mojahed who happened to be the main driving force behind the nationalization of Iran's oil industry must be honored indeed.
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Repost it a couple hundred more times, at the end of the day it'll remain disparate information put at the service of a CIA narrative. And so it'll be necessary for me to remind it.

The Islamic Republic officially disagrees. I take its word over that of the CIA, MI6 and Mossad. Manipulative spin from the latter I will more than gladly leave to whoever's biased and/or naive enough to buy into it.

Anti-clerical secularists have a problem with the unchallenged historic impact of the Islamic revolutionary clergy in leading the Muslim nation of Iran towards independence, self-determination and dignity in the face of imperial bullying and exploitation. However liberals won't be able to alter the reality, nor the perception of the majority.

While relying on foreign-backed talking points in commenting it.

...but in the process, reproducing a CIA, MI6, Mossad-tailored spin on the great ayatOllah Kashani's work.

Above all there's an interpretative, enemy-designed twist on the data. Both when it comes to ayatOllah Kashani and Imam Khomeini. In this regard there's no difference between the two cases.

Is anyone forcing you to have this discussion if it isn't to your liking? As a matter of fact you first quoted me and continue to do so.

As said I'm not too interested in addressing rhetoric wordgames, nor in engaging into vain nitpicking on this issue, since the general picture should be clear enough to anyone both capable of and willing to connecting the dots about the smear campaign launched 4-5 years ago by we-know-who against the memory of ayatOllah Kashani.

In the meantime, I'd recommend enjoying the AyatOllah Kashani expressway in Tehran. Wise and well-inspired choice of a name by the Tehran municipality, the least they could do to honor a heroic mojahed who happened to be the main driving force behind the nationalization of Iran's oil industry.
well , it seems you are in denial mode , could not answer a single of my question , and worship the CIA and MI6 agent while pretend on following the revolution values.
and i continued the discussion to show the hypocrisy here . when pushed a little , you went on denial mode and irrationally answering with posts without any logic behind them
امیدوارم دفاع از عوامل کودتا و عامل شناخته شده سازمان جاسوسی انگلیس و آمریکا و عروسک گردان اصلی نمایشی به نام شعبان بی مخ برای شما لذت بخش بوده​
and i continued the discussion to show the hypocrisy here . when pushed a little , you went on denial mode and irrationally answering with posts without any logic behind them

Refusing to take seriously a certain narrative which I deem unworthy of gratifying with as little as an exhaustive debunking (and announcing the reasons for this choice) on the one hand, and irrational denial on the other hand aren't quite the same.

As for logic, I like to think there's enough of it in my presentation of the ins and outs, of the historiographical context behind this affair. One may then take it or leave it.

well , it seems you are in denial mode , could not answer a single of my question , and worship the CIA and MI6 agent while pretend on following the revolution values.
امیدوارم دفاع از عوامل کودتا و عامل شناخته شده سازمان جاسوسی انگلیس و آمریکا و عروسک گردان اصلی نمایشی به نام شعبان بی مخ برای شما لذت بخش بوده​

Except that I never mentioned this individual let alone commented on him (whether appreciatively or deprecatingly).

I should add that when it comes to ayatOllah Kashani, it seems logical to me that any discourse designed to delegitimize the leading figure behind the nationalization of Iran's petroleum industry, should automatically raise a patriot's suspicion. And when we see which quarters have been promoting it (BBC, Manoto and so on), we ought to be questioning this even more.

As for following the values of the Revolution, the fact is that the Islamic Republic has inscribed ayatOllah Kashani among its pantheon of forebears. To suggest therefore that acknowledgment of ayatOllah Kashani's revolutionary deed represents betrayal to the values of the Islamic Revolution, is akin to saying the revolutionary government in Iran has always been ignorant about those same values. Which would be a bit off track.
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I never denied Mossadeq naiveness and mistakes. what I argue here is that Kashani is not the saint SalarHaq try to pictures and its insult to the name of people like Mirzay-e-Shirazi and Modarres if we consider him equal to them
And what I said is that Mosaddeq was a traitor and Kashani had no reason or legal power to defend him (for the second time).

The only mistake of Kashani was his support for Mosaddeq; which led to disbanding of Paliament by this f@cker and the following incidents.
And what I said is that Mosaddeq was a traitor and Kashani had no reason or legal power to defend him (for the second time).

The only mistake of Kashani was his support for Mosaddeq; which led to disbanding of Paliament by this f@cker and the following incidents.
why Mossadeq disbanded parliament , it's good to say that also. well for the people that don't knew let me say it
after the killing of Afshar Toos , and arrest of some of preparators some escaped to parliament and a certain person sheltered them there. (if anybody interested he can search it) and again another certain member put forward a plan to give the no confidence vote to government because Mosaddeq insisted the ones who killed head of Tehran police force must be put to justice. members of parliament who was supporting Mosaddeq on this issue didn't let the parliament have the minimum needed for the no confidence vote. as a result it postponed . now tell me after that moves by certain people in parliament was it strange that Mosaddeq make his move ? if he stayed another scenario just like what happened to Imran Khan would have happened. imperialist would have won with sell out member of parliament and there was no need for coupe and as a result probably no Islamic revolution either.

and about kashani mistake can you please elaborate on the point i made about him being part of the coupe for example being seen with coupe leaders , his sun go to radio and congratulate them , or his interviews with not one but 3 newspaper and state Mosaddeq must be executed. or his friendly photos with the Sha'aban Ja'afari after the coupe.

now if you don't accept declassified documents , well I don't have other questions . but if you believe those documents can be used what about his letters to American ? @SalarHaqq decided to don't answer those questions , i really like somebody clear my doubts about Kashani
why Mossadeq disbanded parliament , it's good to say that also. well for the people that don't knew let me say it
after the killing of Afshar Toos , and arrest of some of preparators some escaped to parliament and a certain person sheltered them there. (if anybody interested he can search it) and again another certain member put forward a plan to give the no confidence vote to government because Mosaddeq insisted the ones who killed head of Tehran police force must be put to justice. members of parliament who was supporting Mosaddeq on this issue didn't let the parliament have the minimum needed for the no confidence vote. as a result it postponed . now tell me after that moves by certain people in parliament was it strange that Mosaddeq make his move ? if he stayed another scenario just like what happened to Imran Khan would have happened. imperialist would have won with sell out member of parliament and there was no need for coupe and as a result probably no Islamic revolution either.

and about kashani mistake can you please elaborate on the point i made about him being part of the coupe for example being seen with coupe leaders , his sun go to radio and congratulate them , or his interviews with not one but 3 newspaper and state Mosaddeq must be executed. or his friendly photos with the Sha'aban Ja'afari after the coupe.

now if you don't accept declassified documents , well I don't have other questions . but if you believe those documents can be used what about his letters to American ? @SalarHaqq decided to don't answer those questions , i really like somebody clear my doubts about Kashani
You seem to be fond of that era newspapers, but what about those which were saying Mosaddeq has planning a coup and has asked Afshar toos to help him, but he refuses and resigns, then Mosaddeq who was afraid of the scandal has ordered his killing; or all the reports which were saying testimonies gathered by torture and it was another scandal for government.

Insults and lies against Kashani was a constant tactic of Mosaddeq in media, now should we trust every BS in those era media (which practically were free to lie) or the Kashani's letter to UN general secretary in which he dismissed the legitimacy of Zahedi's government?

The truth is that Mosaddeq betrayed the Islamists, started arresting and suppressing everyone against him, while was filling his government with communists and lately US puppets, the accused were his former close friends and founders of nationalist party. even today we can't judge correctly who was saying the truth (because of the coup which Mosaddeq was part of), let alone the people of that era, or parliament members.

You say Mosaddeq arranged a coup against Parliament cause they were sheltering Zahedi, yet as Kashani complains in his last letter to Mosaddeq one day before the 28 Mordad, Mosaddeq had extracted Zahedi from Parliament and then freed him to run the coup.

The letter:

In his letter Kashani warns Mosaddeq of the ongoing coup by Americans, that they want to retake the oil through him, Kashani complains why Mosaddeq extracts (frees) Zahedi while Kashani had him contained and monitored in Parliament.

And as we see, this man who was extracted by Mosaddeq, was freed and ran the coup. that's why some people of that era believe Zahedi was Mosaddeq's candidate for prime minister as he planned to withdraw from politics like hero.

All these issues points to one one thing, Parliament members have enough reason to not trust the Mosaddeq anymore and they were right.

But Mosaddeq who didn't want to leave the power that way, ran a coup and through a fake referendum disbanded the Parliament. this is the real coup, the coup against the nation, what happened in 28 Mordad was just the consequences of Mosaddeq's coup. by the way, Mosaddeq congratulated the Zahedi as well.

Yes, Kashani's son went to radio and congratulated the Zahedi, yet we have testimonies from people like Gerami who say Kashani severely chastised his son for doing so.

And about that picture of Kashani and Shaban jafari, it belongs to long before the coup when a Golrizan (fundraising) was held for his Zoorkhaneh. FYI, in that time he was pro-Mosaddeq as well.

As I said, US has a good brain washing machine!
You seem to be fond of that era newspapers, but what about those which were saying Mosaddeq has planning a coup and has asked Afshar toos to help him, but he refuses and resigns, then Mosaddeq who was afraid of the scandal has ordered his killing; or all the reports which were saying testimonies gathered by torture and it was another scandal for government.

Insults and lies against Kashani was a constant tactic of Mosaddeq in media, now should we trust every BS in those era media (which practically were free to lie) or the Kashani's letter to UN general secretary in which he dismissed the legitimacy of Zahedi's government?

The truth is that Mosaddeq betrayed the Islamists, started arresting and suppressing everyone against him, while was filling his government with communists and lately US puppets, the accused were his former close friends and founders of nationalist party. even today we can't judge correctly who was saying the truth (because of the coup which Mosaddeq was part of), let alone the people of that era, or parliament members.

You say Mosaddeq arranged a coup against Parliament cause they were sheltering Zahedi, yet as Kashani complains in his last letter to Mosaddeq one day before the 28 Mordad, Mosaddeq had extracted Zahedi from Parliament and then freed him to run the coup.

The letter:

In his letter Kashani warns Mosaddeq of the ongoing coup by Americans, that they want to retake the oil through him, Kashani complains why Mosaddeq extracts (frees) Zahedi while Kashani had him contained and monitored in Parliament.

And as we see, this man who was extracted by Mosaddeq, was freed and ran the coup. that's why some people of that era believe Zahedi was Mosaddeq's candidate for prime minister as he planned to withdraw from politics like hero.

All these issues points to one one thing, Parliament members have enough reason to not trust the Mosaddeq anymore and they were right.

But Mosaddeq who didn't want to leave the power that way, ran a coup and through a fake referendum disbanded the Parliament. this is the real coup, the coup against the nation, what happened in 28 Mordad was just the consequences of Mosaddeq's coup. by the way, Mosaddeq congratulated the Zahedi as well.

Yes, Kashani's son went to radio and congratulated the Zahedi, yet we have testimonies from people like Gerami who say Kashani severely chastised his son for doing so.

And about that picture of Kashani and Shaban jafari, it belongs to long before the coup when a Golrizan (fundraising) was held for his Zoorkhaneh. FYI, in that time he was pro-Mosaddeq as well.

As I said, US has a good brain washing machine!

Nicely put. As said, any logorrhea the CIA, MI6, Mossad and their propaganda arms such as the BBC or Manoto are spewing about Iran, is by definition nothing but a deceitful pack of fallacies. So instead of rehashing their propaganda uncritically and submissively, what a patriotic person should then do, is to use this realization as a starting point and proceed with researching how the enemy's manipulation of information is distorting historic or present time reality.

I am glad Islamic Iran is honoring formidable leaders of the past such as ayatOllah Kashani, who happened to be at the forefront of the anti-imperial movement, particularly through his efforts in mobilizing the faithful against British domination of the Iranian oil sector and London's fraudulent, exploitative practices. It was ayatOllah Kashani who, through his relentless appeals, enabled the nationalization of Iran's petroleum industry. This feat alone places him forever among the top figures of the modern anti-imperialist struggle in Iran.

Many facts were obfuscated, including how the ayatOllah put his life on the line for the lofty ideals he defended. A mojtahed who not only was exiled by the British and Soviets, imprisoned after his return but who also issued a fatwa for the elimination of traitorous politicians, a move which could have had heavy consequences for him.

Acting under the garb of alleged loyalty to the system, the reformist current within the Islamic Republic is systematically acting as a mouthpiece for psy-ops campaigns designed by the American, the British, the EU and the zionist regimes. This way of operating totally reveals their underlying motivations. Hiding behind the Islamic Revolution and the name of its glorious leader to openly take aim at forebears such as ayatOllah Kashani as well as shahid FazlOllah Nouri (who actually embraced martyrdom for his beliefs), is an indirect means to undermine the foundations of the IR.

What is really irking the liberals about such revolutionary alims, is the fact that they successfully identified and decisively stood against imperialist, zionist and freemason encroachment over Iranian state institutions and society. On the political level, liberals despise everything the Islamic Republic and its founder stand for, hence their relentless efforts to undo the edifice from within.
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Nicely put. As said, any logorrhea the CIA, MI6, Mossad and their propaganda arms such as the BBC or Manoto are spewing about Iran, is by definition nothing but a deceitful pack of fallacies. So instead of rehashing their propaganda uncritically and submissively, what a patriotic person should then do, is to use this realization as a starting point and proceed with researching how the enemy's manipulation of information is distorting historic or present time reality.

I am glad Islamic Iran is honoring formidable leaders of the past such as ayatOllah Kashani, who happened to be at the forefront of the anti-imperial struggle, particularly through his efforts in mobilizing the faithful against British domination over the Iranian oil sector and London's fraudulent, exploitative practices. It was ayatOllah Kashani who made possible the nationalization of Iran's petroleum industry. This feat alone places him forever among the top figures of the modern anti-imperialist movement in Iran.

Many facts were turned upside down, including how the ayatOllah put his life on the line for the lofty ideals he defended. A mojtahed who not only was exiled by the British and Soviets, imprisoned after his return, but who issued a fatwa for the elimination of traitorous politicians, a move which could have had heavy consequences for him.

Even while acting under the garb of alleged loyalty to the system, the reformist current in the Islamic Republic turns systematically into a mouthpiece for psy-ops campaigns designed by the US, British, EU and zionist regimes. This way of operating totally reveals the underlying motivations of reformism. Hiding behind the Islamic Revolution and the name of its glorious leader to openly take aim at forebears such as ayatOllah Kashani as well as shahid Fazlollah Nouri, who actually was brave enough to embrace martyrdom for his beliefs, is an indirect means to undermine the foundations of the IR.

What is really irking the liberals about such revolutionary alims, is the fact that they successfully identified and decisively stood against imperialist, zionist and freemason encroachment over Iranian state institutions and society. On the political level it is the everything the Islamic Republic and its founder stand for, that liberals cannot stand, which is why they aim to deconstruct it from within.

Off topic but you should go take a look at the thread about recent rumors surrounding an eminent transfer of Iranian drones to the Russian Federation, Salar-jann (good to see you again btw!).

So much ignorance... That's why I've drastically decreased my presence here on PDF as of late.
And about that picture of Kashani and Shaban jafari, it belongs to long before the coup when a Golrizan (fundraising) was held for his Zoorkhaneh. FYI, in that time he was pro-Mosaddeq as well.
golrizan for his Zoor-khaneh ? look at the picture , even better , download it and zoom on it . its in the Zoor-Khaneh not Cinema Jahan
All these issues points to one one thing, Parliament members have enough reason to not trust the Mosaddeq anymore and they were right.

But Mosaddeq who didn't want to leave the power that way, ran a coup and through a fake referendum disbanded the Parliament. this is the real coup, the coup against the nation, what happened in 28 Mordad was just the consequences of Mosaddeq's coup. by the way, Mosaddeq congratulated the Zahedi as well.
congratulated him on the coupe ?
please explain to me how they were in the partly destroyed house , according to your own article , the house severely destroyed after the attack of Sha'aban Ja'afari. then when was he in the house that it was only partly damaged ?

and again all your claim are based of the testimony of the people who benefit from portraying him as revolutionary . and how that after the incident in interview with three newspaper he claimed mossadeq must be killed ?

Kashani Boulevard in Tehran, what an aptly chosen designation for a major artery of the capital. Of course the revolutionary core of the Islamic Republic knows full well which historic figures deserve to be publicly commemorated due to their paramount contribution in safeguarding the sacred values upon which the political order of the IR is grounded.

Isn't it ludicrous when the western-apologetic reformist camp, whose sole purpose consists in trying to undermine the very foundations of the Islamic Republic through infiltration and subversion activities, imagines that its input (a rehashing of western-coined, erroneous narratives) is welcome let alone needed in matters such as accurate discernment of the Islamic Revolution's historic forefathers?

In vain hope of weakening the rock solid Islamic martyrdom culture and sabotaging therewith Iran's assets of self-defense against existential foreign enemies, liberals at Tehran Municipality proceeded to removing the sacred term shahid from a small number of streets named after martyrs of the Imposed War.

Indeed these nefarious attempts by liberals aren't confined to physical infrastructures, nor to the Islamic Republic's regional system of alliances (JCPOA I, II and III), but extend to the realm of culture and society. It is a full fledged, multi-dimensional assault we're dealing with. But the scheme to rename streets was rapidly neutralized. Only in their dreams can western-apologists tamper with location names which recall great eponymous figures.
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golrizan for his Zoor-khaneh ? look at the picture , even better , download it and zoom on it . its in the Zoor-Khaneh not Cinema Jahan
Video of his Zoorkhaneh is available, show us a screenshot and say this is the scene!

please explain to me how they were in the partly destroyed house , according to your own article , the house severely destroyed after the attack of Sha'aban Ja'afari. then when was he in the house that it was only partly damaged ?
It's not the house, video is manipulated. if your head wasn't stuck in reformists media you could see it not now, but at the very time this American propaganda were distributed.

and again all your claim are based of the testimony of the people who benefit from portraying him as revolutionary . and how that after the incident in interview with three newspaper he claimed mossadeq must be killed ?
As I said, apparently bunch of newspapers are more credible than his letter to UN SG!
And the credible people also are the coup runners!!!

You are helpless.
Video of his Zoorkhaneh is available, show us a screenshot and say this is the scene!
can you provide it please
It's not the house, video is manipulated. if your head wasn't stuck in reformists media you could see it not now, but at the very time this American propaganda were distributed.
if possible provide that please
Off topic but you should go take a look at the thread about recent rumors surrounding an eminent transfer of Iranian drones to the Russian Federation, Salar-jann (good to see you again btw!).

So much ignorance... That's why I've drastically decreased my presence here on PDF as of late.
Honestly, yeah. I miss the good old Iran Military Forum and Iran Defence Forum.
In vain hope of weakening the rock solid Islamic martyrdom culture and sabotaging therewith Iran's assets of self-defense against existential foreign enemies, liberals at Tehran Municipality proceeded to removing the sacred term shahid from a small number of streets named after martyrs of the Imposed War.

Indeed these nefarious attempts by liberals aren't confined to physical infrastructures, nor to the Islamic Republic's regional system of alliances (JCPOA I, II and III), but extend to the realm of culture and society. It is a full fledged, multi-dimensional assault we're dealing with. But the scheme to rename streets was rapidly neutralized. Only in their dreams can western-apologists tamper with location names which recall great eponymous figures.
GOH KHORDAN MADAR GHABEHAA! They should have been dragged out in the streets and raped with broken bottles then hung from street lights!

I came across this a few weeks ago and was very moved by it and these beautiful, ripped up roses and their courage, bravery, faith, spirit (far), and greatness must never be forgotten!
I can understand if they want to use the phrase Javid Nam in place of or alongside shahid, but somehow I truly doubt that this was the motive of those disgusting bloated maggots.

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