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The election that created Pakistan!

Let's assume Pak Mil is absolutely subservient to Civillian Leaders. Civil Govt orders and they follow. What will become of military? Same as other civil institutions right? Like mmm....Police?! Like State bank...like national planning commision, WAPDA, ....list can go on! Do I need say any further?
Motorway is working pretty fine along with its police. Problem is not civilian politics but army's role in it!

Let's start by having Imran Khan being stopped from dragging the Army into politics when his silly stunts go wrong.
And exactly WHEN he did that? Last time I checked, it was Mr. Sharif who asked COAS to intervene :D
PIA? Railways? Steel mill? Education system? Health system, agriculture? Industry? Exports? Debts? Roads?
some systems where enlightened elements the military helped overthrow capitalist/puppet governments are egypt, iraq, libya, russia, venezuela, even pakistan.

Whats in common among all nations listed above where an ' enlightened Military' intervened which is another word for stepping out of line ?

They all are in a mess.
Are we forgetting something here? Refusal of Z A Bhutto?

I am totally for democracy but.....
Let's assume Pak Mil is absolutely subservient to Civillian Leaders. Civil Govt orders and they follow. What will become of military? Same as other civil institutions right? Like mmm....Police?! Like State bank...like national planning commision, WAPDA, ....list can go on! Do I need say any further?
You need to give time to the system and the people to mature and adapt each other. merely few decades is nothing in life of a nation.

BULLSEYE! That election was conducted under the administration of British Raj. When British left from here, so went 'free and fair' elections with them. It was only in 1970 that Pakistan managed to conduct free and fair elections accepted by all parties. Only it led to civil war and another partion of Pakistan when its defense establishment categorically REFUSED to hand-over power to the legitimate winner: Awami League from East Pakistan!

oh........So thats the boggy man. When ever there is free and fair elections, it leads to division, that why Pakistan military does not want a free and fair civilian government.
Whats in common among all nations listed above where an ' enlightened Military' intervened which is another word for stepping out of line ?

They all are in a mess.

they are in a mess because of external conspiracy and internal conspiracy... look at venezuela... cia enacted a coup against hugo chavez in the 90's and they tried again in 2011 in another of their "color revolutions"... the cia program continues in venezuela.

yes, there is a mess... and the reasons are so obvious... how can anyone deny that libya had a big war in 2011, with 35+ nato militaries invading along with their criminal elements.

and you used the phrase "stepping out of line"... that is a legalistic/technical term which seeks to induce fear in anyone wishing to change the system in his society... this phrase goes with another british-era term... "sedition".
Azad whose job it was to fund and co-ordinate anti-AIML Muslim groups such as the JUH, the Majlis-i-Ahrar and the Khaksar.

So he was funding extremist organisations such as Majlis-i-Ahrar? No wonder he hated Qaid-e-Azam. Qaid-e-Azam was of view of a modern and Islam democratic Pakistan where as Moulana wanted Muslims to stay weak and as slaves.
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