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The Egyptian Air Force possesses 108 Wing Loong drones

Philip the Arab

Oct 26, 2018
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United States
In recent years, China's development in the field of military aircraft can be described as blossoming everywhere. Not only is the performance of manned fighters becoming more advanced and mature, but unmanned fighters are also developing rapidly step by step. Cheng Fei has performed well in this field. It has developed the Pterosaur 1 and Pterosaur 2 surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicles, and has won many export orders. Among them, the Egyptian Air Force has introduced 108 aircraft in two batches.


The latest sight of the Egyptian Air Force is the Pterosaur 1D reconnaissance all-in-one drone. The previous two UAVs Pterosaur 1 and Pterosaur 2 were essentially different in performance. Pterosaur 1 is a "small-headed" search and attack drone that can carry a variety of laser irradiation, ranging, detection, electronic countermeasures and other equipment. The Pterosaur 1 drone has complete functions, but as a small drone, its mounting capacity is not outstanding. The two wing points have only 200 kg of ammunition and limited firepower.


The Pterosaur 2 UAV, which is improved on the basis of Pterosaur 1, is a large surveillance drone. The maximum take-off weight of Pterosaur 2 reached 4.2 tons, the maximum load capacity was more than 500 kg, and there were 4 external attachment points on both sides of the wings. When using a 3-unit composite pylon, it can carry 12 blue sword 7 air-to-surface missiles. The cost of performance improvement is relatively high. The price of a single unit of Pterosaur 1 UAV is only 1 million US dollars, while the price of a single unit of Pterosaur 2 UAV is close to 5 million US dollars.


Cheng Fei also developed two UAVs with the same mission attributes but the performance difference is large, so that the two are combined to meet the needs of different customers. Before the Egyptian Air Force introduced 76 Pterosaur 1 drones, and its performance was very recognized, but in recent years, the Egyptian Air Force ’s actual combat missions have increased, and the problem of the small amount of Pterosaur 1 ammunition has been highlighted. In contrast, Pterosaur 2 is more in line with the current needs of the Egyptian Air Force.


Drones are a kind of consumables. The quantity cannot be too small. Although the price of Pterosaur 2 is much less than that of fighters, the cost of purchasing more is not a small amount. So is there a drone between Pterosaur 1 and Pterosaur 2? Of course, this is Pterosaur 1D. Pterosaur 1D mainly upgrades the range and ammunition capacity of Pterosaur 1, the stagnation time has been increased from 20 hours to 35 hours, and the ammunition capacity has also increased from 200 kg to about 400 kg.


The first appearance of Pterosaur 1D at the 2018 Zhuhai Air Show was seen by the participating Ethiopian Air Force personnel. From the performance point of view, the combat effectiveness of Pterosaur 1D has improved several times compared to Pterosaur 1, and it can carry up to 8 blue Sword 7 air-to-ground missiles, while the performance has been greatly improved, the price of the single aircraft has not increased much, only 1.8 million US dollars. At that air show, the Egyptian Air Force once again signed an order for 32 Pterosaur 1D, and purchased a total of 108 two times, becoming the largest customer of Pterosaur.


As we all know, China ’s fighter jets have not received more exports in recent years. The reason is that the third-generation aircraft market has already been saturated, and the fourth-generation aircraft has not yet entered the climax of equipment. At this time, it is inevitable that the fighter jets will export less. However, unmanned aerial vehicles such as Pterosaurs have sprung up in recent years. They have opened up the international market and obtained a large number of orders. The reason is very simple: our unmanned aerial vehicles are cheap, have excellent performance, and have excellent combat performance!


Which kind of military aircraft to export is the same, the key lies in having its own characteristics and advantages. At present, in the field of military aircraft export, the drone represented by the pterosaur series has obviously become our "fist" product! In the future, we will continue to deepen our efforts in this field and continue to improve the existing advantages. If we can take over the world drone market, why not export more manned fighter jets one by one? (Picture source network, intrusion and deletion)

Since the early 1980s, Egypt has been concerned with the design and manufacture of unmanned aircraft in multiple models, and has diverted numbers of target planes that use turbojet engines to reconnaissance planes.

Egypt has cooperation in the manufacture of unmanned aircraft with Poland, France, South Korea, Russia and, finally, China

With China it began to manufacture 70 ASN-209 drones


Regarding the UAVS in Egypt, cooperation with China is very complex
About Wing Loong family

Egypt purchased 10 Wing Loong 1 aircraft
Then she signed two contracts for this family mainly for testing purpose

With regard to domestic production, some may make Egypt the largest customer to China in the field of unmanned aircraft and China cannot cover the entire needs of the countries of the world from Chinese production at the same time. Products to operate domestic production lines

Wing Long I-D with 32 aircraft and domestic assembly

Then another contract followed with 76 Wing Long II aircraft produced domestically

It is not limited to these models
But Egypt bought the CH-4, with 10 uav



It also bought 24 CH-5 aircraft


The company, which is based in Beijing but manufactures in the nearby municipality of Tianjin, is currently negotiating with Egypt on selling a "whole package air defense system," Guo said, which will also include medium-range CH-91 military surveillance UAVs that cost around $3 to $5 million including the vehicle and operating system

It contracted Belarus to set up a production line for counting 4 different models

There is unconfirmed information on the WJ-700

There are Egyptian-Chinese negotiations on the CH-7 plane. Egypt and Saudi Arabia wish to buy numbers quickly, as soon as they enter the production lines and the tests are completed in 2020.

There is a huge arms race in the possession of the largest number of automated systems, robots and unmanned aircraft between the major countries and Egypt does not want to lag behind in this field especially that its enemies in the Middle East some of them are expanding in the manufacture of UAVS


Chinese FX500 Sky Saker mainly based on M324 scrab uav

Egyptian next step


Egypt has been seeking to control the African arms market in several areas

Vehicles and vehicles in particular


Local command and control networks
And build air defense systems and radar detection networks of countries

So Egypt provides two types of domestic weapons

Low-cost weapons such as TEMSAH MRAP
And high-performance and high-performance goddesses such as ST-100 / ST-500

Also in the field of unmanned aircraft, it produces Chinese and Belarus low-cost aircraft
View attachment 623963

Since the early 1980s, Egypt has been concerned with the design and manufacture of unmanned aircraft in multiple models, and has diverted numbers of target planes that use turbojet engines to reconnaissance planes.

Egypt has cooperation in the manufacture of unmanned aircraft with Poland, France, South Korea, Russia and, finally, China

With China it began to manufacture 70 ASN-209 drones

View attachment 623971
Regarding the UAVS in Egypt, cooperation with China is very complex
About Wing Loong family

Egypt purchased 10 Wing Loong 1 aircraft
Then she signed two contracts for this family mainly for testing purpose

With regard to domestic production, some may make Egypt the largest customer to China in the field of unmanned aircraft and China cannot cover the entire needs of the countries of the world from Chinese production at the same time. Products to operate domestic production lines

Wing Long I-D with 32 aircraft and domestic assembly

Then another contract followed with 76 Wing Long II aircraft produced domestically

It is not limited to these models
But Egypt bought the CH-4, with 10 uav


View attachment 623962

It also bought 24 CH-5 aircraft

View attachment 623965

The company, which is based in Beijing but manufactures in the nearby municipality of Tianjin, is currently negotiating with Egypt on selling a "whole package air defense system," Guo said, which will also include medium-range CH-91 military surveillance UAVs that cost around $3 to $5 million including the vehicle and operating system
View attachment 623966

It contracted Belarus to set up a production line for counting 4 different models

There is unconfirmed information on the WJ-700

There are Egyptian-Chinese negotiations on the CH-7 plane. Egypt and Saudi Arabia wish to buy numbers quickly, as soon as they enter the production lines and the tests are completed in 2020.

There is a huge arms race in the possession of the largest number of automated systems, robots and unmanned aircraft between the major countries and Egypt does not want to lag behind in this field especially that its enemies in the Middle East some of them are expanding in the manufacture of UAVS

View attachment 623973
Chinese FX500 Sky Saker mainly based on M324 scrab uav

Egyptian next step

View attachment 623972

Egypt has been seeking to control the African arms market in several areas
View attachment 623974
Vehicles and vehicles in particular

View attachment 623977

Local command and control networks
And build air defense systems and radar detection networks of countries

So Egypt provides two types of domestic weapons

Low-cost weapons such as TEMSAH MRAP
And high-performance and high-performance goddesses such as ST-100 / ST-500
View attachment 623975

Also in the field of unmanned aircraft, it produces Chinese and Belarus low-cost aircraft
View attachment 623976
That's informative, thank you, so far all the export seems to be limited to tactical drone, I hope there would be some contract signed on strategic drone.
That's a big fleet.

What do they plan to do with it? Use it in Libya?

Egypt has obsession to have good military power to balance Israel. Unfortunely Egypt is under secular dictator now, if Egypt is still under Muslim Brotherhood government they will prefer buy Turkish ones like Tunisian does.

I think Egypt should use the money to fix their economy than buying these 100 Chinese drones or develop their own MALE UCAV just like what Indonesia do and buy only 4 Israel drones and 4 Chinese drones for training and border surveilence.

Indonesia neighboor like Singapore and Australia are also arming their nation so heavily but for Indonesian we dont care and keep using money for economic development.
Egypt has obsession to have good military power to balance Israel. Unfortunely Egypt is under secular dictator now, if Egypt is still under Muslim Brotherhood government they will prefer buy Turkish ones like Tunisian does.

I think Egypt should use the money to fix their economy than buying these 100 Chinese drones or develop their own MALE UCAV just like what Indonesia do and buy only 4 Israel drones and 4 Chinese drones for training and border surveilence.

Indonesia neighboor like Singapore and Australia are also arming their nation so heavily but for Indonesian we dont care and keep using money for economic development.


You are trying to involve politics in a military matter. First, the Egyptian government is happy with it
Brotherhood criminals, what did they offer to Islam?

You are affiliated with the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS but do not compel us, as Egyptians, to accept the ruling of criminals in the name of democracy

Any country that follows the West does not obtain the best and simplest example. What did the chambers in Indonesia separate Timór and part of it and destroy its economy so as not to grow its aviation industry?

You also do not understand how things are managed. Everything has a cause and effect. As long as you mention Turkey, we will explain what are the facts of things.

The beginning of Egypt is next to it, two countries LIBYA AND SUDAN with a state that has ISIS, Islamophobia and war there and the people there expelling the Brotherhood from the second elections, and this does not satisfy the Muslim Brotherhood criminals, and the war has not ended yet.

Sudan suffers from instability that was ruled by a criminal Islamic regime that considers that if it does not rule, it will expiate as a policy
You are now either unstable countries with terrorism and criminals

I will explain a simple example in 2012 Egypt was cooperating with Turkey and requested only one thing is cooperation in developing the mission computer for the drone after Turkey announced hostility to Egypt because of the expulsion of the Egyptian people the criminal regime the Muslim Brotherhood

Turkey has spent USD 300 million dollars to deliver the Turkish army 10 Anka UAV
with management and operation stations

Egypt purchased the Wing Long plane at the following prices
Wing Long 1 at the price of one million dollars for the plane
The Wing Long 1-D aircraft at a price of $ 2 million for the plane

The plane, WING LOONG 1 , at a price of 1 million turns, includes command and control stations

Egypt has transferred technology and domestic production to 108 of the total purchases of 152 different UAVs unmanned aircraft.
The total cost to Egypt is $ 624 million. In 2020, Egypt has 150 drones of these models

Turkey The Anka program cost $ 296 million for the first 10 planes. The price of the Anka plane is $ 8 million
Thus, Turkey will obtain an additional 20 aircraft costing 480 million dollars

Turkey produces TB2 plane at a price of 4 million dollars, plans to produce 112 aircraft, the Turkish project complains of corruption in the basis and cost for this model only 448

How much Turkey now has of these models and how much

There is a missile race to shoot down the Turkish drone from the Syrian and Libyan Kurds, which made the Turkish stocks very low 15 aircraft ANKA

The reputation of the Turkish drone is collapsing, all its deals are corruption, and the illusion of the democratic system has not prevented all deals to corrupt the Turkish until Tunisia. Its military deals with Turkey because of the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia.

On the ground, Turkey, how much less than half of what Egypt owns drones
The cost of unmanned aerial vehicles in Egypt is half the cost received by Turkey
The Turkish army prefers American and European components in the Turkish drone, this is reality, not fictional dreams

Turkey claims to produce aircraft engines without airplanes, but it imports engine components from Germany. If the GERMANY ban these components, Turkey would not collect one plane.
Egypt integrates western components in the Chinese drone
Egypt develops new tactics for drones faster than others and publishes them in 40 Egyptian air bases and mix between western , eastern and local technology

Turkey simply spent a billion dollars on drones 112 + 32 = 144 aircraft

64 + 380 + 120 + 30 +30 = 624 million
For a number
10 + 10 + 32 + 76 +24 = 152 aircraft

On the other hand, aircraft perform aircraft
Wing Long 2
Top of the anka uav

The CH-4, Wing Long 1-D is better than the TB2

Egypt is satisfied with the fact that it has 152 aircraft
Turkey actual stock after it was dropped

15 anka uav
Less than 60 TB2 aircraft
total 75 plane


Egypt, similar to purchases, gets other technologies as well in other systems. Examples include Egypt, which has contracts to produce the French aircraft PATTROLER, with 30 aircraft.
And with China joint development of Egypt's stocks of unmanned aerial vehicles such as Scrab 324 sky-eye and local variants


Egypt is one of the countries that develops and produces equipment in reverse engineering Egypt does not always announce its true ability so that Israel will not get more American support

On the other hand, Egypt produced more than 1,000 M1A1 tanks
It signed a local production contract for 500 T-90MS tanks, and local production has already started
Turkey spent one billion dollars on developing the ALTAY tank and failed since 2000 in cooperation with Israel and south Korea to produce one Turkish tank in 20 years.
In other words, local development is not always successful, effective, and Turkey did not prevent its regime, which it says is a democracy, which is already criminal, from the corruption of the Erdogan gang, as well as the collapse of the Turkish economy and the loss of development there.
Egypt has obsession to have good military power to balance Israel. Unfortunely Egypt is under secular dictator now, if Egypt is still under Muslim Brotherhood government they will prefer buy Turkish ones like Tunisian does.

I think Egypt should use the money to fix their economy than buying these 100 Chinese drones or develop their own MALE UCAV just like what Indonesia do and buy only 4 Israel drones and 4 Chinese drones for training and border surveilence.

Indonesia neighboor like Singapore and Australia are also arming their nation so heavily but for Indonesian we dont care and keep using money for economic development.

No one will be happy with your brotherhood preaching. Egypt had doing okay in economy growth compared even with Turkey, they do well lately, there is no more hiccups in their politics all is more or less been stable.
View attachment 624049

You are trying to involve politics in a military matter. First, the Egyptian government is happy with it
Brotherhood criminals, what did they offer to Islam?

You are affiliated with the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS but do not compel us, as Egyptians, to accept the ruling of criminals in the name of democracy

Any country that follows the West does not obtain the best and simplest example. What did the chambers in Indonesia separate Timór and part of it and destroy its economy so as not to grow its aviation industry?

You also do not understand how things are managed. Everything has a cause and effect. As long as you mention Turkey, we will explain what are the facts of things.

The beginning of Egypt is next to it, two countries LIBYA AND SUDAN with a state that has ISIS, Islamophobia and war there and the people there expelling the Brotherhood from the second elections, and this does not satisfy the Muslim Brotherhood criminals, and the war has not ended yet.

Sudan suffers from instability that was ruled by a criminal Islamic regime that considers that if it does not rule, it will expiate as a policy
You are now either unstable countries with terrorism and criminals

I will explain a simple example in 2012 Egypt was cooperating with Turkey and requested only one thing is cooperation in developing the mission computer for the drone after Turkey announced hostility to Egypt because of the expulsion of the Egyptian people the criminal regime the Muslim Brotherhood

Turkey has spent USD 300 million dollars to deliver the Turkish army 10 Anka UAV
with management and operation stations

Egypt purchased the Wing Long plane at the following prices
Wing Long 1 at the price of one million dollars for the plane
The Wing Long 1-D aircraft at a price of $ 2 million for the plane

The plane, WING LOONG 1 , at a price of 1 million turns, includes command and control stations

Egypt has transferred technology and domestic production to 108 of the total purchases of 152 different UAVs unmanned aircraft.
The total cost to Egypt is $ 624 million. In 2020, Egypt has 150 drones of these models

Turkey The Anka program cost $ 296 million for the first 10 planes. The price of the Anka plane is $ 8 million
Thus, Turkey will obtain an additional 20 aircraft costing 480 million dollars

Turkey produces TB2 plane at a price of 4 million dollars, plans to produce 112 aircraft, the Turkish project complains of corruption in the basis and cost for this model only 448

How much Turkey now has of these models and how much

There is a missile race to shoot down the Turkish drone from the Syrian and Libyan Kurds, which made the Turkish stocks very low 15 aircraft ANKA

The reputation of the Turkish drone is collapsing, all its deals are corruption, and the illusion of the democratic system has not prevented all deals to corrupt the Turkish until Tunisia. Its military deals with Turkey because of the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia.

On the ground, Turkey, how much less than half of what Egypt owns drones
The cost of unmanned aerial vehicles in Egypt is half the cost received by Turkey
The Turkish army prefers American and European components in the Turkish drone, this is reality, not fictional dreams

Turkey claims to produce aircraft engines without airplanes, but it imports engine components from Germany. If the GERMANY ban these components, Turkey would not collect one plane.
Egypt integrates western components in the Chinese drone
Egypt develops new tactics for drones faster than others and publishes them in 40 Egyptian air bases and mix between western , eastern and local technology

Turkey simply spent a billion dollars on drones 112 + 32 = 144 aircraft

64 + 380 + 120 + 30 +30 = 624 million
For a number
10 + 10 + 32 + 76 +24 = 152 aircraft

On the other hand, aircraft perform aircraft
Wing Long 2
Top of the anka uav

The CH-4, Wing Long 1-D is better than the TB2

Egypt is satisfied with the fact that it has 152 aircraft
Turkey actual stock after it was dropped

15 anka uav
Less than 60 TB2 aircraft
total 75 plane

View attachment 624050

Egypt, similar to purchases, gets other technologies as well in other systems. Examples include Egypt, which has contracts to produce the French aircraft PATTROLER, with 30 aircraft.
And with China joint development of Egypt's stocks of unmanned aerial vehicles such as Scrab 324 sky-eye and local variants

View attachment 624051

Egypt is one of the countries that develops and produces equipment in reverse engineering Egypt does not always announce its true ability so that Israel will not get more American support

On the other hand, Egypt produced more than 1,000 M1A1 tanks
It signed a local production contract for 500 T-90MS tanks, and local production has already started
Turkey spent one billion dollars on developing the ALTAY tank and failed since 2000 in cooperation with Israel and south Korea to produce one Turkish tank in 20 years.
In other words, local development is not always successful, effective, and Turkey did not prevent its regime, which it says is a democracy, which is already criminal, from the corruption of the Erdogan gang, as well as the collapse of the Turkish economy and the loss of development there.

Production of tanks with imported ready-made kits and equipment> Altay. Dude you are really poor and you think really poorly. If you buy tot from 100 countries, you are angry because you cannot reach the caliber and locality of Anka. If the locality is not so important, the price is important, why do you give information about the totes you make?

And yep we're sinking.


PD 170 was designed and produced in 6 years, in active use. It can carry the tender up to 40000 feet, and maintenance is very long, best in class Desert Bedouins cannot do anything other than to assemble Tofaş's Shahen, they cannot even dream of such an engine. You will most likely be blind when you see our Flirs that we design and use actively. The country of the Arab "gentleman"s, who liked his comment, begged Aselsan to open an optical production center there.


15 Anka? Dude you said more, it must be 2 or something. Officially, 2 Anka fell and sent the fellow countryman to the destination where the poor country could not have imagined. I saw more than 30 Anka actively on the production line and it will be delivered within 2 months. And yep u can mad again
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