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The Economist - Discrepancy in Dhaka

Cows in India are allowed to block the road in the name of God.

No one is living in 18th century.

Ever heard of hartal? :what:

Hartal are declared Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India. :)

In the name of God blocking road ?? who told you that?? there was a country wide road blockade by BNP on 9 / 12 ... They are praying because those trucks were not allowed to Go...

This is basically same thing... but this anti Mubarak protest was not criticized for this reason. why?? hypocrisy


I didnt knew that.
With due respect, you are way off in this case, although most of the time you are right on the money. JI walas always criticize Israeli atrocities; please visit their paper, the 'Daily Sangram' to find it out. And I also think BRIT's agency walas aren't helping Jamaaties either due to the JI's leniency with core Muslimiat, thanks.

No I am pretty sure British intelligence and the Jewish connection are behind all this. How do I know because I receive their emails and I know the lawyers who are acting for the accused in these war crimes trials. The lawyers have visited the UK and US several times in the last few months and had talks with the State Department and FCO. So there is certainly a link. The Economist is an outlet for British intelligence and it is unlikely that they could hack emails and intercept telephone calls without powerful back up. This is all being done to assist the Jamaat.

Sangram may write about Israel but Jamaat leaders never speak on the issue. I also have certain American connections who inform me of what Jamaat is up to. I get a great deal of information that is not available to members of this forum. I also witnessed Jamaat behaviour before the 2008 elections and they were taking orders from the US Embassy and British High Commission. Their two biggest Jewish supporters are Barrister Toby Cadman and David Bergman. These are very well connected Jews and they have a very close relationship with Jamaat. The Jamaat lawyers admitted all this to me.

We should look at things objectively and with all the information available. This is how world politics works.
Ha ha nice hindutva spin...typical indian lie and can not show any prrof of their claim, yet as with their fundamentalist teaching indians think repeating lie makes it true.
Come on Razakar. Atleast learn English. I understand it's hard after coming from a madrassa.
Don't worry. .other Razakars will be hanged after trial.

No I am pretty sure British intelligence and the Jewish connection are behind all this. How do I know because I receive their emails and I know the lawyers who are acting for the accused in these war crimes trials. The lawyers have visited the UK and US several times in the last few months and had talks with the State Department and FCO. So there is certainly a link.

Sangram may write about Israel but Jamaat leaders never speak on the issue. I also have certain American connections who inform me of what Jamaat is up to. I get a great deal of information that is not available to members of this forum. I also witnessed Jamaat behaviour before the 2008 elections and they were taking orders from the US Embassy and British High Commission. Their two biggest Jewish supporters are Barrister Toby Cadman and David Bergman. These are very well connected Jews and they have a very close relationship with Jamaat. The Jamaat lawyers admitted all this to me.

We should look at things objectively and with all the information available.
So as per you will this trial be completed or left midway?
No I am pretty sure British intelligence and the Jewish connection are behind all this. How do I know because I receive their emails and I know the lawyers who are acting for the accused in these war crimes trials. The lawyers have visited the UK and US several times in the last few months and had talks with the State Department and FCO. So there is certainly a link. The Economist is an outlet for British intelligence and it is unlikely that they could hack emails and intercept telephone calls without powerful back up. This is all being done to assist the Jamaat.

Sangram may write about Israel but Jamaat leaders never speak on the issue. I also have certain American connections who inform me of what Jamaat is up to. I get a great deal of information that is not available to members of this forum. I also witnessed Jamaat behaviour before the 2008 elections and they were taking orders from the US Embassy and British High Commission. Their two biggest Jewish supporters are Barrister Toby Cadman and David Bergman. These are very well connected Jews and they have a very close relationship with Jamaat. The Jamaat lawyers admitted all this to me.

We should look at things objectively and with all the information available. This is how world politics works.

Jamaat paid a whole deal of money to jewish lawayer and the economist. I am sure the German lawyer who the judge had conversation with got paid as well. I am convinced that he trapped the judge into it and recorded the conversation by him and gave that to Jamatis.

whats wrong with it?? the sight of people Glorifying Allah disgusts you???

I dont think its glorifying God in any ways. It just shows their arrogance.
Profile of Raihan Rashid who was coordinating Awami League extrajudicial murder attempt and influencing in manufacturing the judgment from outside. He was extensively talked about in judge skype conversation.

কে এই রায়হান রশীদ!

কয়দিন যাবত ট্রাইবুনাললিক্স প্রসঙ্গ নিয়ে আলোচনার শেষ নেই। হাটে মাঠে ঘাটে এ নিয়ে কথা চলছেই। ফাঁস হয়ে যাওয়া কথোপকথনের রেকর্ড থেকে আমরা কিছু নাম জানতে পেরেছি। মোহসেনা, প্রবীর, ভিসি আনোয়ারের ছেলে, সিমন, জিয়াউদ্দিন প্রমুখ।

এদের একজন হলেন রায়হান রশীদ। রায়হান রশীদ একজন দেশপ্রেমিক, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনায় নিবেদিত এবং বামপন্ন্থী আদর্শের সৈনিক।

মেধা ও যোগ্যতার কারণে অল্প বয়সেই তিনি আজ এতোদূরে পৌছেছেন। তার সবচেয়ে বড় যোগ্যতা হলো তিনি সম্পূর্ণ আত্মপ্রচারবিমুখ। নিঝুম পিয়াল সুশান্তের মতো তিনি ফাতরা টাইপের অশিক্ষিত যৌনপরায়ণ ছোটলোক নন, বরং জ্ঞান ও প্রজ্ঞা তাকে বিনীত ও স্থিরচিত্ত করেছে। তার এই গুণের কারণে বিদেশী সংস্থাগুলো তাকে যোগোযোগের জন্য বাছাই করে নিয়েছে। পর্দার আড়াল থেকে বাংলাদেশের মন্ত্রী, আমলা ও বিচারক পর্যায়ের লোকদেরকে পর্যন্ত তিনি পরিচালনা করে যাচ্ছেন সুদূর ইংল্যান্ড থেকে।

চট্টগ্রামের সেন্ট প্লাসিডস স্কুলে পড়ার সময় শৈশবেই এই মেধাবী মানুষটি খেলাঘরের আসরের মাধ্যমে কমিউনিজমের সাথে যুক্ত হন। পরবর্তীতে ফৌজদারহাট ক্যাডেট কলেজে পড়ার সময় এ বিশ্বাস তার দৃঢ় হয়। চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে এলএলবি ও এলএলএম পড়ার সময় তিনি ছাত্র ইউনিয়নের একনিষ্ঠ যোদ্ধা ও কর্মী ছিলেন। এরপর তিনি ইংল্যান্ডের ইউনিভার্সিটি অভ নটিংহাম থেকে আরেকটি মাষ্টার্স করেন। বর্তমানে তিনি বাকিংহাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পার্টটাইম পড়াচ্ছেন ও অক্সফোর্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের একটি সেন্টারে বাংলাদেশের তেল গ্যাস খনিজ অনুসন্ধানের নীতিমালার উপর পিএইচডি গবেষণা করছেন।

চট্টগ্রামে জন্ম নেয়া অত্যন্ত মেধাবী এই বাংলামায়ের সন্তানটি সারা পৃথিবীর সমমনা বামপন্থী ও আওয়ামী পন্থীদের কে একত্রিত করেছেন, সবার কাছ থেকে কাজ আদায় করে নিচ্ছেন ও মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধ বিচারে প্রায় সমস্ত বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক সাহায্য দিচ্ছেন পেছন থেকে, এবং বিদেশী অর্থসাহায্য গুলোর সমন্বয় সাধন করছেন। সবমিলে তিনি জামাত নেতাদের ফাসীর দড়িতে ঝুলানোর নিপূণ পরিকল্পনাটি করেছেন এবং অত্যন্ত জটিল এই অর্কেষ্ট্রায় মাষ্টারের ভুমিকা পালন করে যাচ্ছেন।

এই সমস্ত গুরুদায়িত্ব পালন করার পাশাপাশি যে সকল ওয়েবসাইট ও সংগঠন তিনি সক্রিয়ভাবে পরিচালনা করছেন তার তালিকা দেখলেও চমকে উঠতে হয়। ইবাংলাদেশ ডটকম, আমারব্লগ, সচলায়তন, ক্যাডেট কলেজ ব্লগ, সেন্টার ফর জেনোসাইড ষ্টাডিজ, মুক্তমনা, বাংলাদেশ জেনোসাইড আর্কাইভ, নিউজ বাংলা এবং লন্ডন লয়ার্স ফোরাম এইসব উদ্যোগ তারই ব্রেইনচাইল্ড ও তার সরাসরি কনসালটেন্সিতে একদল ত্যাগী কর্মী বাহিনী দ্বারা পরিচালিত হচ্ছে।

রায়হান রশীদ দুর্লভ সেই বাংলাদেশীদের একজন, যিনি সবসময় কাজ করেন কিন্তু নিজেকে আড়ালে রাখেন। আমরা তাঁর দীর্ঘজীবন ও সফলতা কামনা করছি। ব্যাক্তিগতভাবে আমি তাঁর ভক্ত হয়ে পড়েছি। সরকারপ্রধানকে কনভিন্স করা, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মন্ত্রীদেরকে হাতের মুঠোয় নিয়ে আসা, বিদেশী সংস্থাগুলোকে সমন্বয় করা এতোসব করে এই একটি মানুষ বাংলাদেশের ভুদাই সংগঠন জামাতকে নাস্তানাবুদ করে ছেড়েছে।

রাজনীতি করে সত্তর আশি নব্বই হয়েছে যে লোকগুলোর বয়স, তাদেরকে বেকুব বানিয়ে চৌদ্দশিকের ভেতর ঢুকিয়ে দিয়েসে এবং ফাসীর দড়ির একদম কাছাকাছি পৌছে দিয়েসে, এই এক জীবনে এরচেয়ে বড় কৃতিত্ব আর কি প্রয়োজন!

?? ?? ??????? ????! :: ???? ?????
Jamaat paid a whole deal of money to jewish lawayer and the economist. I am sure the German lawyer who the judge had conversation with got paid as well. I am convinced that he trapped the judge into it and recorded the conversation by him and gave that to Jamatis.

A self proclaimed Awami League thug and BIGOT being "convinced" of only one thing - lie; all the way to grave.
Come on Razakar. Atleast learn English. I understand it's hard after coming from a madrassa.
Don't worry. .other Razakars will be hanged after trial.

So as per you will this trial be completed or left midway?

If the government decides to continue with the trials then many will have to be restarted from the beginning with new judges. It is most likely that if the government takes this course then very few of the cases will be completed before the tenure of this administration. From the tape recordings of Justice Nizamul Haq Nasim and Ahmed Ziauddin the trials of Delwar Hossain Sayeedee and Golam Azam were mentioned so they will have to be started afresh. If any other accused were mentioned then their cases will similarly have to be started anew.

Jamaat paid a whole deal of money to jewish lawayer and the economist. I am sure the German lawyer who the judge had conversation with got paid as well. I am convinced that he trapped the judge into it and recorded the conversation by him and gave that to Jamatis.

You mean Ahmed Ziaudddin. He is a lawyer in Belgium not Germany. He is a good friend of Justice Nizamul Haq Nasim and belongs to the Genocide institute which is coordinating the war crimes trials. i doubt very much he was paid by the Jamaatis.
No I am pretty sure British intelligence and the Jewish connection are behind all this. How do I know because I receive their emails and I know the lawyers who are acting for the accused in these war crimes trials. The lawyers have visited the UK and US several times in the last few months and had talks with the State Department and FCO. So there is certainly a link. The Economist is an outlet for British intelligence and it is unlikely that they could hack emails and intercept telephone calls without powerful back up. This is all being done to assist the Jamaat.

Sangram may write about Israel but Jamaat leaders never speak on the issue. I also have certain American connections who inform me of what Jamaat is up to. I get a great deal of information that is not available to members of this forum. I also witnessed Jamaat behaviour before the 2008 elections and they were taking orders from the US Embassy and British High Commission. Their two biggest Jewish supporters are Barrister Toby Cadman and David Bergman. These are very well connected Jews and they have a very close relationship with Jamaat. The Jamaat lawyers admitted all this to me.

We should look at things objectively and with all the information available. This is how world politics works.

As I suspected before these skype records are not result of some sort of hacking in Bangladesh. I suspect content came directly from skype. At any case, there was an advise from US to Awami League and Awami league thugs blasted on US. One interesting fact still unclear that why Economist waiting to publish these tapes and emails? There may be some British law for checking content but is there any UK legal restriction for them not to do so?
You mean Ahmed Ziaudddin. He is a lawyer in Belgium not Germany. He is a good friend of Justice Nizamul Haq Nasim and belongs to the Genocide institute which is coordinating the war crimes trials. i doubt very much he was paid by the Jamaatis.

Somebody did record the conversation and it must be someone who had access to his computer. His gf???
No I am pretty sure British intelligence and the Jewish connection are behind all this. How do I know because I receive their emails and I know the lawyers who are acting for the accused in these war crimes trials. The lawyers have visited the UK and US several times in the last few months and had talks with the State Department and FCO. So there is certainly a link. The Economist is an outlet for British intelligence and it is unlikely that they could hack emails and intercept telephone calls without powerful back up. This is all being done to assist the Jamaat.

Sangram may write about Israel but Jamaat leaders never speak on the issue. I also have certain American connections who inform me of what Jamaat is up to. I get a great deal of information that is not available to members of this forum. I also witnessed Jamaat behaviour before the 2008 elections and they were taking orders from the US Embassy and British High Commission. Their two biggest Jewish supporters are Barrister Toby Cadman and David Bergman. These are very well connected Jews and they have a very close relationship with Jamaat. The Jamaat lawyers admitted all this to me.

We should look at things objectively and with all the information available. This is how world politics works.

From what I have gathered, this is an American job, done at the behest of Saudi Arabia. Economist is just a mouth piece of American and other NATO intelligence agencies. Why do you think they always publish these sorta news under blog handle Banyan, and never publish the real name of the author?

The deal is that America will save Jamaat leaders, and when Jamaat+BNP come to power after election, they ll give America something in return, something big, something which AL didn't give to America. This "something big" will have severe implications for China and even India in the long run.
From what I have gathered, this is an American job, done at the behest of Saudi Arabia. Economist is just a mouth piece of American and other NATO intelligence agencies. Why do you think they always publish these sorta news under blog handle Banyan, and never publish the real name of the author?

The deal is that America will save Jamaat leaders, and when Jamaat+BNP come to power after election, they ll give America something in return, something big, something which AL didn't give to America. This "something big" will have severe implications forChina.

@ This give and take business is always there. But no give and take with India, understand.
This hacking can be take place is some virus or malewar are infected the computer of justice nizam . todays prothom alo has made a article about it .

but i am more interested in who can infected the mr. nijam's computer ? surly it was not Amar desh who publish the conversation then who can be ? was it by Jamat e islami Cyber war fare division :P
This hacking can be take place is some virus or malewar are infected the computer of justice nizam . todays prothom alo has made a article about it .

but i am more interested in who can infected the mr. nijam's computer ? surly it was not Amar desh who publish the conversation then who can be ? was it by Jamat e islami Cyber war fare division :P

It was done manually.
Who would anticipate that those people will talk something stupid over the skype??
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