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The easy way to stop Drone Attacks?

None of this is the right answer. The answer is to make a justice tribunal who tries people who become traitors to the nation and later hang them on the central square of the city if capital punishment is given.

The spirit of what I said earlier is: Publicly disgrace the traitors who use their position of authority and hurt the interests of the nation, and this thing will slow down. In our country, traitors are protected by even bigger traitor so this thing has become fashionable and people have no fear of what might happen to them.
To put someone on trial for treason needs nationalism, unless that is built no such thing can happen except victimisation.
Some of the answers in this thread make me think that a portion of the public doesn't realize the strikes are enabled by their .gov and/or .mil.

Best way is to use political arm twisting.
Twist Indian arm they have lot of influence over US senate, they can have it done the moment you stop subsidy to Indian imports and fuel to Indian contractors under the disguise of NATO fuel.
well how much control of afghanistan do you have, you guys have superior equipment, more money more resources, we still control our territory better than you so thank you very much

Afghanistan is not "our" territory. If it were part of the USA, believe me there would be no armed groups running around and killing civilians. Anyone like that would be either dead or in Guantanamo ....
Afghanistan is not "our" territory. If it were part of the USA, believe me there would be no armed groups running around and killing civilians. Anyone like that would be either dead or in Guantanamo ....

how much have you till now invested in afghan war? billions? your afghan war budget is more than our national budget?

but you are ruling it with your army and allied forces, and you operate more advanced equipment then what pakistanis operate and still perform better than americans
you are ruling it with your army and allied forces, and you operate more advanced equipment then what pakistanis operate and still perform better than americans

The US and NATO do not "rule" Afghanistan. You know that, stop spouting nonsense. As for how well the Pakistanis "perform", life in FATA and KP is a mess. Got polio? Why?
The US and NATO do not "rule" Afghanistan. You know that, stop spouting nonsense. As for how well the Pakistanis "perform", life in FATA and KP is a mess. Got polio? Why?

then why is your army there? if you are not ruling afghanistan, can you please stop posting like you are so ignorant?
Since the discussion about war in Afghanistan has come up, it makes me remember a show on TV by Saleem Safi, in which somebody said," The destiny of two cities, Peshawar and Kabul, is linked together." If there is no peace in Kabul, there cannot be any peace in Peshawar.

In that context, I really think that everyone including Afghans, Pakistan, Iran, America or its allies should just think about one thing, "How can there be total peace in Afghanistan." The myopic ideas of every country advancing their own "horses" for their interests might not work, as we have already seen for several decades. We have to make a concerted effort to thwart anyone who is against peace in Afghanistan and then let Afghans decide their own destiny. The ideas of advancing our interests in Afghanistan are not that beneficial to our nation as the cost we have already paid for these ideas. And we, as Pakistanis, will be truly happy to see peace in our great historical city of Peshawar.
I read a few easy methods to stop drone attacks in a new book 'Solution Pakistan' written by Meem Zaal Jeem, but I am not sure about their effectiveness. Could someone in Armed Forces give his professional opinion on these methods to stop drone attacks? Will they work, or are they just fantasies?
The author suggests 3 or 4 methods to stop drone attacks, but he claims the easiest of all is to disrupt the communications flowing to CIA by using signal jammers, stopping all mobile communication, and above all to prevent Humint (Human Intelligence) which is crucial. This is because the CIA would have to have credible and accurate information about their targets, which could only be provided by the operatives on ground. But if they attacked without credible information then they will kill innocent civilians which will turn world opinion against drone attacks and Americans will have to stop them. Is that how it works? Someone please clarify?
You can download the above book from publisher's facebook page, which is Nawa Press Ltd | Facebook

I think you are going in totally opposite direction as this meem zaal jeem guy.

I don't know why he is using pseudonym. There doesn't seem to be any confidential info.

Why have to be so constipated conspiratorial about this.


The guy is saying improve your economy and drone attacks will stop.

Now who can argue with that.

So please do not stretch this into a direction of some $tupid @rse attack on drones. Because there isn't any.

Time to clean up our territory from mofo TTP and drone attacks will stop.

Drones are attacking mainly in North Wazirastan.

Because we the forking Pakistani intellectuals do not understand that NW is lawless area.

Making it lawful is the easiest solution.

But many on this thread will continue yapping about targeting drones.


Tip: Go study the US Government line of succession, figure out the policy stance of your new discovery, and come back to report your findings. :crazy:

Don't worry OC,

This $tupid @rse posted should be banned soon.

I think we are going astray from the topic. It is a matter of innocent civilians lives and if we could come to some conclusions about Drone Attacks then it would be beneficial to all. It seems that most of the participants who replied have not read the book. Could I ask participants to just read pages 206-211 so that we understand the context in which these proposals have been given. You can download the book here from facebook. Even though what the author suggests makes sense but I am still skeptical about them. From the discussions so far, 4 suggestions have been proposed as below but the author actually goes a few steps further in other parts of this book. I will summarize the debate so we could move towards some conclusions. Please see my question at the end.

  1. TruthSeeker said: Stop armed groups in FATA who attack US forces - [but the author in other parts of the book talks of laying landmines (using areoplanes) along Durand line to stop TTP fighters coming to FATA and defeating TTP in FATA in detail]
  2. PeterC said: Use air turbulence of a jet fighter to throw it down - [here the context is misunderstood because the author is proposing a solution to stop Drone Attacks without a confrontation with the USA when our economy is failing and we have terrorism - we all know that we could shoot down the drones]

  3. Panther57 said: Reduce US embassy staff to tackle Humint and Sigint - [author in other parts of the book goes a few steps further and suggests that we close down all the consulate offices around the country and limit diplomats movements only within Diplomatic Enclave and then shoot at sight any foreigners we see outside diplomatic enclave. He even suggest to close down all NGOs until law and order is restored]
  4. AhsanAmin: Hang the traitors to stop Humint - [author also gives similar suggestions with some more ideas]

So bearing in mind the difficulties our government faces, is it possible to stop drone attacks without any confrontation with the USA using the methods Meem Zaal Jeem suggests? That is, we should use signal jammers and disable all communications flowing out of FATA to CIA because without credible and accurate information the CIA does not launch drone attacks.
Afghanistan is not "our" territory. If it were part of the USA, believe me there would be no armed groups running around and killing civilians. Anyone like that would be either dead or in Guantanamo ....

Like no body runs with armors in Huston, newyork, California and even Washington dc .. Pathetic...

@ Topic

Good suggestions..

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