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The dreams and dilemmas of Iraqi Kurdistan


Dec 31, 2012
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The dreams and dilemmas of Iraqi Kurdistan
By Giorgio Cafiero

Once strong and unified states on the vanguard of Arab nationalism, Iraq and Syria are on the verge of partition, fragmentation, and dismemberment. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and at least 60,000 Syrians who have lost their lives, other victims of the two nations' sectarian strife may include the Iraqi and Syrian national identities themselves.

However, the victors of these two conflicts are the Kurds. Today, Iraqi and Syrian Kurds enjoy unprecedented autonomy from Baghdad and Damascus, and the prospects of an independent Kurdish state are real. Despite the Kurds' gains, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), led by President Massoud Barzani, finds its semi-autonomous state in northern Iraq at several geopolitical fault lines. Barzani must tread carefully in this volatile region to safeguard the Iraqi Kurds' interests while pursuing independence from central Iraq.

The possibility of war with Baghdad over territory and energy resources constitutes Barzani's gravest security challenge, as demonstrated by the recent violence in Iraq's contested city of Kirkuk. Nonetheless, as Iraq's Arab-Kurdish problems do not exist in a vacuum, one cannot analyze Baghdad and Erbil's standoff without factoring into account the role of regional heavyweights.

To Turkey's alarm, last summer the Syrian Kurds gained de facto autonomy in certain Kurdish-majority areas of northern Syria. Ankara feared that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) would secure a safe haven just south of the Turkish border, encouraging Turkey's own Kurdish population to demand greater autonomy. Given that a PKK-affiliate group - the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the most heavily armed Syrian Kurdish faction - appeared to control most of Syria's Kurdish towns, Turkey's concerns were well grounded.

For its part, the KRG in Iraq began providing the Syrian Kurds with military training shortly after their region became autonomous, most likely to enable them to protect their autonomy once the Syrian crisis winds down. A semi-autonomous Kurdish state in neighboring Syria can be expected to provide the KRG with strategic depth during any future military confrontation between Erbil and Baghdad.

Nonetheless, Barzani's pan-Kurdish aspirations must be balanced with his interests in maintaining ties with Turkey. As relations between Erbil and Baghdad devolve from bad to worse, Turkey's demand for the Kurds' oil and Turkish investment in Iraqi Kurdistan will become increasingly valuable to the KRG.

Therefore, if Turkey invades Syrian Kurdistan to target PKK militants, as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened, Barzani will face a difficult dilemma. The prospects for the KRG's independence from Iraq largely depend on Erbil's partnership with Ankara. However, Barzani's legitimacy within Kurdish circles could be undermined if his actions are perceived to be complicit with Turkey's determination to destroy the Kurdish dream of independence. Regardless of how the Turkey-PKK conflict unfolds in Syria, both actors will attempt to utilize their leverage over Barzani to affect the outcome. If Turkey and the PKK's current efforts to resolve their three-decade-old conflict prove successful, Barzani would likely find much relief.

A report in the Iraqi Kurdish media from last year claimed that Iran had begun to establish military bases in the Qandil Mountains, several miles into northern Iraq. In the past, Iran's military has conducted operations in northern Iraq to target militant Kurdish groups that have waged attacks against the Islamic Republic, primarily the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK). However, Iran's establishment of a permanent military presence in Iraqi Kurdistan must be understood within the context of Tehran's geostrategic rivalry with Turkey and adversarial relationship with Israel.

As Turkey and Iran are geopolitical rivals in the Arab world - a reality most highlighted by their opposing stakes in Syria - Iraqi Kurdistan factors into their rivalry. After the Western-imposed no-fly zone was implemented during the early 1990s, both Turkey and Iran were gravely alarmed by the prospects of an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Ankara and Tehran engaged each other cooperatively to secure their mutual interest in weakening militant Kurdish nationalists and protecting Iraq's territorial integrity. However, as the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) fought each other in the Iraqi Kurdish civil war (1994-1997), Turkey (the KDP's sponsor) and Iran (the PUK's sponsor) staked out their own respective spheres of influence in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Since Saddam Hussein's ouster in 2003, Ankara and Tehran have accepted the Iraqi Kurds' autonomy as a reality. Moreover, Turkey and Iran have come to perceive Barzani as a Middle Eastern partner. In recent years, Turkey, with its growing energy demands and lack of indigenous sources of energy, has become increasingly reliant on the KRG for oil imports. In mid-January, Ali Hussain Belu, the KRG Undersecretary of the Oil and Natural Gas Ministry, stated that each day the KRG exports 15,000 barrels of oil to Turkey, and certain analysts forecast the KRG to become Turkey's second largest trading partner in 2013. While Iran's military incursions into Iraqi Kurdistan have naturally created tensions with the local Kurdish population, Iran-KRG trade increased more than 25% during early 2012. As Iran seeks to counter the impact of international economic sanctions and Erbil pursues partners with leverage over Baghdad, the KRG and Iran's expanded political, commercial, and energy ties make sense from a geostrategic standpoint.

Despite the value that Iran places on Turkey as an important energy and commercial partner, Iran's leadership has lashed out at Turkey over the two countries' differences on Syria. In this context, Iran must view Turkey's heavy military presence in northern Iraq (2,000 troops and several dozen tanks) with the suspicion that Ankara's motives extend beyond targeting the PKK to containing Iran. Meanwhile, Iran's buildup in northern Iraq is unlikely to be welcomed by the ruling administration in Ankara, as evident by Interior Minister Naim Sahin's accusation that Iran is sponsoring the PKK in the Qandil Mountains - an allegation Tehran denies.

Clearly, Barzani is aware that threats to Turkish and Iranian security interests, posed by the PKK and PJAK, have prompted the two states to conduct military operations in the KRG. However, the Kurdish leader is surely also aware that Ankara and Tehran's establishment of a more permanent military presence in the KRG is driven by his neighbors' rivalry. Erbil must balance these two powers off one another to expand the KRG's energy ties and improve its strategic posture vis-a-vis Baghdad.

Israel and Iran have held influence in northern Iraq for decades. Perceiving a strong Iraq as a threat, the Israelis began sponsoring Kurdish militants in northern Iraq during the 1960s. By 1980, Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledged to the public that his government had sent weapons and military advisers into northern Iraq. And Iran allied with certain Kurdish factions during the Iran-Iraq war to further drain Saddam Hussein's war machine. Nonetheless, today the KRG has become a pawn in Israel and Iran's standoff.

"It's Realpolitik. By aligning with the Kurds Israel gains eyes and ears in Iran," observed a former Israeli intelligence officer. According to several sources, the Mossad operates in the KRG to launch covert operations inside Iran and acquire intelligence on Iran's nuclear program. "Israeli drones are said to be operating against Iran from bases inside the KRG," wrote Patrick Seale, a British expert on the Middle East. The London-based Sunday Times reported that, according to "Western intelligence sources," during early 2012 Israeli commandos and special forces members carried out missions in Iran that were launched from the KRG.

The Israeli commandos, dressed in Iranian military uniforms, entered Iran in modified Black Hawk helicopters and traveled to Parchin, the site of an Iranian military complex just 20 miles (32 kilometers) from Tehran, and Fordow, an Iranian military base with an underground uranium enrichment facility. The report claims that these forces utilized advanced technology to monitor radioactivity levels and record explosive tests carried out at the military facilities.

In February 2012, NBC reported that the Israeli secret service had "financed, trained, and armed" the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian dissident group that has been responsible for killing Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and has operated in northern Iraq for many years. Israel has also provided PJAK with "equipment and training" to carry out attacks against targets within Iran, according to a government consultant with ties to the Pentagon.

The military operations that Iran has waged in Iraq to strike blows against the MEK and PJAK highlight the extent to which Tehran perceives these two organizations as a grave security threat. As these groups collaborate with Israel to undermine Iran's capacity to acquire nuclear weapons capability, Iran will seek to strengthen its geostrategic posture inside Iraq.

Therefore, the Iranian military's establishment of bases inside the KRG is a strategic action intended to thwart Tehran's adversaries from cornering it. If Israel were to pre-emptively strike Iran's nuclear facilities, thus precipitating a grander Middle Eastern war, Barzani may find his act of balancing cordial ties with Israel and Iran incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

The dispersed Kurds, who constitute the modern world's largest stateless ethnic group, have sought to play off their larger neighbors' divisions to gain an upper hand against their respective host governments for many decades. The KRG recently achieved a major step toward independence after it signed a contract with Exxon Mobil to drill for oil in Kirkuk. Furthermore, plans to transport Kurdish non-renewable sources of energy to Turkey and international markets may come to fruition. An aide to Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, Sami Alaskary, warned that "if Exxon lays a finger on this territory … we will go to war for oil and for Iraqi sovereignty."

The KRG's alliances with Iran, Turkey, and Israel will be most valued if or when Iraq's two governments go to war with each other. If Barzani can maintain his cooperative ties with Tehran, Ankara, and Tel Aviv and effectively balance their hostilities and rivalries - while standing strong against Baghdad with the KRG's 200,000 well-trained Peshmerga fighters - there is reason to believe that amidst the Middle East's ongoing conflicts and turmoil, the Kurds of northern Iraq may come out on top with an independent state.

Giorgio Cafiero is an independent analyst and contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
It seems Iran is winning the most, it's friend with both Iraqi government and Kurdish autonomous region.
It seems Iran is winning the most, it's friend with both Iraqi government and Kurdish autonomous region.

I think so too...but the catch is to delay a Kurdish independence proclamation as long as possible until the central government in Baghdad is logistically prepared to respond to such eventuality...
I think so too...but the catch is to delay a Kurdish independence proclamation as long as possible until the central government in Baghdad is logistically prepared to respond to such eventuality...

It would be suicide for them if they form independent country.Such country will be isolated from all sides, Iran, Turkey and Iraq itself. They are enjoying good independence now under a federal government.There is no need for a separate country.

It would be suicide for them if they form independent country.Such country will be isolated from all sides, Iran, Turkey and Iraq itself. They are enjoying good independence now under a federal government.There is no need for a separate country.

They need to be friend at least with one of them. that's why The Turkish Government traveling there and trying so much to be friend with them.
overly friendly neighbours: iran’s influence in iraqi kurdistan

What plans do Iranian diplomats have for Iraqi Kurdistan? Recently there have been high level visits from both sides and locals say the Iranians, a major trading partner for the Kurdish, are meddling in politics there too.

After years of conflict between one of the major political parties in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan and its rebellious offshoot, the two groups finally met at a negotiating table in late September. And who was it that brought them together? Some say it was Iran.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Change movement fell out particularly badly in late 2009. Generally power in Iraqi Kurdistan is shared between the two major parties in the region - the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

But in 2006 one of the two founders of PUK - Nashirwan Mustafa - broke away to form another party, the Change party. This group demanded an end to corruption and nepotism among the current leaders and campaigned on an anti-corruption platform.

The relationship was never friendly again but after 2009 elections, when the Change Movement made inroads into the electorate in Iraqi Kurdistan, the head of the PUK, Jalal Talabani, described Mustafa as “destructive” as well as putting some of the blame for one of Iraqi Kurdistan’s most horrible events on him.

This year though, the relationship has been thawing. And at the end of September, Talabani and Mustafa met up. Some say that one of the prime influencers of this new friendliness is Iran.

The relationship between Tehran and Iraqi Kurdistan is mostly influenced by Iraqi Kurdistan’s relationship with the Iraqi federal government in Baghdad; Iran, a Shiite Muslim-led state, supports the ruling Shiite Muslim-led coalition headed by current Iraqi prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Although the Kurdish-Baghdad relationship can be troubled – particularly when it comes to disagreements over the oil industry – it has recently improved and some have said Soleimani’s visit is a further indicator of that.

Nathim al-Dabbagh, Iraqi Kurdistan’s representative in Iran, says that Iran has an excellent relationship with Iraqi Kurdistan. Al-Dabbagh works out of an office in Iraq that was opened in 2007 – even though that office was never officially approved of by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry. The office works operates as a joint office of the PUK and KDP. Meanwhile the Iranians have no such qualms, they have had two consulates in Iraqi Kurdistan – one in Erbil in the “yellow sector” and one in Sulaymaniyah in the “green sector”, since 2000.

This is despite the fact that law on political parties in Iraqi Kurdistan states that the parties themselves should not be developing relationships with other nations; this is the role assigned to Iraqi Kurdistan’s own Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In June 2012 Mustafa visited Iran and met with high ranking Iranian officials. It was his first visit there since the Change party was founded in 2006. Following Talabani’s return from Germany, where he had been for several months to have knee surgery, the pair met up and came to an agreement on several issues they had not been able to agree upon previously.

This included Talabani agreeing to a reassessment of the semi-autonomous region’s draft Constitution. It had previously been ratified by the Iraqi Kurdish Parliament but the Change party had wanted it resubmitted. In the past the PUK and Iraqi Kurdistan’s other major party, the KDP, had been opposed to this. But now Talabani, and the PUK, were willing to change their minds.

Local political analyst, Jirjis Gholizade, said the meeting between Talabani and Mustafa had come about partially due to Iran’s influence. “Iran wants the [Iraqi Kurdish region] stable because of pressure on its own nation,” Gholizade argued. “It’s not surprising that Iran would want these two parties to put their differences aside and agree.”

However the deputy head of the Iraqi Kurdish Ministry of Foreign affairs, Karwan Jamal, wasn’t so sure about that, explaining that Mustafa’s June visit to Iran was completely normal. “It’s only natural that he would visit Iran,” Jamal told NIQASH, “but he should respect the principles of international relations in this region and his visit should also serve the interests of this region.”

“Iran prefers Iraq to be ruled by a party which shares its own ideology,” Jamal continued. “They see the conflicts happening inside Iraq so they want to put pressure on to solve that.”

Jamal also made it clear that the Iraqi Kurdish government was united in its attitude toward any political conflicts in Iraq and that its external relationships were based on widely acceptable international standards of diplomacy and on mutual respect.

This is not the first time Iran has flexed its diplomat muscle in this area. Local observers say that Iran has had influence in the “green sector” of Iraqi Kurdistan for years now.

The “green sector” first emerged in the 1990s when the KDP and PUK fought one another in an Iraqi Kurdish civil war. This saw what is now Iraqi Kurdistan basically divided in two, with areas around Erbil and Dohuk under KDP control and the Sulaymaniyah area under the PUK’s control. Green (PUK) and yellow (KDP) were the colours of the two party’s separate flags.

Although the two parties now rule the state together, those geographic delineations still exist with the KDP and the PUK holding most authority in areas they traditionally oversaw.

And the “green sector” shares 400km worth of border with Iraq. The border crossing at Bashmagh is a major commercial point of entry between Iran and Iraq. According to PUK officials and officials in Tehran, the amount of trade that’s gone through here has added up to around US$4 billion.

Historically, when the PUK and KDP were fighting one another the two sides were supported by their neighbours. Iran supported the PUK and Turkey supported the KDP. Neither of those nations acknowledged this officially though.

“Because of this, Iran has been able to play an important role in Iraqi Kurdistan and to have a say in Iraq,” Gholizade believes. “There is no doubt that Iran and Turkey are major poles in any regional conflict.”

As proof, Gholizade gave the example of the split between Iraqi Kurdish politicians over the issue of the recent attempted removal of Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki from power. The KDP had been keen to withdraw confidence for al-Maliki, along with various other major parties in Iraq. Meanwhile the PUK had not been as enthusiastic, which Gholizade believes, indicates the Iranian influence on them.

Apart from the recent thawing in relations between the PUK and Change parties that has been partially attributed to Iranian influence, another sign of the growing détente between Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraq was the Sept. 25 visit of Qasim Soleimani, the commander of the Qods force, a special military unit of the Iranian army that often works beyond the Iranian borders; for instance, when the Kurdish were fighting former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, they helped the Kurdish side.

According to local and international news media, Soleimani’s visit was about persuading the Kurdish not to help Syrian rebels currently fighting that country’s leader, Bashar al-Assad. Although al-Assad comes from a relatively obscure sect of Shiite Muslim origin and his regime has been largely secular, Iran has increasingly seen the fight against him in sectarian terms: a Shiite Muslim versus Sunni Muslim battle - which, by all accounts from Syria, it is increasingly, confusingly, turning into.

Reports said that Soleimani had met with Nechirvan Barzani, the head of the KDP and current president of Iraqi Kurdistan and that he also met with Talabani and Mustafa, albeit not as publicly.

Meanwhile the Change party refused to comment on their relationship with Iran. However as Arez Abdullah, a leading member of the PUK pointed out, the growing popularity of the Change party obliges the two parties – the Change party and Iran – to have good relations.

“Iran is having problems with the West so it’s trying to maintain good relations with the Kurdistan Region,” Abdullah told NIQASH. “It doesn’t want to create another problematic front for itself. Iran has a right to have a close relationship with Iraqi Kurdistan.”

Niqash - politics - overly friendly neighbours: iran?s influence in iraqi kurdistan
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