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The deal to manufacture submarines on Egyptian soil is a giant step towards Greater Egypt, is in its final stages

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Preparations are underway for a major deal between Egypt and France that includes manufacturing submarines on Egyptian soil as a giant step towards Greater Egypt, which is in its final stages.

For most of the power-altering deals, the Egyptian manufacturing deal for the French submarine "Scorpene 2000", also met with strong opposition from Israel, which led to obstruction of the signature and made the agreement so far a first stage of assembly of the submarine instead of the revolutionary industrial localization of that submarine as the first country in the region to manufacture Subs.

The latest leaks say that the deal ranges from 12 to 14 submarines with special specifications for Egypt at a value ranging between 10 to 12 billion dollars, including equipping the base of July 3 with construction yards, equipment and machinery required to enter Egypt in the era of multiple specialized arsenals instead of the single Alexandria arsenal.

The leak also spoke of an increase in the size of the AIP submarine to accommodate the following:

1- 25 torpedoes

2- 20 Exocet anti-ship missiles, the latest version launched from the depths

3- An unspecified number of air defense missiles, as the first submarine aquired by the Egyptian fleet, to possess this formidable feature

4- An unspecified number of marine mines

5- Two autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV)

6- 30 Ultra Micro AUV, famous for their suicide anti-submarine warfare, with improved range and high speed

7- Two balloon-launched drone helicopters

8- 10 anti-torpedoes torpedoes

9- An anti-micro-anti-submarine system to protect the submarine from new threats in the depths.

France adheres to the assembly clause and Egypt adheres to the clause of technology transfer and manufacturing. China, Italy, and Germany are waiting for the final result of the negotiations with the French side to intervene and provide better deals than the French side, As Spain did a few days ago in the deal of manufacturing large surface ships with the Egyptian side by presenting a better offer than China, France, Germany. Italy and even Russia, as an attempt to win a deal to manufacture Egyptian surface ships with very special specifications for Egypt.



Preparations are underway for a major deal between Egypt and France that includes manufacturing submarines on Egyptian soil as a giant step towards Greater Egypt, which is in its final stages.

For most of the power-altering deals, the Egyptian manufacturing deal for the French submarine "Scorpene 2000", also met with strong opposition from Israel, which led to obstruction of the signature and made the agreement so far a first stage of assembly of the submarine instead of the revolutionary industrial localization of that submarine as the first country in the region to manufacture Subs.

The latest leaks say that the deal ranges from 12 to 14 submarines with special specifications for Egypt at a value ranging between 10 to 12 billion dollars, including equipping the base of July 3 with construction yards, equipment and machinery required to enter Egypt in the era of multiple specialized arsenals instead of the single Alexandria arsenal.

The leak also spoke of an increase in the size of the AIP submarine to accommodate the following:

1- 25 torpedoes

2- 20 Exocet anti-ship missiles, the latest version launched from the depths

3- An unspecified number of air defense missiles, as the first submarine aquired by the Egyptian fleet, to possess this formidable feature

4- An unspecified number of marine mines

5- Two autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV)

6- 30 Ultra Micro AUV, famous for their suicide anti-submarine warfare, with improved range and high speed

7- Two balloon-launched drone helicopters

8- 10 anti-torpedoes torpedoes

9- An anti-micro-anti-submarine system to protect the submarine from new threats in the depths.

France adheres to the assembly clause and Egypt adheres to the clause of technology transfer and manufacturing. China, Italy, and Germany are waiting for the final result of the negotiations with the French side to intervene and provide better deals than the French side, As Spain did a few days ago in the deal of manufacturing large surface ships with the Egyptian side by presenting a better offer than China, France, Germany. Italy and even Russia, as an attempt to win a deal to manufacture Egyptian surface ships with very special specifications for Egypt.


Seems a far too big deal to be true
Seems a far too big deal to be true
The number of submarines is surprising.. but taken over 10 to 15 years..it is possible.. What is known is that Egypt wants to build a powerful modern navy and transfer most of the the technology locally..
By reading the article again you can see what is involved in the deal.. so it needs to be big in order to have that kind of ToT and facilities.. read " including equipping the base of July 3 with construction yards, equipment and machinery required to enter Egypt in the era of multiple specialized arsenals instead of the single Alexandria arsenal."
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What is the difference between Indian scorpeans and this Egyptian scorpean 2000? Are they same in capacity or Egyptian scorpean 2000 version is more capable and advanced?
Maybe Egypt agree to give France a certain percentage of suez canal ownership? That is a money making machine canal.

Or the Saudis are bankrolling this, to create a strong Egypt; to keep the Turks out of the Southern Mediterranean and the Iranians out of the Red Sea. A fleet that could be used along the Libyan coast or off the coast of Yemen. Something I’m sure through back channel negotiations was certified as not being a threat to Israel, before it was allowed to be even signed. The Egyptians probably also did a through purge of their ranks of any Brotherhood supporters.
If only assembly it is not a good deal by seeing the contract is for 12-14 subs, just compare it to India that can manufacture scorpene in the country with minimal order
What is Greater Egypt? Does Egypt have irredentist claims on neighbouring states such as Libya and Sudan?

What is the difference between Indian scorpeans and this Egyptian scorpean 2000? Are they same in capacity or Egyptian scorpean 2000 version is more capable and advanced?
Too early to answer. Maybe or not with AIP. I don't think the Egyptian Navy needs more endurance subs than India.
Maybe Egypt agree to give France a certain percentage of suez canal ownership? That is a money making machine canal.
Sure not. They will pay in cash thanks to oil and gas found in mediterranean sea.
If only assembly it is not a good deal by seeing the contract is for 12-14 subs, just compare it to India that can manufacture scorpene in the country with minimal order
You really think french let Indian know all the know how of making a scorpene submariner?
If only assembly it is not a good deal by seeing the contract is for 12-14 subs, just compare it to India that can manufacture scorpene in the country with minimal order
See Brazil : only 4 subs and a new harbour. It's only a question of price, and if you want to keep the know how for a decent period of time.

See India : I just hope for India another batch of Scorpene, if not Mazagon will lose its skill and trained workers. (as usual in India...)
You really think french let Indian know all the know how of making a scorpene submariner?
Not all. For exemple the hatchs are always produced in France because so costly for a small quantity in India. The main electrical engine, the sonar also.
The sonar is as a radar in a fighter : you will be able to produce numerous components, even some critical and highly secretive ones, but never the whole package or the software.
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