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The Crisis in Kashmir | Head-to-Head Debate at The Oxford Union


Apr 17, 2009
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"The Crisis In Kashmir: Should Special Status Have Been Revoked?"

In August, Modi’s decision to revoke the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of the constitution, and to split the state, which is majority Muslim, into two Union territories sparked international outcry, and caused protests to erupt across the region.

Yet, while some have derided the move as unconstitutional, undemocratic, and irresponsible, many in India have defended the action, arguing that it strengthens the economy and security of the state, and that special status was only ever meant to be temporary. Was this action, then, simply a misunderstood step towards greater national unity and prosperity, or an alarming act of authoritarian over-reach?

SPEAKERS Proposition:

Baijayant Panda: The current national Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party. He previously served as a member of the Lok Sabha.

Opposition: Sitaram Yechury: Leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). He has represented West Bengal in the Rajya Sabha since 2005.

They should have invited any Pakistani or Kashmiri speaker for opposition since indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir is not India's personal matter or bap ki jageer.
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LOL Kashmir debate without Pakistani's or Kashmiri's , never go full retard lol
Nonsense debate. Cant discuss Kashmir without a single Kashmiri. Please give it a thumbs down everybody.
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