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The country with Muslims but no mosque

All these uprisings started after continuous propaganda by some western govts.

Syrian crises started as a result of many western govts creating isis. This is similar to Afghanistan crises when terrorists were trained to destroy ussr. Till now Pakistan is facing the heat as many refugees from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan flooded Pakistan. Not to mention terrorism Pakistan faced from 2007 to 2014 and still few incidents. At minimal Pakistan lost 123Billion $ and almost 90,000 lives. All for some western ungrateful govts who now miss no chance to accuse Pakistan. What did Pakistan got in return of help? Pakistan has learned it's lesson the hard way.

The refugees from Syria doesn't want to go to Eastern Europe but to the Western one, East is as poor as Middle East but it is in the way.

It is easier to blame Muslims, but do you blame those govts who destroyed their countries and created terrorists?

There is more killings because some western govts are creating troubles. When some fascists in the west doesn't like the govt, they try to create proxy groups who are supplied weapons and trained to fight govt forces. They later become terrorists once the objectives of destruction is acheived.


ISIS was created by Sunni extremists, which recruited all over the world,
with the majority of the recruit coming from Arab countries.
Maybe one third of the recruits came from MUSLIM communities in Europe.
ISIS declared themself to be the Caliphate in 2014, and the Syrian uprising started in 2011.
It is 100% a Muslim creation, even if most of the recruits are losers, drug addicts and criminals.

You are engaging in the typical whining approach of blaiming the West for all the misdeeds by Muslims. Each Muslim is responsible for his own deeds, noone else.

In Afghanistan, the US trained the Afghanis which fought the USSR.
After the war was won, the US left, a government was set up by the Mujahedin, but
quickly went south due to internal strife, with Gülbuddin Hekmyatar revolting against the government, besieging Kabul.
That became a stalemate, until the Taliban, armed and funded by PAKISTAN (according to Benazir Bhutto) overran the country. The Taliban proved to be uncontrollable, and invited Al Qaeda.
Pakistan and KSA warned the Taliban about this, but they did not listen.
Some former Mujahedin certainly joined the Taliban, but it is essentially a Pakistani creation turned raving monster. Many Pakistanis on PDF are certainly happy about every perceived success of the Talibans, and several has claimed that Pakistan has defeated NATO.
This has been discussed several times on PDF, so you can easily find the sources.
Basically Pakistan made their own bed, and is now forced to lie in it.

After 9/11, Bush forced Pakistan to do lip-service, fearing an attack by the US.
Pakistan certainly has to be dragged into any activity against the Taliban from the US point of view. Only when the Taliban started to attack also targets within Pakistan, real activities started.

The Syrian Uprising started because of the Arab Spring.
The Arabs are living in countries run by dictators.
Due to globalisation, Arabs are exposed to DEMOCRACY in media.
They can see for themselves how it works.
A significant part of the Arab world want the same. Are You blaiming them?

The Arab Spring succeeded in overthrowing the dictators in Tunisia, and in Egypt.
In Egypt they then elected Morsi, who totally failed to understand democracy.
He did not realize that a true democrat refuses to rule a country, unless he feels the popular support. After one year, the Egyptians had enough and got rid of him.
The endresult is not a big difference from the days of Mubarak.
The West including USA complained about how this was handled, after which relations between the US and Egypt went sour.

In Libya and Syria, the dictators started killing their citizens.
In Libya, NATO intervened due to pressure from the public.
The former dictator/rapist was killed by his own after capture.

Syria was considered a hopeless case from start. NATO did not intervene,
because Russia has vetoed all actions against Assad in the UNSC.
If NATO had wanted to overthrow Assad, you would have noticed.

KSA and Turkey tried and failed, but since they are Muslim,
you refuse to give them credit.
You can’t be muslim while supporting values of the infidels that doesn’t go with your religion and yes I know

Muslims don’t believe in western values yet they immigrate to west and take advantage of the same values that they hate

That must be your self created cult cuz I follow original Islam and it doesn't tell me not to follow American values. In short both are compatible for me. You have freedom to follow your cult.

ISIS was created by Sunni extremists, which recruited all over the world,
with the majority of the recruit coming from Arab countries.
Maybe one third of the recruits came from MUSLIM communities in Europe.
ISIS declared themself to be the Caliphate in 2014, and the Syrian uprising started in 2011.
It is 100% a Muslim creation, even if most of the recruits are losers, drug addicts and criminals.

You are engaging in the typical whining approach of blaiming the West for all the misdeeds by Muslims. Each Muslim is responsible for his own deeds, noone else.

In Afghanistan, the US trained the Afghanis which fought the USSR.
After the war was won, the US left, a government was set up by the Mujahedin, but
quickly went south due to internal strife, with Gülbuddin Hekmyatar revolting against the government, besieging Kabul.
That became a stalemate, until the Taliban, armed and funded by PAKISTAN (according to Benazir Bhutto) overran the country. The Taliban proved to be uncontrollable, and invited Al Qaeda.
Pakistan and KSA warned the Taliban about this, but they did not listen.
Some former Mujahedin certainly joined the Taliban, but it is essentially a Pakistani creation turned raving monster. Many Pakistanis on PDF are certainly happy about every perceived success of the Talibans, and several has claimed that Pakistan has defeated NATO.
This has been discussed several times on PDF, so you can easily find the sources.
Basically Pakistan made their own bed, and is now forced to lie in it.

After 9/11, Bush forced Pakistan to do lip-service, fearing an attack by the US.
Pakistan certainly has to be dragged into any activity against the Taliban from the US point of view. Only when the Taliban started to attack also targets within Pakistan, real activities started.

The Syrian Uprising started because of the Arab Spring.
The Arabs are living in countries run by dictators.
Due to globalisation, Arabs are exposed to DEMOCRACY in media.
They can see for themselves how it works.
A significant part of the Arab world want the same. Are You blaiming them?

The Arab Spring succeeded in overthrowing the dictators in Tunisia, and in Egypt.
In Egypt they then elected Morsi, who totally failed to understand democracy.
He did not realize that a true democrat refuses to rule a country, unless he feels the popular support. After one year, the Egyptians had enough and got rid of him.
The endresult is not a big difference from the days of Mubarak.
The West including USA complained about how this was handled, after which relations between the US and Egypt went sour.

In Libya and Syria, the dictators started killing their citizens.
In Libya, NATO intervened due to pressure from the public.
The former dictator/rapist was killed by his own after capture.

Syria was considered a hopeless case from start. NATO did not intervene,
because Russia has vetoed all actions against Assad in the UNSC.
If NATO had wanted to overthrow Assad, you would have noticed.

KSA and Turkey tried and failed, but since they are Muslim,
you refuse to give them credit.

Is that what you have learnt from propaganda news networks? Isi's was trained by no other than western govts, same case with some north African nations. In Syria isi's got more stronger because Asad govt didn't fell as calculated by western govts and instead the situation became more complicated because Iran and Russia got involved and then Turkeye and Israel.

In Afghanistan, western govts trained groups such as Hekmyatar etc and later these all groups came under one umbrella group of taliban. Learn proper history or kindly don't comment. The question is why did west trained these groups for western objectives? Afghanistan was a peaceful progressive country and western govts destroyed in atleast 8 centuries backward, same with Syria, Iraq, Libya. With Libya the Qaddafi army was weak and there was no Iran or Russia to check mate unlike Syria. Russia vetoed Syria action which is why western govts used proxy war.
You can’t be muslim while supporting values of the infidels that doesn’t go with your religion and yes I know

Muslims don’t believe in western values yet they immigrate to west and take advantage of the same values that they hate

Ever heard of Khizr Khan?
White part is there only to insert pole ?

Damn it @A.P. Richelieu . Ur cover is blown my fellow indian..
When Bangla Deshis and Chinese runs out of argument, they start to claim their opponents are Indian. All Bangla Deshis have Indian ancestry but pretend they have not.

As far as I know, my ancestors looked like this


around year 1700. Before that, I have no clue. Never been that that interested, but
someone traced the family back about 300 years and made a family tree.
The family tree was like soldier-farmer-soldier-farmer.

My mother grandmother married a German, that is the foreign influence I am aware of.

That must be your self created cult cuz I follow original Islam and it doesn't tell me not to follow American values. In short both are compatible for me. You have freedom to follow your cult.

Is that what you have learnt from propaganda news networks? Isi's was trained by no other than western govts, same case with some north African nations. In Syria isi's got more stronger because Asad govt didn't fell as calculated by western govts and instead the situation became more complicated because Iran and Russia got involved and then Turkeye and Israel.

In Afghanistan, western govts trained groups such as Hekmyatar etc and later these all groups came under one umbrella group of taliban. Learn proper history or kindly don't comment. The question is why did west trained these groups for western objectives? Afghanistan was a peaceful progressive country and western govts destroyed in atleast 8 centuries backward, same with Syria, Iraq, Libya. With Libya the Qaddafi army was weak and there was no Iran or Russia to check mate unlike Syria. Russia vetoed Syria action which is why western govts used proxy war.

Some people actually notice what happens.
ISIS was created from the group headed by al Zawahiri in Iraq after his demise.
It got recruits initially from the Iraqi Sunni population after the Shia started repressing Sunnis in Iraq.
A lot of the Baath party leaders and commanders from Saddams Iraqi Army joined
and organized it, and then Muslim recruits recruited worldwide.
A few years after the Syrian Civil War started, CIA actually started a training program that in the end produced 10-20 fighters, which quickly defected.

The major powers intervening in Syria were Iran supporting Assad, and KSA supporting Al Nusra.
The US only got to train significant numbers when they started fighting ISIS.

The US and Pakistan trained and equipped the Mujahedin in Afghanistan, which then split in two.
Hekmyatar vs what became known as the ”Northern Alliance” with Hekmyatars forces laying siege to Kabul. By that time, the US had left Afghanistan.

Both were defeated by the Taliban which was trained and equipped by Pakistan, but the Taliban could not take control over the the Northern Alliance home turf. As I have already mentioned, some Mujahedin joined the Taliban, once the Talibans was controlling most of Afghanistan.
The US had nothing to do with that.
ISIS was created by Sunni extremists, which recruited all over the world,
with the majority of the recruit coming from Arab countries.
Maybe one third of the recruits came from MUSLIM communities in Europe.
ISIS declared themself to be the Caliphate in 2014, and the Syrian uprising started in 2011.
It is 100% a Muslim creation, even if most of the recruits are losers, drug addicts and criminals.

You are engaging in the typical whining approach of blaiming the West for all the misdeeds by Muslims. Each Muslim is responsible for his own deeds, noone else.

In Afghanistan, the US trained the Afghanis which fought the USSR.
After the war was won, the US left, a government was set up by the Mujahedin, but
quickly went south due to internal strife, with Gülbuddin Hekmyatar revolting against the government, besieging Kabul.
That became a stalemate, until the Taliban, armed and funded by PAKISTAN (according to Benazir Bhutto) overran the country. The Taliban proved to be uncontrollable, and invited Al Qaeda.
Pakistan and KSA warned the Taliban about this, but they did not listen.
Some former Mujahedin certainly joined the Taliban, but it is essentially a Pakistani creation turned raving monster. Many Pakistanis on PDF are certainly happy about every perceived success of the Talibans, and several has claimed that Pakistan has defeated NATO.
This has been discussed several times on PDF, so you can easily find the sources.
Basically Pakistan made their own bed, and is now forced to lie in it.

After 9/11, Bush forced Pakistan to do lip-service, fearing an attack by the US.
Pakistan certainly has to be dragged into any activity against the Taliban from the US point of view. Only when the Taliban started to attack also targets within Pakistan, real activities started.

The Syrian Uprising started because of the Arab Spring.
The Arabs are living in countries run by dictators.
Due to globalisation, Arabs are exposed to DEMOCRACY in media.
They can see for themselves how it works.
A significant part of the Arab world want the same. Are You blaiming them?

The Arab Spring succeeded in overthrowing the dictators in Tunisia, and in Egypt.
In Egypt they then elected Morsi, who totally failed to understand democracy.
He did not realize that a true democrat refuses to rule a country, unless he feels the popular support. After one year, the Egyptians had enough and got rid of him.
The endresult is not a big difference from the days of Mubarak.
The West including USA complained about how this was handled, after which relations between the US and Egypt went sour.

In Libya and Syria, the dictators started killing their citizens.
In Libya, NATO intervened due to pressure from the public.
The former dictator/rapist was killed by his own after capture.

Syria was considered a hopeless case from start. NATO did not intervene,
because Russia has vetoed all actions against Assad in the UNSC.
If NATO had wanted to overthrow Assad, you would have noticed.

KSA and Turkey tried and failed, but since they are Muslim,
you refuse to give them credit.

It's well known that the United States exports billions of dollars' worth of arms and ammunition to its allies. What isn't as widely understood is that many of the guns it supplies to "partner forces" fighting wars in the Middle East - particularly to rebels in Syria - are Soviet-style munitions such as RPGs and Kalashnikovs which are obtained from manufacturers in Bulgaria, Serbia and other Eastern European countries.

There are many reasons for this, of which the most obvious are that fighters in the region have long been familiar with these types of weapons and would rather use them than anything else, and they are relatively easy to obtain. Another reason is that providing guns which can't easily be traced back to the US puts a politically convenient degree of separation between the US and those to whom the arms go - even when the supplies have been sanctioned at the highest level.

Nevertheless, the process still necessarily involves complicated procurement and supply routes, and a less than diligent application of the "rules" that are theoretically supposed to constrain the international sale and movement of guns into such a volatile environment - embargos, sanctions, "end-user" certification and so on.

It often requires officials to turn a blind eye to less than satisfactory paperwork, the use of private contractors to act as cut-outs and trainers, and middlemen and dead-of-night cargo flights to and from strange, out-of-the-way places.

Meanwhile, a host of other players, from Russia, to Turkey, to Saudi Arabia and Iran are all doing variants of the same thing: providing deadly weapons to their own proxies, which in the Syrian conflict alone has contributed to a death toll of around 500,000, the vast majority of whom are civilians.

It's also inevitable, in this murky world of shifting alliances and often hidden deals with irregular militias on an ever-fluctuating battleground, that some of these arms do not always end up where they were meant to.

At the end of last year, for example, the UK-based Conflict Armament Research found - after analysing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIL front lines between July 2014 and November 2017 - that as much as 90 percent of ISIL's vast arsenal of arms and ammunition had originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states - often as a consequence of US weapons transfers which had somehow fallen into the wrong hands.

The report concluded that by purchasing "large numbers" of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to non-state actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the US reportedly "violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters ... and recipients."

So how does this secretive but deadly trade function?

In a special two-part probe about America's guns, People and Power's Juliana Ruhfus and filmmaker Seamus Mirodan teamed up with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project to investigate US arms transfers overseas, and, subsequently, the consequences of lax rules governing the arms market closer to home.
It's well known that the United States exports billions of dollars' worth of arms and ammunition to its allies. What isn't as widely understood is that many of the guns it supplies to "partner forces" fighting wars in the Middle East - particularly to rebels in Syria - are Soviet-style munitions such as RPGs and Kalashnikovs which are obtained from manufacturers in Bulgaria, Serbia and other Eastern European countries.

There are many reasons for this, of which the most obvious are that fighters in the region have long been familiar with these types of weapons and would rather use them than anything else, and they are relatively easy to obtain. Another reason is that providing guns which can't easily be traced back to the US puts a politically convenient degree of separation between the US and those to whom the arms go - even when the supplies have been sanctioned at the highest level.

Nevertheless, the process still necessarily involves complicated procurement and supply routes, and a less than diligent application of the "rules" that are theoretically supposed to constrain the international sale and movement of guns into such a volatile environment - embargos, sanctions, "end-user" certification and so on.

It often requires officials to turn a blind eye to less than satisfactory paperwork, the use of private contractors to act as cut-outs and trainers, and middlemen and dead-of-night cargo flights to and from strange, out-of-the-way places.

Meanwhile, a host of other players, from Russia, to Turkey, to Saudi Arabia and Iran are all doing variants of the same thing: providing deadly weapons to their own proxies, which in the Syrian conflict alone has contributed to a death toll of around 500,000, the vast majority of whom are civilians.

It's also inevitable, in this murky world of shifting alliances and often hidden deals with irregular militias on an ever-fluctuating battleground, that some of these arms do not always end up where they were meant to.

At the end of last year, for example, the UK-based Conflict Armament Research found - after analysing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIL front lines between July 2014 and November 2017 - that as much as 90 percent of ISIL's vast arsenal of arms and ammunition had originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states - often as a consequence of US weapons transfers which had somehow fallen into the wrong hands.

The report concluded that by purchasing "large numbers" of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to non-state actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the US reportedly "violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters ... and recipients."

So how does this secretive but deadly trade function?

In a special two-part probe about America's guns, People and Power's Juliana Ruhfus and filmmaker Seamus Mirodan teamed up with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project to investigate US arms transfers overseas, and, subsequently, the consequences of lax rules governing the arms market closer to home.

Since many of the ISIS commanders are ex Saddam thugs, it is not surprising if ISIS has access to ex Iraqi Army equipment.

That is what the CAR report says, before You doctored that information away in the propaganda
piece you just produced.



The CAR report mentions 12 cases where US supplied equipment of Russian/Chinese origin has ended up in ISIS hands, and notes that they may have been captured or handed over by defectors. The CAR report does not say that the US supplied any equipment to ISIS directly.

Now tell us how many Shermans the US delivered to Wehrmacht during WW2...

All Bangla Deshis have Indian ancestry but pretend they have not.
Don't make silly statements. What the fck is Indian ancestry? India is a big place. Its like saying somebody has African ancestry. Which part of Africa? Berbers, Somalis, West Africans all look different.

Bangladeshis, most of us have Dravidian ancestry with some East Asian and Aryan influence here and there.

Common Bangladeshis



Dark as hell, blunt features. What is there to be ashamed of?

@American Pakistani You have more patience than I do for these bigots.

All the best.
Why is this "Swedish" guy so obsessed with Bangladeshi's ancestry?

@A.P. Richelieu are you that Swedish-wannabe Indian guy @Ocean was talking about? LMFAO

@Rusty get a load of this pathetic Indian pretending to be a Swede @A.P. Richelieu

Why is this "Swedish" guy so obsessed with Bangladeshi's ancestry?

Because he is an Indian. Only someone hiding his identity would post his hands’ picture to prove skin color.

Bangladeshis are a beautiful people. I have so many nice Bangladeshi friends, who I wouldn’t trade for anything.

One of the best people I ever met is a mufti from Bangladesh with so much iman and taqwa in his heart. Ma sha Allah.
That is what the CAR report says, before You doctored that information away in the propaganda piece you just produced.

You mean "Conflict Armament Research" BASED IN BRITAIN.

As The Washington Post reported in July, the Trump administration ended a secretive CIA operation to arm moderate(AL-NUSRA ALSO KNOWN AS AL-QAEDA AKA ISIS) Syrian rebels battling President Bashar al-Assad. Few details on what arms they received are known publicly, but researchers found numerous rockets in Iraq that appear to have been purchased by the United States and supplied to Syrian groups.


In one instance, PG-9 73mm rockets, sold by Romanian arms manufacturers to the U.S. Army in 2013 and 2014, were found sprinkled across both battlefields. Containers with matching lot numbers were found in eastern Syria and recovered from an Islamic State convoy in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, the report says.


ISIS stole U.S.-supplied rockets weeks after they arrived in Syria, report says:rofl::rofl::rofl: ONLY A fool OR as they say in french imbécile will believe that or call it a propaganda

In a statement to The Washington Post, Defense Department spokesman Eric Pahon did not dispute reports of U.S.-provided weapons recovered by ISIS militants.

On Dec. 12, 2015, Bulgaria exported antitank missile launcher tubes to the U.S. Army through an Indiana-based company called Kiesler Police Supply. Fifty-nine days later, Iraqi federal police captured the remains of one such weapon after a battle in Ramadi, Iraq, the report says. In another instance, a U.S.-backed rebel group in Syria was photographed using a launcher tube with an identical lot number, indicating it probably came from the same batch, the report says.

I am not but Islam says the one who fight under infidel flag against his own people and religion is kafir and munafiq

Who made you a Mufti? Where is your Ijazat from?

Actually, fiqh forbids us to make takfir or Nifaaq allegations of other Muslims.

Why worry about the other people, when we have to answer to Allah swt ourselves?

All Khizr Khan did was to quote US constitution to prove that Trump is a hypocrite and doesn’t believe in freedom of religion, which is one of America’s founding principles.
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