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The country that imposes the most restrictions on trade might surprise you and it isnt China


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
The country that imposes the most restrictions on trade might surprise you
  • Sep. 30, 2015, 9:03 AM
  • 1,693

  • There is one country that imposes more protectionist measures than any other.

    It isn't China, Mexico, or Japan. It is the US.

    That is according to a report from Credit Suisse on globalization. The bank pulled numbers from the Global Trade Alert to show which country has introduced the most protectionist measures. These are policies that restrict trade, often for the sake of helping out local and national businesses by holding back foreign competition.

    The report said:

    "The regional focus of trade has been accentuated by both tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade that selectively limit trade openness, either amongst countries or in specific commodity categories. Tariffs directly restrict the flow of goods and services by making them less price competitive and were more prevalent prior to the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) regime that began in 1995.

    "Tariff rates in Eurasia are the lowest, thanks to freer cross-border trade promoted by the European Union. The dawn of the millennium brought with it a preference for non-tariff barriers, as the WTO actively discouraged the levy of tariffs. Non-tariff barriers to trade have the ‘charm’ of not distorting price dynamics but restricting trade volumes through more qualitative routes.

    Although the number of countries imposing nontariff barriers declined during the period of 1990-2013 (peaked in 2005), the total number of nontariff barriers imposed on trade in fact rose significantly (Figures 18 and 19)—the USA leads here—making global trade not-so free after all."

I'm not surprised about that, this particular country is very famous of saying one thing and doing another. The only surprise I have is why many people still believe in that country.
Is that why USA is still China's biggest trade partner by far? :D
I suppose one has to consider the various domestic lobbying groups that enforce a more protectionist agenda. Case in point American Farm Lobby as well as American Oil Lobby group(s). Just to name a few examples.
This isn't really surprising considering that US is where most of the biggest companies are located.
And what is chinas gdp per capita? 9k vs 50k $? do you want poor people to stay poor?

Not that Washington’s power elite is alone its narrow focus on self interest at the expense of the globa recovery systems. In Brussels, EU bureaucrats are busy as ever trying to set themselves up as a rival counterweight to NAFTA’s open market with a host of special trade pacts specifically designed to keep developing nations from selling beyond their borders into the continent.
Well the American business is business, right now their main business is in finance and services sector. Even if they are easying all of the measures in this sector, i dont think they had a really though potential competitor.

Its always interesting to read about western analysts complaining about Japanese 'protectionism' in market when we are, in correlation to them, are more liberal in context to protectionist policies.

Quite annoying actually.
And what is chinas gdp per capita? 9k vs 50k $? do you want poor people to stay poor?

I want a somewhat fair trade deficit :agree:

for every $4.44 worth of Chinese goods we import...they are only importing $1.06 of our goods, for a trade imbalance of -$3.38

if we have the most trade restrictions it isn't working :wave:
I have needed a lot of stuff from US but many manufacturers just refuse to export citing headache of documents..you still need to run to Washinton for making any major export documentation...one of the reason why American manufacturing goes off shore...
Its always interesting to read about western analysts complaining about Japanese 'protectionism' in market when we are, in correlation to them, are more liberal in context to protectionist policies.

Quite annoying actually.
For years, americans have been complaining Japan doesn't allow America to export its cars to the market. In reality, the truth is probably most Japanese do not want to buy unreliable American cars.
not doing enough in my opinion.


for every $1 of goods we import from China...China should have to import $.50 cent worth of U.S goods.

the trade deficit should be capped 100% annually with China, if it goes over hit China with a tariff
If someone else is willing to do the same work with much less pay and live with lower living standard, trade deficit is inevitable. There is no point fighting with the inevitable. That is how the world has been working in the past thousands of years.

And what is chinas gdp per capita? 9k vs 50k $? do you want poor people to stay poor?
That is exactly the American wish. Sometime they have to bring wars to other parts of the world in order to realize it.
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